
State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company: Write Spring Festival couplets to send blessings, traditional culture to welcome the New Year

author:Henan Business Daily Xinyang News

Top News, Henan Business Daily reporter Xiao Fengwei, trainee reporter Zhu He, correspondent Zhang Zhiyong, Xue Mengyuan, Duan Zhaojian

On January 31, the Youth League Committee of State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company held the Spring Festival couplet writing activity of "Wonderful Brush Painting Vision Danqing New Year" to offer the most sincere New Year blessings to customers and employees of the company on the occasion of the New Year.

State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company: Write Spring Festival couplets to send blessings, traditional culture to welcome the New Year

In order to promote traditional Chinese culture and make the New Year more "New Year", the company invited Yan Mingyong, a member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, vice chairman of the Municipal Calligraphy Association, and chairman of the County Calligraphy Association, to work together to create a calligraphy feast with the fragrance of Han ink and the color of Danqing.

Yan Mingyong's calligraphy class kicked off the event. Under Mr. Yan's vivid and interesting explanation, everyone learned how to open and hold a pen, as well as the writing of basic strokes. Teacher Yan waved on the spot and created a pair of Spring Festival couplets: work hard to take on the mission, move forward bravely and resolutely towards the light - walk towards the light. It attracted applause from the audience.

State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company: Write Spring Festival couplets to send blessings, traditional culture to welcome the New Year

The red paper is sprinkled with gold, the ink is fragrant, the calligraphers splash ink, and a pair of Spring Festival couplets full of wishes come into view. Everyone has already integrated into this cheerful atmosphere, and sent the festive Spring Festival couplets to the hands of the employees, cleaning aunts, and doormen one by one, and extended their most sincere greetings. Holding the Spring Festival couplets with a faint fragrance of ink, everyone's faces were filled with joy and praise: "The Spring Festival couplets handwritten by the master feel different, full of New Year's flavor!"

State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company: Write Spring Festival couplets to send blessings, traditional culture to welcome the New Year

With the encouragement of several calligraphers, everyone also joined the writing team to create their own meaningful calligraphy works, and the event was filled with laughter and excitement.

"Our power supply company is really attentive, and now we don't even need to buy couplets, I can feel that the power supply company really cares about the people." On high-quality service, we have to count the State Grid!" The customer happily took the Spring Festival couplets and praised them repeatedly.

State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company: Write Spring Festival couplets to send blessings, traditional culture to welcome the New Year

The cold wind outside the house is cold, and the red banner spreads out in the Chengguan business hall of the State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company, and a variety of book styles show their charm. The staff was busy hanging the written Spring Festival couplets and blessing characters aside and waiting for the ink to dry for customers to choose. The company's leaders led the team and took the initiative to send Spring Festival couplets to customers for New Year's greetings, and the customers were so happy that they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company: Write Spring Festival couplets to send blessings, traditional culture to welcome the New Year

The handwritten Spring Festival couplets are the long-lasting fragrance of the year on the nib, and they are the treasures that have been inherited for thousands of years in folk customs. A total of more than 500 groups of Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu" were given out in this event. State Grid Huaibin County Power Supply Company sent the blessings of the Year of the Dragon to everyone in the most simple way, so that the employees could feel the company's care and build a bridge with customers.

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