
The most embarrassing thing in life is that I overestimate my position in the hearts of others

author:Chubby love

No matter what happens, say "it doesn't matter" to yourself. Because a positive and optimistic attitude is the first step to solving and overcoming any problem. Heaven is fair to people, and when it closes a door, it will surely open a window. The feelings that are flat all the way have no intersection, only parallel. Life is a flat boat, drifting involuntarily in the river of time. She believes in your dreams when you are destitute, so don't break them when you are prosperous.

In fact, life needs very little, a glass of water, a bowl of rice, and a sentence I love you. But this glass of water, he hopes that the person who loves him will bring it to him, that bowl of rice he hopes is made for him by the person who loves him, and that sentence I love you, he hopes that the person who loves him said to him personally.

The most embarrassing thing in life is that I overestimate my position in the hearts of others

Quarrel is a human game. However, it is also a strange game, and no one side has ever won. If a person goes and pours a money bag into his head, no one can steal it. Investing in knowledge is often the most profitable. When you feel deceived, perfunctory, and helpless, learn to smile indifferently, and what should come will always come! Look down on the gains and losses, if you are serious, you will lose! Tell yourself that the most embarrassing thing in life is to overestimate your position in the hearts of others!

The ideal is the bumpy road that we step out step by step, and we can pay sweat and tears in exchange for a flesh-and-blood life. To grow up is to accept an imperfect self and an undesirable self, as well as the imperfections and undesirable of the world.

The most embarrassing thing in life is that I overestimate my position in the hearts of others

Don't be afraid of sleek people saying you're not mature enough, don't care about smart people saying you're not wise enough, don't accept the life recommended to you by others as it is, choose to stick to it, choose your ideals, choose to listen to your inner call, in order to have the fullest life.

You will always be just a child in front of those who love you, and you will always be a man in front of people who don't love you. You said that you want to toast the past with a glass of wine, and no matter how much you love, you will never look back, in fact, even if you are drunk until dusk and are alone, if that person stretches out his hand, you will still go with him.

The most embarrassing thing in life is that I overestimate my position in the hearts of others

Defeating oneself is the saddest defeat, and defeating oneself is the most precious victory. The curtain on the stage of life may open at any time, the key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to hide. People who applaud others are also cheering for their own lives. Prayer with deeds is better for God to understand than with words. Successful people learn from others, and those who fail only learn from themselves. A lot of predestined fate, that's "fate", but you can decide how to face it, that's "luck"!

Don't ask what others have done for you, but what you have done for others. Success is not something that comes in the future, but a continuous accumulation from the moment you decide to do it. Your love in one day may bring a lifetime of gratitude from others. The mountains do not give up the soil, so they can become their heights, and the sea does not give up the water, so they can become their depths!

The most embarrassing thing in life is that I overestimate my position in the hearts of others

Every successful person has a beginning. Only by having the courage to start can you find your way to success. Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time. The reason why people have one mouth and two ears is because they hear twice as much as they speak. Don't think about creating a sea, you have to start with a small river. Where there is a will, there is a way; if the cauldron is broken, the one hundred and two Qin passes will eventually return to Chu; the hard-working people will not bear the sky; if they are lying on their salaries and taste the gall, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu.

Your face is meant to represent God's most precious gift to humanity—a smile—and it must be the greatest asset of your work. Those who touch people with sincerity will also respond with sincerity. There are no rewards for hard work, all rewards are only for the results of work. Even an immature attempt is better than a stillborn strategy. Positive people see an opportunity in every sorrow, while negative people see some kind of sorrow in every opportunity.

The most embarrassing thing in life is that I overestimate my position in the hearts of others

I am chubby, grateful for life, share happiness!Answer every question seriously, make every friend with heart, thank you for reading, please forward and like if you agree, Thank you for paying attention to the headlines: Chubby love!

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