
Adventures in the Land of Fairy Cats (1): Climbing to the canopy of a tree, I found myself in the clouds, full of giant cats


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Thank you for your precious hand and wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.

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The following is the text.

I climbed up and looked, good fellow, there was a thick branch in the canopy, and the branches were forked, like a ladder. I was so curious that I climbed higher and higher, through several layers of clouds, and finally reached the top.

As far as the eye can see, it is full of cats, they all live in the cloud trees, but they are huge.

I could never have imagined that there was a ladder in the big poplar tree in front of my house, reaching the sky. I didn't expect that above the clouds, it was actually the country of fairy cats. I didn't expect that I would spend seven thrilling days in the country of fairy cats.

Adventures in the Land of Fairy Cats (1): Climbing to the canopy of a tree, I found myself in the clouds, full of giant cats

01 The fat civet flower, which often comes to accompany me, climbs to the tree and disappears

There is a big poplar tree in front of my house, and my mother said that this big poplar tree was planted by her own hands when I was 10 years old, and it has only been less than 20 years now.

However, this big poplar tree does not know whether it has internal strength or overnutrition, although the body is not thick, and it can even be said to be very thin, but the crown of the tree is extremely wide, standing by the river at the door, it is like a huge umbrella, but it can be regarded as a miracle of the village.

In the summer, the shady space under the canopy is enough for at least 100 people to enjoy the shade. Even in winter, the leaves are gone, and it is difficult to see the sky when standing under the large poplar tree, because there are too many thick and thin branches.

There are many stray cats in the village, and these cats sometimes catch sparrows and mice under the trees. Some cats are so bold that they will climb on top of the poplar tree, hide under the leaves, and wait for the birds to come and catch the big mouse by surprise.

That morning, I was killing chickens at the door, and the fat civet flowers in the village came over when they smelled it.

Fat Tanuki is naturally a tanuki cat, except for four white gloves, all over the body. It had no home, it was not known if it was sick or bitten by a dog, or if it had been beaten, and it was injured in its left front paw and it was limping when he walked.

The people in the village are outside all the year round, and there are a few families left, and they don't love cats very much, but my family loves cats and loves to raise cats. Therefore, the stray fat civet flowers often come to my house, and for this reason, my parents always put leftovers, sweet potatoes or leftover fish and bones at the door for the fat civet flowers and the stray cats in the past.

The reason why the fat civet flower is called this is because it is fat.

In fact, the fat civet flower was originally very thin, so thin that it was out of phase, skin and bones, like a piece of paper. It didn't know if it had been beaten or accidentally injured on its left front paw, and it kept curling up, not daring to get off the ground, and only used three legs to walk.

Later, he often came to my door to eat, and his appetite was excellent, he was never picky, and in less than half a year, he ate fat and fat, and he was very cute. That's why I gave it that name.

At that time, its left front paw seemed to be better, and it could step on all fours like other cats, but its strength was still weaker, or it was not completely healed, and it was still a little lame when running.

When I saw that the civet flowers were coming, I washed the chicken intestines and chicken fat and put them on the leaves. Fat Tanuki and I were already familiar with each other, and they were not afraid of me, so they ate it in a big gulp. When it finished eating, it was still staring at the chicken on my board, obviously not full. I looked at it and gave it the chicken liver.

This is also something that can't be helped, cats in the countryside are not like pet cats in the city, life is poor, and it is good to be full. Chicken liver, intestines and chicken fat like the one I gave him are already delicious.

I continued to clean up the chicken and pluck the fluff off the head by the way.

The civet flower is full, flips over on the ground, and enjoys the sun. After a while, it suddenly rolled over, climbed up the big poplar tree like the wind, and soon disappeared. Don't think about it, this guy must have heard the birds chirping again.

After I washed the head of the chicken and chopped it into pieces, I was busy for more than half an hour, but the fat civet flower still did not come down, and it was still lying on its stomach on the tree.

While I was cooking, I looked at the big poplar tree through the window, and the fat civet flower still didn't come down, and I saw that the leaves on the big poplar tree were moving, and it should have climbed up again. Until the evening, the fat civet flowers did not come down. I sat at the door for two hours, only to see the civet flower continue to climb up, but not to see it come down.

If it comes down, it will definitely call under the tree, every time before, only I know, it is saying goodbye to me. But this time, I didn't hear it.

After dawn, I still didn't see the fat civet flower, so I decided to look for it. The village is not big, and I walked around twice a day and didn't find a fat civet flower.

My dad watched me looking for a cat, and muttered: "It's just a cat, maybe where to play, maybe running the nest (estrus running around), you look at you, a person who is dozens of years old, and he is idle every day and doesn't do serious things." Can't you go find a girl for dinner at that time?"

He rambled on and on. I ignored him and continued to look for him, in front of the house and behind the house, on the road at the head of the village...... A week passed, and the civet flowers did not come. You want to see a cat alive, and you want to see a corpse when you die. However, even on the road, I looked at it, and there was no corpse, where can this cat go?

A strong thought welled up in my heart: there was only one possibility - the fat tanuki flower was still on the tree, not coming down!

This is not the first time this has happened. Before, I also noticed that some cats disappeared when they got to the big poplar tree. But I didn't know those cats well, and I didn't bother to look them up, so I didn't want to do it.

No, this time, I'll have to get out of the way, or I'll not be able to sleep well. After all, all the years I've been at home, I've only had a "New Year's Friend", oh not much, it should be a "New Year's Friend" - forgetting each other's identities.

I'm like this with cats, all the cats I'm familiar with, if they're alive or dead, I feel fine. If the cat keeps barking, or I don't know where it is, whether it's dead or alive, it's very uncomfortable, and I can't sleep well just thinking about it.

I was worried about finding a fat civet flower, and when I was scolded by my parents, it was also a coincidence, my parents happened to help people do things, and they had to go out for a while. I couldn't help but be overjoyed, secretly thinking "God help me", and at the same time thinking: "Perhaps, this is my fate with the fat civet flower." ”

After confessing to me, my parents left, and now the family is my own, and I can rest assured that I can go to find the fat civet flower.

Adventures in the Land of Fairy Cats (1): Climbing to the canopy of a tree, I found myself in the clouds, full of giant cats

02 I struggled to climb up to the clouds and saw an incredible scene

When I was a child, I used to climb trees with my friends, so I knew how to climb trees. I can climb trees as small as thighs or as big as two people hugging each other. There was no ladder at home, so I carried a rope. With my feet twisting the rope, and relying on the friction of the rope against the bark, I climbed the big poplar tree.

After about five or six meters high, the branches of the poplar tree are thinner, and there are many branches, which can be climbed without rope, with both hands and feet. Sitting on a branch, I took the rope from under my feet, tied it to the branch next to it, tied it firmly, and continued to climb up.

In half an hour, I climbed to the top of the big poplar tree, that is, under the canopy. After looking for a long time, the fat civet flower is not on it.

At this time, when I got to the bottom of the canopy, I realized that the canopy was so big. Because it is blocked from the sun, there is very little light, and it is much darker here than outside. Fortunately, there was occasionally some light that penetrated the canopy and shone under the "giant umbrella", so it was barely possible to see inside.

I've looked under the canopy, and the tanuki flowers are not there, and I'm a little frustrated, and I'm ready to go down.

At this time, I saw a small dot on my body, not big but very bright. Following the dots, I looked up and saw a gap in the canopy. Through the gap, you can faintly see the sky. The sky was blue, and there seemed to be a branch next to it, independent of the canopy.

It's really strange, I have seen the big poplar tree from a distance many times before, and I have never seen a branch on the canopy, and I didn't expect that this branch would actually go straight into the sky.

No, there are so many people in the village, can't they see it? There are also people at the east and west ends of the village, and they can see the big poplar tree at the door, how can they not see the big poplar tree?

For a moment, my thoughts were confused, and then I shook my head and tried to calm myself down. Finally, the thought of "how can there be such long branches on the canopy" was no longer in my mind.

"Will the civet flower be on it?" I don't know why, I came to curiosity, I just wanted to see if the fat civet flower was on it. I'm going to keep climbing, I'm going to go up and have a look.

The trunk of the large poplar tree under the canopy, although it gets thinner and thinner the higher it goes, can still hold me up. Finally reaching the top of the canopy, I struggled to clear the surrounding branches. In an instant, his head had stretched out, and it was still a little dazzling.

In the center of this canopy, there was indeed a branch, like a sword, inserted into the canopy. It's just that this sword, which is extremely long, came from heaven.

The two sides of the sword were forked, like a ladder. The branches of the tree reach into the sky, and there is no end in sight.

I was so curious, and I couldn't care about being afraid, so I couldn't help but climb higher, higher and higher, through several layers of clouds, and finally reached the top.

When I looked up, I suddenly found that this place was like a fairy world, and I was already above the clouds.

Stepping on clouds does not feel soft, no different from stepping on the ground. There are also several huge pillars of clouds on this cloud, and there are openings in the pillars of clouds.

With a loud bang, I clearly saw that the cat had been poking its head out of the mouth of the cloud pillar in front of me. It's just that this cat is huge, and just one head is the size of a tiger. At that moment, I just felt a sense of oppression.

I turned my gaze a little, and when I looked around, every cloud was spread out in large patches, and pillars of clouds were erected on them, and many openings were opened in each pillar, like doors and windows. And in some of the openings, huge cats are coming out.

Looking at all this, I feel like a dream. I slapped myself so hard that the right side of my face suddenly became hot, and even my right hand was a little numb.

I'm obedient, this is not a dream!

I was a little scared, and I didn't want to look for the fat civet flower, I just wanted to go home. I went to the pillar of clouds, looked at my feet, and was surprised to see that the branches were gone!

Was it so magical? I just got up to it, and the ladder was gone? A few times, I even wanted to jump straight down, but the thought of the tree was so high that I would die if I jumped down, I stopped the crazy thought.

There was no way down, so I could only soothe my uneasy heart and continue to go to the clouds.