
How much can change before and after a blind date?

author:Such as flowers
How much can change before and after a blind date?

The other party's family has assets of more than 100 million, and the other party's parents also like me. The girl weighed 200 pounds, and my dad persuaded me for several days, and I finally decided to block my dad.

How much can change before and after a blind date?
How much can change before and after a blind date?

Before the blind date: My sister is going to fly the branches to make a phoenix

After the blind date: Don't become a phoenix, even if you become a red bird, you can't suppress this bowl of rice.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

I really didn't expect that the rich and the rich can't be lewd, and the poor can't be moved.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

It's useless to introduce several.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

Head than foot in the door.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

I cried after I came home on a blind date, thinking that I would be done marrying him in this life, and I would not be happy again.

How much can change before and after a blind date?
How much can change before and after a blind date?

I have seen all the crooked melons and cracked dates within a radius of 100 miles.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

To be honest, I used to look down on it, but now I admire it.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

Front: That's pretty much it

After: Appearance Association?

How much can change before and after a blind date?

The aura can be, such as a spring breeze, and after contact, I found that my heart was black, so it was better to stay away.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

It's not easy, and it's blacked out after a meal.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

Sometimes when I meet, I feel sad and not worth it and don't want the rest of my life just by thinking about spending the rest of my life with such a person in the future.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

At that moment, emotions triumphed over money.

How much can change before and after a blind date?
How much can change before and after a blind date?

I was depressed for three days after seeing it.

How much can change before and after a blind date?

I can't afford to eat it.

How much can change before and after a blind date?