
When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

author:Two stupid things
When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

Today is Friday, February 2, the 23rd day of the lunar month.

When I woke up, there were three exciting pieces of good news coming from China recently. Hurry up and sort it out and share it with everyone. The media of many Western countries, including the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, etc., all lamented that the oriental dragon is awakening, and they were surprised to find that whether it is in the breakthrough of high-end cutting-edge science and technology or in aerospace, automobile manufacturing, heavy industry, mineral resources and other fields, the hegemony of the United States has long existed in name only, and China has been far ahead!

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

1: The development of the 03 batch of meteorological satellites of the Continental Fengyun-4 was launched.

According to authoritative media reports, on January 31, the Fengyun-4 03 batch of meteorological satellite development kick-off meeting was held in Shanghai, marking the official launch of the Fengyun-4 03 batch of meteorological satellite development.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

It is understood that the 03 batch of Fengyun-4, including three satellites of D, E and F, will further play an important role in short-term nowcasting forecasting, numerical weather forecasting, weather modification and other application fields on the basis of batch 02, and further improve the observation accuracy and quantitative application level.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

In recent years, with the change of the earth's climate, the importance of meteorological satellites has become increasingly prominent. If you pay attention to the major events that are happening in the world, you can know that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have occurred in recent years. Heavy blizzards, floods, these natural disasters. All of them happened relatively frequently, and each occurrence brought endless disasters to mankind, causing a large number of casualties. Only by developing science and technology, meteorological satellites, and remote sensing technology can we prevent problems before they occur. Meteorological satellites and weather radars are both applications of remote sensing technology, the former obtains various information on the earth's surface through satellite observations, such as clouds, atmosphere, topography, etc., while meteorological radar tracks and scans the weather system by actively emitting electromagnetic waves. The two complement each other, and the application of these technologies will make us make outstanding contributions to weather forecasting and disaster prevention and mitigation.

In today's scientific and technological society, satellite technology will be an important field of scientific and technological development in every country. Because the importance of satellites in human society is self-evident. Satellites can be used in communications, weather forecasting, navigation and other fields, now satellites in the information age is indispensable, especially in the current global economic integration environment, the launch of satellites to obtain information advantage is increasingly important, so the development and use of satellites for a country's modernization level and economic strength has an important impact.

2. New Momentum Continues to Grow Steadily The factors for the mainland's economic stabilization have increased

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

In 2023, the total value of China's imports and exports will reach 41.76 trillion yuan, with steady growth and excellent development quality, demonstrating the strong resilience and comprehensive competitiveness of China's foreign trade. Against the backdrop of a sluggish global trade environment, China's foreign trade has bucked the trend and achieved the goal of promoting stability and improving quality. This is thanks to the efforts and development of the majority of foreign trade business entities, they face difficulties, forge ahead, actively expand the market, grasp orders, and constantly open up new space for development.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

The comprehensive competitive advantage of China's foreign trade is still prominent, and we have the confidence, ability, conditions and confidence to promote the continued development of foreign trade this year. Looking ahead, the international market demand is still sluggish, but the new momentum of China's foreign trade is gathering at an accelerated pace, and the favorable conditions for the development of foreign trade outweigh the unfavorable factors. With the continuous advancement of various policies and measures, China's foreign trade will usher in a broader space for development.

3. China's foreign trade "circle of friends" continues to expand, and 22 free trade agreements have been signed with 29 countries and regions.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

As we all know, only when the country is strong will the people be happy. In recent years, the development of the mainland's foreign trade has embarked on a fast track.

Recently, the media has reported that China's free trade "circle of friends" continues to expand. In 2023, the mainland has set a new historical record in the negotiation and signing of free trade agreements, with 4 new agreements signed, signed free trade agreements with Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Serbia, signed a protocol with Singapore to further upgrade the free trade agreement, and we have also substantially completed the early harvest negotiations on the free trade agreement with Honduras. At present, 22 free trade agreements have been signed with 29 countries and regions, accounting for about one-third of China's total foreign trade.

With the "new three" of foreign trade in 2023: the export of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells will exceed 1 trillion yuan for the first time, and the export of ships and household appliances will also grow rapidly, and the mainland's foreign trade will show strong resilience.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

So far, the mainland has been the world's largest exporter of intermediate goods for 12 consecutive years, and the total retail sales of social consumption will reach a new high in 2023, reaching 471495 billion yuan.

In recent years, more and more outstanding science and technology enterprises have emerged, and made in China is increasingly moving towards China's intelligent manufacturing, and more high-end, intelligent products have entered the market and entered thousands of households.

Write to the end

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

Seeing such significant progress on the mainland also shows that China is developing rapidly, and after the epidemic, China is prospering. Whether in the field of new energy or in the field of high technology, China is moving towards a higher level and a higher level.

Only when a country is strong and prosperous can we become more prosperous and reach the leading level, and the country's strength and prosperity depend on the accumulation of bit by bit, and on the rejuvenation of the country through science and education, and by the rejuvenation of the country by talents; only by educating more outstanding talents and allowing outstanding talents to receive a good education can we make new breakthroughs in the field of heavy industry in the field of high technology, break the technological blockade of Europe and the United States, and raise the scientific and technological level of the mainland to a higher level.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

China will definitely take off like a dragon. The Lion of the East is sure to regain its majesty in Asia. As young people in China, we must work hard, not to be decadent, not to be rotten, not to lie flat, the country is advancing, we should work hard, lie flat, absolutely not advisable.

When the country achieves greater achievements in various fields, every Chinese person will feel that there is light on their faces, which is not only related to the fate of the country, but also related to the fate of every Chinese. The world is always cruel, the law of the jungle eats the strong, and these things happen in every corner of the world all the time, and we must fight with the spirit of 12 points, not only to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, but also to develop the domestic economy.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

I am proud of our country, proud of our country, and feel grounded in our country with vigorous young people, and each generation is stronger than the next. If the youth is strong, China will be strong, and if the youth stands in the world, China will stand in the world.

When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

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When I woke up, there were three exciting good news from China(2024/2/2)

(Pictures and materials come from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, this article is original, plagiarism is prohibited, offenders must be investigated) #Tiannandibei New Year's greetings#

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