
On-site shooting/No matter how far the road is in the wind and snow, I have to go home for the New Year

author:Ad Channel

Walking on rugged mountain roads, braving the wind, snow, and cold, and traveling hundreds or thousands of kilometers home for the Chinese New Year, why don't they take a plane? Why don't they take a high-speed train? Why don't they drive a car home? Because the money they earn from part-time jobs has to support their families, send their children to school, and treat the elderly. So I had to suffer to drive a motorcycle, take my wife and children with me, risk my life, save a few dollars, and go home for the New Year. This is the life of the people at the bottom.

On-site shooting/No matter how far the road is in the wind and snow, I have to go home for the New Year
On-site shooting/No matter how far the road is in the wind and snow, I have to go home for the New Year
On-site shooting/No matter how far the road is in the wind and snow, I have to go home for the New Year