
Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

author:Stuttering's Persou
Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

Usually at home, I like to think about creating dishes, such as what vegetables can be mixed with fruits, what dishes can be paired with cooked food, and there will always be some wonderful and bold ideas in my mind. The dish I brought to you today is the dish I have recently studied, and I hope you are still satisfied.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?


Rape, belly, salt

Water, sugar, oil, green onion, soy sauce

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

(1), rapeseed break open and wash, drain the water, it is recommended to use the inner seed just bought, fresh and delicious. Finely chop the green onion, cut the belly into slices, not too thin or too thick, about a centimeter or so.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

(2) Heat a little oil and sauté the shallots until fragrant, then add the rapeseed and stir-fry. Add salt, soy sauce and water.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

(3) Put the cut belly in the pot, stir-fry evenly, and add a little sugar. If you see that the surface of the small belly is slightly yellow, you can turn off the fire.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

Pick a plate you like and serve it! The color looks pretty good, the taste is also fresh and delicious, recommended to give you a try, or stand up for the meal.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

The small belly used here is my favorite Daoxiang village belly, its taste is not comparable to other small belly, I highly recommend you to try it, it is really delicious. If I don't eat, I can eat the whole thing.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

In addition to using a small belly, you can also try to change to a bean bubble, tofu shredded and other foods, the taste will be even better. Now that the weather is getting hotter, I'm going to make some summer-ready dishes or cold drinks, and I hope you'll enjoy them.

Have you ever seen such a quirky new way of eating canola?

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