
新春走基层 | 退役不褪色,再谱双拥新篇章

author:Lushui Times

On January 30, the state and municipal veterans' affairs bureaus jointly organized some self-employed military cadres in the jurisdiction of Liuku Street and Daliandi Street to Nujiang Green Spice Demonstration Plantation and Tongxin Community of Shangjiang Town to carry out on-site learning and observation of "Rural Revitalization to See Changes, Happy Life and Sense of Party Grace" and 2024 Spring Festival symposium.

新春走基层 | 退役不褪色,再谱双拥新篇章
新春走基层 | 退役不褪色,再谱双拥新篇章
新春走基层 | 退役不褪色,再谱双拥新篇章

In the Nujiang Green Spice Demonstration Plantation, demobilized military cadres visited the construction of the park, and in Tongxin Community, demobilized military cadres observed the community grid management, baseball employment workshop, red property management, and the construction of vegetable greenhouses supported by Shanghai and Yunnan agriculture.

新春走基层 | 退役不褪色,再谱双拥新篇章

At the subsequent symposium, a practical activity with the theme of "Veterans Always Follow the Party - Veterans Preach" was carried out, and the policies such as the Veterans Security Law and the Double Support Policy and the Preferential Treatment Certificate were preached and interpreted. It is hoped that everyone will continue to maintain the true qualities of soldiers, be a model of unity and harmony, improve their quality, and contribute to the economic and social development of Nujiang with a more promising mental state; continue to maintain and carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism, support for the army, support the government and love the people, serve the overall situation of local construction, and write a new chapter of military-civilian integration and interaction, and win-win development between the military and the locality.

新春走基层 | 退役不褪色,再谱双拥新篇章

"Although I have left the army, I will never fade after retirement, always keep in mind the party's purpose, never forget the cultivation of the people's army, bring the good ideas, good traditions, and good work style of the army to my post, and embody the value of soldiers with excellent performance. Luo Jinhe, a demobilized military cadre who chose his own job, said that he would continue to contribute to the economic and social development of the Nujiang River.

Lushui financial media reporter Ji Yumei