
[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

author:Zhangjiachuan Media

2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it is also the year to achieve the goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan", amplify the effect of county celebrations, In order to comprehensively summarize the work in 2023 and scientifically put forward the goals and main tasks of the county this year, on January 12, the fifth plenary meeting of the 14th Committee of the Communist Party of China Zhangjiachuan County and the Economic Work Conference of the County Party Committee were held. In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the meeting, from now on, the website of Zhangjiachuan County Financial Media Center, "Impression Zhangjiachuan" and other media platforms have set up a special column of "Focus on the National Committee and Seek New Development", through carrying out reports from different perspectives, guide cadres at all levels in the county to fully understand and accurately grasp the essence of the spirit of the meeting, and encourage the vast number of cadres and people in the county to unify their thoughts and actions to the arrangements and deployments of the county party committee and the county government, further strengthen their confidence, drum up enthusiasm, and move quickly. Work hard and strive to write a new chapter in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Zhangjiachuan.

[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

Zhangmianyi Township conscientiously organized the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Zhangjiachuan County Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the County Party Committee, and worked hard to "learn one step first, study one layer deeper, and understand one more point", and earnestly unify the thoughts and actions of the vast number of cadres and masses in the township with the spirit of the meeting. Everyone said that they should follow the unified deployment of the meeting, focus on the goals and tasks, based on the actual position, promote development with hard work, strive for the future, fight for spirit, work with high quality, and strive to write a new chapter.

[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

In 2023, Zhangmianyi Township will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work and the spirit of important speeches and important instructions to Gansu, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, unswervingly implement the new development concept, keep an eye on the goal of high-quality development, focus on the development idea of "strengthening the township with the project, enriching the township with industry, and ecologically beautiful township". Rural construction and rural governance, vigorously develop characteristic and advantageous industries, continue to improve infrastructure construction, make every effort to ensure the improvement of people's livelihood, and vigorously promote the steady development of various undertakings in the township.

[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

Shang Lijun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and head of Zhangmianyi Township, said that in 2024, Zhangmianyi Township will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th County Committee and the Economic Work Conference of the County Party Committee, continue to adhere to the goal of "strengthening the township with projects, enriching the township with industry, and ecologically beautiful township", closely following the development idea of "one river, one corridor, two beams, and two belts", and mainly do the following work: First, firmly adhere to the bottom line task of not returning to poverty on a large scale, and continue to promote the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization. The second is to continuously increase the proportion of agricultural industry projects and continue to promote the quality and efficiency of industrial development. The third is to promote infrastructure construction in an orderly manner and further make up for the shortcomings of rural development. Fourth, make full use of the endowment of history, culture and natural resources, and vigorously promote the development of tourism in the whole industry chain. Fifth, we will implement various tasks to ensure people's livelihood and continue to improve the people's sense of happiness and gain.

[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

In 2023, Miaochuan Village will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the central and provincial, municipal and county party committees and township party committees on industrial development, develop and expand characteristic and advantageous industries according to local conditions, adopt the development model of "party building leading + village-level collectives + cooperatives + farmers", rely on farmers' professional cooperatives, concentrate on planting 1,000 acres of potatoes, 500 acres of feed corn, 200 boxes of bees in breeding, and use vegetable greenhouses to plant melons, cucumbers and other characteristic fruits and vegetables, with a cumulative annual income of more than 100,000 yuan. Zhang Suiping, secretary of the Party branch of Miaochuan Village, said that in the new year, Miaochuan Village will closely focus on the implementation of the spirit of the county party committee and the industrial development ideas of the township, and plan to concentrate on planting 2,000 acres of potatoes, which have all been reserved in place. At the same time, we will continue to expand the planting area of potatoes, corn, wheat and other crops, continue to optimize the industrial structure, broaden the channels for farmers to increase income, and strive to benefit more people.

[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

The blueprint urges people to move forward, and they move forward bravely. In the next step, Zhangmian Yi Township will dare to take responsibility and explore, adhere to the people-centered development idea, find the entry point and force point of the work, and strive to continue to strengthen industrial development, investment promotion, rural construction, and grassroots governance.

[Focus on the National Committee and seek new development together] Zhangmian Yi Township: Forge ahead and seek development, work hard to open a new situation

Source: Zhangjiachuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Marisa