
#Universal Life Guide#The New Year is approaching, the joy is getting stronger and stronger, and I met the pork running to the capital in Yutian, beautiful and fresh, with 200 heads in a car. Fresh life appears in people in another way

author:Blue Sky 2404

#Universal Life Guide#The New Year is approaching, the joy is getting stronger and stronger, and I met the pork running to the capital in Yutian, beautiful and fresh, with 200 heads in a car.

Fresh life appears on people's tables in another way, adding energy to people. Friends who believe in Buddhism don't know how many times they will recite the sutra


Amitabha 🙏🙏🙏

#Universal Life Guide#The New Year is approaching, the joy is getting stronger and stronger, and I met the pork running to the capital in Yutian, beautiful and fresh, with 200 heads in a car. Fresh life appears in people in another way
#Universal Life Guide#The New Year is approaching, the joy is getting stronger and stronger, and I met the pork running to the capital in Yutian, beautiful and fresh, with 200 heads in a car. Fresh life appears in people in another way
#Universal Life Guide#The New Year is approaching, the joy is getting stronger and stronger, and I met the pork running to the capital in Yutian, beautiful and fresh, with 200 heads in a car. Fresh life appears in people in another way

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