
The city's market supervision work conference was held

author:Nanjing market supervision
The city's market supervision work conference was held

On January 28, the city's market supervision work conference was held. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the meeting thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of Jiangsu, fully implemented the deployment requirements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Provincial Party Committee, the Seventh Plenary Session of the 15th Municipal Party Committee, the National and Provincial Market Supervision Work Conference, the Drug Supervision and Management Work Conference, and the Intellectual Property Work Conference, summarized the work in 2023, analyzed the current situation, deployed key tasks in 2024, and mobilized the whole system to strengthen confidence, Cohesion, knowing the heavy responsibility, working hard and forging ahead, and contributing to the market supervision force for the city's high-quality development at the forefront. Shi Xinfeng, director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Deputy Director Huang Mingchun presided over the meeting.

Shi Xinfeng pointed out that in 2023, the whole system will thoroughly implement the work deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, highlight the main line of "helping enterprises sail away and strive for the new year", firmly adhere to the concept of "two satisfactions", and dare to do good and strive for the first in the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Nanjing. The first is to "let the party's innovative theory take root", condense the soul, integrate knowledge and action, and make great achievements in pressurizing and forging ahead. Promote the theme education to be in-depth and practical, investigate and research, solve problems, inspect and audit, implement reforms, strive to be the first to create excellence and achieve results, and the quality and intellectual property work have been continuously supervised and encouraged by the provincial government. The second is to be willing to be the "second shop for service development", precise drip irrigation, thick soil, and spare no effort in the overall improvement of the service economy. Carry out front-line services to "love business", deepen reform and innovation "pro-business", strengthen policy integration to "protect business", promote inclusive and prudent "safe business", strengthen coordination and linkage "heavy business", help enterprises to bail out, boost confidence, and serve the construction of a unified national market. The third is to anchor the "main bearing area of building an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence", pursue excellence, protect innovation, and continue to strengthen the chain to support the industry. Adhere to quality first, focus on protecting innovation, the construction of a strong quality city is icing on the cake, and the construction of a strong city with intellectual property rights will continue to play a new chapter, and continue to play the two-wheel driving role of quality and intellectual property rights in the strengthening of the industrial chain and the extension of the chain. Fourth, we should keep in mind that "safety responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai", be prepared for danger in times of peace, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and make targeted efforts in helping the construction of safe and resilient cities. Efforts should be made to consolidate the work of safety production in the field of market supervision, intensively cultivating the people's "eating at ease", taking multiple measures to "buy comfortably" for the people, and focusing on the "peace of mind" of the enterprise masses. Fifth, we should practice "comprehensively and strictly governing the party and always be on the road", temper the party spirit, change the style of work, and be strong and powerful in forging a team of loyal, clean and responsible cadres. Fully implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, continue to strengthen the construction of work style, pay close attention to the grassroots orientation, pay close attention to the right style and discipline, and strictly implement the ideological responsibility system.

Shi Xinfeng stressed that the current situation of economic development, the responsibility of service development service projects, and the expectations of the enterprise masses for the continuous improvement of the style of work have put forward higher requirements for market supervision work, and the whole system should effectively unify thoughts and actions to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees, adhere to political construction, adhere to service development, reform and innovation, and adhere to the bottom line of safety. We will continue to deepen the "two satisfactions", continue to promote the "Helping Enterprises to Sail", continue to strengthen reform and innovation, deeply practice the concept of "combining supervision with service", and strive to create "six environments". The first is to focus on service development, continue to optimize the mechanism and strengthen measures, and strive to create a business-friendly environment for "bird's nest". Help enterprises to be more attentive, provide more accurate services, compete fairer, and supervise more inclusively, promote the development and growth of the private economy, and guide and encourage all kinds of business entities to firmly take the road of high-quality development. The second is to take the opportunity of preparing for the China Quality Conference to continue to deepen the construction of a strong quality city and strive to create a development environment of "winning by quality". The preparation of the conference follows high standards, quality improvement focuses on deep integration, brand building focuses on reputation, standards lead the foothold, and the technology platform plays a strong support, so that the urban quality spirit of "quality Nanjing and pursuit of excellence" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and promotes Nanjing's quality work to a new height. The third is to take the construction of a demonstration city with strong national intellectual property rights as the carrier, empower and increase efficiency in cultivating new quality productivity, and strive to create an innovation environment of "self-reliance and self-improvement". Strengthen the overall planning and guidance of the top-level design of intellectual property, help the innovation-driven development of the industry, optimize the administrative efficiency of intellectual property protection, promote the upgrading of service quality, promote the full integration of intellectual property rights into the whole process and process of industrial development, and create more enterprises and products with independent intellectual property rights and core competitiveness. Fourth, with the review of "National Food Safety Demonstration City" as the starting point, we will resolutely guard the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses, and strive to create a "healthy and beautiful" "food safety" environment. Implement the "two responsibilities" system, consolidate the achievements of the "demonstration city", promote the development of the "food safety industry", do a good job in responding to "sensitive public opinion", improve the level of "sharing and co-governance", tighten and consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises, continue to deepen the closed-loop supervision of the whole chain, and accelerate the construction of an integrated risk prevention and control system. Fifth, with the goal of striving to create a "national demonstration city for assured consumption", we will standardize the market order to stimulate domestic demand, and strive to create a consumption environment of "near and far". Initiate the creation of demonstrations, optimize the consumption environment, strengthen law enforcement for people's livelihood, pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, compliance construction, and promote reform through cases, and make every effort to safeguard the vital interests of the masses. Sixth, guided by the creation of a "national security development demonstration city", we will go all out to guard the bottom line of development and strive to create a stable environment of "safe in all seasons". Strictly abide by the bottom line of people's livelihood and public product quality and safety, strengthen the safety supervision of special equipment, strictly prevent and strictly manage drug safety risks, improve the ability of rule of law supervision, strengthen credit supervision, accelerate the application of smart supervision, and ensure that systemic regional risks do not occur.

Shi Xinfeng demanded that we should thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building and the spirit of important instructions on party building in organs, and implement the requirements of the whole, strict tone, and the concept of governance into the whole process and all aspects of the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in the field of market supervision, so as to provide a strong guarantee for shouldering the responsibility of "going ahead and being a demonstration". First, we must unswervingly strengthen the party's overall leadership. Strengthen the main responsibility of governing the party and governing the party, conscientiously implement the "one post and two responsibilities", strictly implement the system of democratic centralism, "three major and one large" and other systems, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards". Second, it is necessary to concentrate on strengthening grassroots construction. Promote the standardization and standardization of grass-roots party organizations, strengthen political and organizational functions, give full play to the role of various grass-roots party organizations, enhance cohesion and combat effectiveness, do a good job in the construction of grass-roots sub-bureaus, and promote more regulatory resources to protect the grassroots. The third is to persistently strengthen the construction of work style and conduct. With a clear problem-oriented, we should grasp the rectification of work style and work style, and promote the deepening and consolidation of the construction of the whole system to achieve practical results; build a strong line of defense for work style with strict discipline requirements to ensure that there is a distance between "pro" and "clean" and promising; highlight the image of market supervision with pragmatic service for the people, and continue to polish the service brand of "Ning City Supervisor, by your side". Fourth, comprehensive measures should be taken to improve the quality and ability of the cadre contingent. Create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship, promote the full coverage of education and management, strengthen the training of young cadres, practice the correct view of political performance, and build a team of market supervision cadres who are practical and responsible. Fifth, we should make unremitting efforts to strengthen healthy practices, discipline and anti-corruption. Always keep a clear head, strengthen self-restraint, strengthen integrity education, keep the bottom line of discipline, strictly enforce discipline and accountability, and purify the political ecology.

Members of the leading group of the Municipal Bureau, the deputy head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group assigned by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, all cadres of the Municipal Bureau, the main persons in charge of the directly affiliated institutions and social organizations and middle-level positions, and the directors and directors of the market supervision bureaus of Jiangbei New Area and various districts (including the Economic Development Zone) attended the meeting.

Draft: Guide to Wang Penglu of Chengbang

Review: Yao Hongtao, Zhao Changhua, Qian Yeman

Publisher: Cheng Yanni

Designer: Li Qin

(Original work, please indicate the source for reprinting)


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