
Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

People who are often on fire are actually too cold in their bodies!

Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

Many friends have mouth ulcers, insomnia, sore throat, acne on the face, and have been on the back and forth for a long time, feeling that they are on fire, but they have taken a lot of heat-clearing and fire-laxative medicines, but they find that the fire is getting worse and worse.

Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

When I encounter such a patient, I usually touch their abdomen first to see if the abdomen is cold or hot, if the abdomen is cold, it is basically the body is too cold, resulting in fire.

Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

In fact, as early as in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", there is a record: "Those who are sick with fever today are typhoid fever and the like", which means that in fact, many of the symptoms of fire are because of uncontrolled diet, usually like to eat raw seafood, drink water and like to drink ice, and the spleen and stomach are most afraid of cold, these cold things, slowly damage the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach do not move food, and it will also cause food stagnation.

Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

Food stagnation and cold stagnation together block the spleen and stomach, resulting in the spleen and stomach, the central focus of the hub can not lead the heart fire to the bottom, the kidney water to the top, yin and yang disharmony, it will cause the upper side of the fire, mouth and tongue sores, irritable temper, dizziness and headache, swollen gums, flank swelling pain, bitter mouth and bad breath, etc., and the lower side of the cold, cold pain in the waist and knees, edema of the lower limbs, nocturia, inability to do sore, etc.

Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

Most of the medicines that clear away heat and heat are cold, but they will further damage the spleen and stomach, thereby aggravating the fire, so in this case, we have to go to Wenyang to dissipate the cold. You can use the aconite Li Zhong soup as the basic recipe, warm and replenish the spleen yang, the spleen yang is sufficient, the deficiency and cold in the spleen and stomach will be dispelled, and the spleen and yang are sufficient, the spleen and stomach will also be powerful, and the food stagnation will be gone.

Often on fire, in fact, the cold in the body is too heavy, an ancient recipe to warm the yang and clear the heat, and end the fire!

Therefore, no matter what disease we have, do not blindly use medicine, otherwise it will not be cured even a small fire, but it is likely to aggravate the condition, no matter what I share is only for popular science reference, not universal, everyone's cause is not necessarily the same, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time for syndrome differentiation.