
It is said that standing piles is the easiest and most effective way to live a long life, has anyone insisted on practicing it?

author:Xiao Duan said that the elderly are healthy

Why am I here to talk about stakes?

Mainly because of some experience, although immature, but holding back and feeling unhappy.

If you want to say that I actually learned from the master, I didn't specialize in standing piles, but I learned massage.

Anyone who has studied Tuina has had the experience of practicing rice bags for a long time, that is, making a large bottle of Coke-sized rice bag and performing various massage techniques on it all day until they become proficient, and I am no exception. During this period, the master has always emphasized the need to practice standing, and the posture of standing is also very particular, that is, the posture of standing on a pile and a horse.

It is said that standing piles is the easiest and most effective way to live a long life, has anyone insisted on practicing it?

First of all, it is definitely not possible to sit on the patient's own massage, and secondly, the feet are weak and the hands are not strong, and the horse step squat is the most helpful posture to exert force when massage. Knowing the deficiencies and making up for the deficiencies, he immediately practiced more seriously in Zama.

In fact, standing piles are also the foundation of Chinese martial arts, and many people who learn martial arts first want to practice Zama step, standing piles, only standing firmly on the feet is convenient for us to show our fists and feet. In the past, when the living conditions were difficult, the family who gave birth to a child and could not support it, or the kind of child who was born weak and sick, was sent to Shaolin, Wudang and other places to learn martial arts from primary school, strengthen the body, and lay the foundation for learning martial arts.

What does it mean?

One is to practice this to enhance the physique, and the other is that people with weak physique can also use it to practice.

The dilemma of modern people is that the body lacks an appropriate amount of exercise, the physique is very poor, it is too difficult to exercise, and it is too simple to practice without any effect, so it is more necessary to have a fast and simple exercise to regulate the body. Standing piles are easy to learn and do not take up time, and the effect is particularly fast. Particularly good approach.

It is said that standing piles is the easiest and most effective way to live a long life, has anyone insisted on practicing it?

Don't look at this simple action, many frail and weak people insist on practicing It is really helpful, and many people who practice small exercises are really tough.

How to stand?

In fact, there are many factions in this one, but the most important point is to achieve "rooting on the soles of the feet", mental concentration, tranquility of thought, relaxation of the whole body, and natural breathing.

The following is the detailed "station" method of mixed element pile:

1. The buttocks are like sitting on the bench: first see if the buttocks can still maintain the feeling of sitting on the bench. At this time, the buttock muscles should be gently tightened with the posture (passive), and the tail bone and anus should be adducted and raised, which is called "valley tightening". It seems to be sitting but not sitting, not sitting.

2. Waist relaxation: You should feel that the waist is straight up, the muscles are relaxed, and there is no stiffness. Throughout the entire practice process!

3. Loose abdomen and tight back: Touch your back, abdomen, and waist with your hands in turn, you have to imagine yourself as a tiger, with a soft abdomen (yin side) and a slightly tighter back (yang side). Also, gently touch the groin on both sides with your hands, which must be soft.

4. Holding a balloon in your hands: Holding a balloon with both hands is like holding a balloon. You have to be careful to hold this balloon and hook it, otherwise it will fall off on its own. This is mainly to experience the strength to reach the fingers, which is to practice the internal strength, ordinary teachers don't understand this at all, Lao Liao pointed out here.

5. Newspaper on the top of the head: the suprascapular fossa (a small place where the shoulder is against the neck) is loosened, the head is slightly raised, as if holding a thin piece of newspaper, and the lower jaw is gently adducted to gently cover the place of the Adam's apple. The head and occipital bone are lifted up (action), and the lower jaw is passively retracted.

6. The toes are like the Dinghaishen needle to grasp the ground: you have to use the toes hard, especially the big toe to be like the Dinghaishen needle, motionless, which has the effect of stabilizing the center of gravity. The big toe is where the liver meridian begins. What is the main liver of the liver? The liver is the main blood and the main tendon. As soon as you lift and grasp these five toes, the entire qi and blood can naturally circulate and infuse the whole body. Ten finger grip beginners can be slightly buckled on the ground, and those who practice strength need to be forced, which must be established on a certain foundation and which, can play a role in consolidating the purpose of the mind.

7. The heel should be like stepping on an ant: the palm of the foot should be gently attached to the ground, and the whole heel should be like stepping on an ant. This ant is very small, and if you use too much force, you can trample it to death, and the heel should seem to be stepped on, and it will not fall, but it is very agile. This action can strengthen the acquired and innate qi. The main purpose is to stand on the pile, and if you can't do it, you can move the center of gravity back and forth.

8. Clamp the stake: If you feel that you are not in good health to stand, then simply imagine a round wooden stake clamped between the inner thighs, or a gasoline drum. You're going to have to hold it with your thighs and the inside of your knees, and you're going to have to hold it around your whole arm. The height of this stake is down to the heel and up to the chin, which is equivalent to a leather stake. In this way, the shoulder blades can be pushed outward, the spine can be loosened, and the entire yang energy will naturally run through the whole body.

Why can standing piles promote longevity?

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, standing piles can help absorb the essence of heaven and earth, maintain the body's yin and yang operation, and assist in the circulation of qi and blood.

Some people also explain the benefits of standing piles from the stimulation of acupuncture points, believing that the posture of standing piles can stimulate the function of Zusanli. The reason is that when we stand on the pile, we will feel that there is a line hanging, and the top of our heads and the soles of our feet are on a line, which just mobilizes the Baihui acupoint above our head, and the posture of holding our hands when standing on the pile just mobilizes the Lao Gong acupoint; When we stand on the pile, we often feel that the palms of our hands and feet will be hot. The chest, abdomen and back will be fully relaxed, which in turn harmonizes the two meridians of Rendu, and the acupuncture points and meridians that are useful to the human body are stimulated and mobilized.

Of course, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is indeed a bit "ethereal" for most people, so let's talk about it more modernly.

When standing on the pile, you need to maintain a posture, although it seems to be just standing still, but you know that to maintain such a posture, you need to contract and stabilize many muscles in our body, and you must be able to calm down, which is not easy to achieve. Therefore, from the perspective of modern medicine, standing on the pile is the benefit of strengthening the body and enhancing immunity.

It is said that standing piles is the easiest and most effective way to live a long life, has anyone insisted on practicing it?

In addition, many people have a bad change in their body posture due to their usual bad posture, and insisting on standing on the pile can help us correct our posture and improve our body shape.

Insisting on standing on the pile to promote the circulation of qi and blood, calming the mind and calming the qi can also help us improve the efficiency of qi and blood replenishment, so that the skin can be nourished, improve the skin condition and so on.

So, if you need a simple and very effective way to train, then standing piles may be a great choice.
