
Why is there a difference of one day between the small year in the north and the south?

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Yi Xinchen

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Due to the vast territory of China, there are differences between the north and the south in terms of climate, food, culture, etc., so different folk customs and traditions have been formed. On the eve of the Spring Festival, there are two important traditional festivals in China, namely the Xiao Nian in the north and the Xiao Nian in the south. The timing of these two festivals is not the same, the northern year is on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, while the southern year is on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month. So why is there a difference of one day between the small years in the north and the south?

Why is there a difference of one day between the small year in the north and the south?

First, we need to understand the origin and meaning of the little year. Xiao Nian is a traditional Chinese sacrificial stove festival, which is a festival to worship the king of the stove. The Lord of the Stove is a folk deity who is believed to be in charge of the affairs of the family stove and kitchen. On this day, people pray to the Lord of the Stove for good luck and a good harvest in the coming year, and at the same time, they will also prepare offerings and see them off. This custom has a history of thousands of years in China and is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.

So why is there a one-day difference between the northern and southern mini-years? This is mainly related to the climate and cultural differences in China. In Chinese history, different regions have had different cultures and climates, which have led to different festival customs and timings.

Why is there a difference of one day between the small year in the north and the south?

In the north, the climate is cold and dry, with long and harsh winters, and people need to prepare for winter in advance. Therefore, the small year in the north is set on the 23rd day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, which is the beginning of the winter season of the lunar calendar, and it is also the time when people begin to heat and prepare for winter. In the south, the climate is warm and humid, with relatively short and mild winters, and people have relatively little preparation for winter. Therefore, the small year in the south is set on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the 40th day before the Lunar New Year, and it is also the time when people are busy buying New Year's goods, cleaning houses and other preparations before the Chinese New Year.

In addition to the differences in climate and season, historical and cultural backgrounds are also one of the important reasons for the difference in the time of year between the north and the south. Historically, the northern region has been a political, economic, and cultural center, while the southern region has been relatively backward. The northern custom of Xiaonian has a longer history, and has been widely inherited and developed in the court and among the people. In contrast, the small year customs in the south emerged relatively late, and have been historically influenced by some regional and foreign cultures, so they are different from the north.

Why is there a difference of one day between the small year in the north and the south?

In addition, it is worth mentioning that there are some other folk customs and festivals related to regional and ethnic differences in traditional Chinese culture. For example, the Tibetan Xuedun Festival, the Dai Songkran Festival, etc. These festivals and customs all reflect the cultural characteristics and historical traditions of different regions and ethnic groups in China. It is precisely because of these cultural and historical differences that China's traditional culture is more colorful, broad and profound.

In conclusion, the reason for the difference of one day between the northern and southern mini-years is mainly related to factors such as climate, season, history, and cultural background. This difference reflects the cultural characteristics and historical traditions of different regions and ethnic groups in China, and also makes China's traditional culture more colorful and profound. Today, with the rapid development of China's economy and the strengthening of cultural exchanges, the cultures and customs of the North and the South are gradually merging and influencing each other. We believe that with the passage of time and the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, the cultures and customs of the north and the south will be more closely linked to jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese culture.

Why is there a difference of one day between the small year in the north and the south?
