

author:Youth Hubei


Sleet, freezing rain, pure snow......

After a period of sunny and warm weather

The strong cold air is about to exert its strength

According to Hubei meteorological forecast

February 1-6

The province will have the strongest range of cold waves this winter,

Low temperature, rain, snow and freezing weather


Continued rainy and snowy weather

February 1: Shiyan, Xiangyang, Shennongjia turned light to moderate snow, Suizhou, Jingmen, northern Xiaogan, Yichang, western Jingzhou turned to sleet or freezing rain, light to moderate rain in other areas.


2-3 February: Rain and snow intensified, maintaining and slightly expanding eastward. Shiyan, Xiangyang, Shennongjia moderate to heavy snow, local blizzard, snow depth 5~10 cm, local 12~15 cm, Enshi, Yichang, Suizhou, Jingmen, Xiaogan, Jingzhou, Tianmen, Qianjiang, Xiantao, northern Wuhan sleet or freezing rain, Huanggang, Huangshi, Ezhou, Xianning moderate to heavy rain.


4-6 February: Rain and snow weakened slightly, and the scope continued to expand. Light to moderate snow or sleet in most parts of the province, light to moderate rain in southeastern Hubei Province.

After 7 February: The rain and snow weakened and gradually ended.

Cool and windy weather

Cooling: From February 1st to 6th, the average temperature in our province dropped by 6~10 °C, the maximum temperature dropped from 8~13 °C to -2~3 °C, the minimum temperature dropped from -1~6 °C to -5~0 °C, and the mountainous area was about -10 °C.

Gale: From the night of the 31st to February 3rd, there was a cold wave and windy weather in our province, with gusts of up to 7 to 9.

Urgent reminders

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rain and snow will last the longest since this winter and will affect the most extensively. Since the rain and snow impact period is the peak period of the Spring Festival travel homecoming, and the area seriously affected by the rain and snow is located in the central transportation hub province of the mainland, which is very unfavorable to transportation, it is recommended that everyone arrange the itinerary reasonably according to the weather forecast and travel safely.


(Cover emoji pack for self-pickup)

编  辑 | 张玉珊审 核 | 吴兰昕值班编委 | 刘 意来 源 | 青春湖北综合整理自湖北气象、荆楚网等      
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