
Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

author:Almighty hot mom plus

Author |Inspector (1334 words in total, about 4 minutes to read)

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and every household begins to prepare for the New Year;

In addition to buying couplets and window flowers, some people will buy some meat, fish, shrimp, etc. in advance and stock them up, freeze them in the refrigerator, and use them directly when cooking Chinese New Year's Eve dinner.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

Not only during the Chinese New Year, many people like to stock up on meat in the refrigerator, but also many people have the habit of stockpiling things;

A netizen said that the refrigerator at home has been stuffed by his mother.

According to Mr. Wang, my mother usually buys some fresh food to freeze in the refrigerator, including all kinds of meat. Over time, the refrigerator at home is full of frozen meat, and some have even been sitting for almost 2 years.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

After seeing such a refrigerator, netizens said:

"It's exactly the same as my refrigerator! As soon as I threw away my front foot, my mom would continue to buy it and stock it up!"

"My dad likes to stock up on meat, and he can't finish it and keeps buying and buying. ”

"Once, we ate frozen meat that my mother had stored for half a year, and the whole family had diarrhea, and the taste was truly unforgettable. ”

"Every six months, I clean the refrigerator, and for the sake of health, even the most expensive food has to be thrown away!"

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

I believe that many families will have such refrigerators, and frozen meat is very common for many families.

Sometimes taking advantage of the cheapness, many people will buy more meat and freeze it in the refrigerator, so that they don't need to buy it again during the New Year's holidays, and some can even freeze it for two or three years.

Although frozen meat is very convenient, many people don't know that frozen meat can be dangerous to their health!

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

Many experts also give their own advice on frozen meat:

Freeze the meat in the refrigerator and eat it within 3 months.

If the meat has been frozen for more than 6 months, it is recommended not to eat it again.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

The shorter the frozen meat is preserved, the better, and once left for too long, it will appear:

1. A large loss of vitamins and nutrients;

The fat and protein of frozen meat can deteriorate due to prolonged freezing, which affects the quality and safety of the meat.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

2. The taste becomes hard, the meat becomes woody, and it is no longer fresh.

Frozen meat freezes and spoils during a long period of freezing.

Freezing deterioration refers to the fact that during the long-term freezing process, the moisture in the meat will crystallize to form ice crystals, which will change the cell structure and protein in the meat, resulting in dryness, discoloration and loss of taste.

3. Increased number of bacteria.

Meat that has been frozen for a long time may have problems with bacterial growth and oxidation.

The refrigerator is not as completely clean as many people think, and there will be some antifreeze bacteria in it.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

For example, there is a "listeria monocytogenes" that is very "cold tolerant".

It is a "psychrophilic fungus";

It can survive in the fresh-keeping room at 4 °C or in the freezer at -18 °C for about 1 year;

So it is also known as the "refrigerator killer".

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

Listeria monocytogenes is prone to diarrhea, headache, fever, vomiting and other symptoms, especially in children with low resistance, the symptoms will be more obvious.

Although Listeria monocytogenes can be destroyed at a high temperature of 80°C for 2 minutes;

However, we usually store food that can be eaten directly such as sorbet or durian in the freezer.

Therefore, it still poses a certain threat to our security.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

In addition to frozen meat, what other meats are not recommended for children?

★ Processed meat products such as sausages, luncheon meats, hams, etc.

These processed meat products usually contain higher levels of additives, preservatives and seasonings;

Moreover, it is easy to be contaminated during the production process, so it is not suitable for children to eat for a long time.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

★ Smoked meats such as bacon, cured meats, cured fish, etc.

These meats are usually high in salt and nitrite, which can pose a health threat to children when consumed for a long time.

★ Meat ingredients that are too oily and fatty,

For example, the fat part of pork, the fat of beef, etc., long-term excessive consumption will also affect the health of children.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

Therefore, when preparing meat ingredients for children, parents need to pay attention to choosing fresh and healthy meat;

Avoid giving unhealthy meat to your child, which can cause health problems.

Attention! Don't let the baby eat this meat during the New Year! No nutrition and bacteria, no matter how expensive it is, you have to throw it away!

Hot Mom Quotes:

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and we need to pay special attention when selecting and preparing meat ingredients;

Try not to eat stale food that has been frozen for too long, and provide fresh and healthy food to children to protect the health and safety of us and our children.

Parents, do you have long-term frozen meat in your house?

(Picture from the Internet)