
Internal friction is the biggest obstacle to high-quality development, which stems from the struggle caused by different value orientations

author:Senior creator Chen Tianzu

Internal friction is becoming more and more of a big problem. We must be wary of this internal friction, many times, things are difficult not because of external influences, but because of internal friction.

In today's emphasis on high-quality development, the degree of solving internal friction determines the quality and efficiency of high-quality development to a certain extent.

"The incompetence of the generals and the exhaustion of the three armies" is a typical problem of internal friction. Although some localities, units, and departments have good opportunities and good policies, they are not unwilling to work hard for development, but they have always been like a dou who cannot be supported, and in the end they have missed a good opportunity for development. Why? In my opinion, many times it is caused by the internal friction of "the incompetence of the generals and the exhaustion of the three armies."

Internal friction is the biggest obstacle to high-quality development, which stems from the struggle caused by different value orientations

At present, when we emphasize that "professionals do professional things", there are still "laymen guiding insiders". Laymen guide professionals, which will also form internal friction, which is not conducive to the development of the industry.

We have stressed on many occasions that we must keep power in the cage of the system, but in the subconscious minds of some leading cadres, there is always a danger of treating power as ability, and the phenomenon of "having power to be capricious" has invisibly appeared. This will also cause internal friction, which is not conducive to career development.

"If you go outside, you must first settle inside". At present, the world is facing major changes unseen in a century, and we are "cultivating opportunities in the crisis and opening a new situation in the midst of changes", and actively build a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles reinforcing each other. Only by solving internal problems, thinking in one place, and working hard in one place, can we give full play to the institutional advantages of concentrating on major things, build a new pattern of high-quality development, and promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation to be stable and far-reaching.

Solving the problem of internal friction is the primary consideration of Anne. I think we should highlight a key point in this problem of internal friction and hold the bull's nose. One of the key points is to "vigorously rectify refined egoism", and to hold the bull's nose is to "strengthen the mainstream values of socialism".

First, it is necessary to vigorously rectify refined egoism and further build a strong ideological embankment.

At present, there is a phenomenon that needs to be guarded against: refined individual egoists. In particular, the refined egoists hidden in the ranks of party members and leading cadres are high and powerful, belong to the "key minority", and have very destructive power. The behavior of the refined egoists hidden in the ranks of party members and leading cadres can be described as a kind of corrupt behavior.

Refined egoists do not come out of public intentions, but out of selfish intentions, and harbor evil intentions, which is completely contrary to the sense of purpose of serving the people. As China's ruling party, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has served the people wholeheartedly, always adhered to the principle of building the party for the public and governing for the people, building the party with ideology, building a strong ideological embankment, building consensus through ideology, and gathering spiritual strength, so as to establish a broad united front and form the broadest support, thus gathering majestic power and winning victory after victory. Ideological party building has formed a powerful spiritual force, and this is the magic weapon with which our party can win.

Internal friction is the biggest obstacle to high-quality development, which stems from the struggle caused by different value orientations

Therefore, it is absolutely not permissible for refined egoists to emerge in the party, leading to "a grain of rat poop spoiling a pot of porridge" and sabotaging and affecting our cause. It is necessary to vigorously crack down on refined egoists and refined egoistic ideologies and behaviors in the ranks of party members and cadres. This is also a key and difficult issue in the anti-corruption struggle.

To win the battle against corruption, we must carry forward the spirit of struggle, dare to struggle, and be good at fighting. Refined egoists have high intelligence and high emotional intelligence, and corruption is deeply hidden, even in high power. At this time, it is very necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle. This is the key to determining the effectiveness of the anti-corruption struggle and whether or not we can achieve a tough and protracted battle in the anti-corruption struggle.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen the mainstream values of socialism and form a socialist civilization with Chinese characteristics.

It is undeniable that with the improvement of our material and spiritual lives, people's value orientations are diversified, allowing for different value pursuits. But there must be a premise, and this premise is the socialist system and the mainstream of values established on its basis. Without this theme and positive energy, our pluralistic value orientation will become a "nest of bears", leading to problems in the whole society. At present, our values are pluralistic, and under the vision of reform and opening up, we are more influenced by Western civilization, which is the mainstream of values based on the capitalist system, which reflects the influence of this economic base on the social law of the superstructure. The social system is different, and it is always problematic to copy and paste the capitalist system and the ideology of civilization on which it is built for our own use. Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that the mainstream values of our socialism have not been timely and demonstrated.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has drawn a grand blueprint for us to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, which is the road to strengthening the country, and we must establish and build high-quality development with Chinese characteristics and take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To this end, we have put forward the requirement of persistently integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's fine traditional culture. On the basis of emphasizing the integration of the basic tenets of Marxism with China's realities in the past, the integration of the basic tenets of Marxism with China's fine traditional culture was put forward for the first time.

Internal friction is the biggest obstacle to high-quality development, which stems from the struggle caused by different value orientations

Taking me as the main and using it for me is the guarantee of a strong country.

To build a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the mainstay and the domestic and international cycles reinforcing each other, the fundamental consideration is to make full use of the advantages of the mainland's super-large-scale market and complete industrial system, avoid resources and markets being outside, and firmly grasp the initiative in development.

Then, standing at a new and higher historical starting point, we put forward Chinese-style modernization and emphasize the "two combinations", which is also out of self-centered considerations. Comprehensively promoting national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization is taking the road of strengthening the country. From the perspective of peaceful rise, the road to a strong country reflects and embodies the manifestation of strength from within and outside.

Grasping both material civilization and spiritual civilization with both hands is the fundamental law for us to do our work well and is also the fundamental method for development. The common prosperity we emphasize not only refers to material prosperity, but also emphasizes spiritual prosperity, which reflects a better life.

Promoting the "two combinations" of Chinese-style modernization has fully considered and taken into account the high-quality development of material civilization and spiritual civilization. Chinese modernization embodies that the road is not lonely, and it is based on the steady and far-reaching progress of Chinese civilization.

To move towards the second centenary goal, promote China to become stronger, and take the path of Chinese-style modernization, the tasks are arduous, the pressure is huge, and there are many challenges. Why? We know that the "two imperatives" were put forward on the occasion of the founding of New China, which means "entering Beijing to rush for the examination." The proposal of the "three musts" is faced with the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century, and it reflects a more arduous and arduous task than the "two musts" and "rushing to Beijing to take the examination", and it is the "road to the examination" to compete for the world and stand tall in the world.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of mainstream socialist values, promote the integration of the basic tenets of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote the inheritance and development of culture, form the guidance of socialist civilization with Chinese characteristics, gather broad consensus, and gather majestic forces.

Internal friction is the biggest obstacle to high-quality development, which stems from the struggle caused by different value orientations

I am Chen Tianzu, the second uncle of Beibu Gulf, a senior creator, with more than 30 years of creative experience.

Chen Tianzu, male, Han nationality, born in October 1978, from Lingshan, Guangxi, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a senior creator, an independent media person, an economist, and a literary and artistic worker. In recent years, he has focused on research in the field of regional economic and social development, and has published more than 1,000 original articles with more than 4 million words in WeChat public account, Baijia account, Toutiao account and other self-media.

Mo Shang is full of flowers in spring, keeping up with the times to create; Lingshan is beautiful and water-like, and has a family and national construction pattern in mind; the wind and water rise from the Beibu Gulf, and the second uncle says that things have temperature; and he carries the Chinese style with his writings, and strives for modernization. Creation provides value, welcome to cooperate!