
Why is it becoming more and more difficult for county high schools to train Qingbei students?

author:Hu Huacheng
Why is it becoming more and more difficult for county high schools to train Qingbei students?

Education is a problem for Chinese parents and even parents all over the world, of course we want our children to learn happily, but other children are involuted, how can you make children indifferent to this?

Every parent wants their child to attend one of the best universities in their country. There are many good universities in our country, but the two most famous universities are none other than Tsinghua University and Peking University.

As long as we can send our children to one of Tsinghua University or Peking University, then our life will be considered a success. Because the difficulty is too high, and it is becoming more and more difficult for rural children to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, it can be seen from the admission results of some key high schools in some counties in China that the number of students admitted to Qingbei may continue to decrease. Some county high schools may not have been admitted to Qingbei for many years.

In the past five years, scholars such as Yang Hua, a sociology teacher at Wuhan University, and Lei Wanghong, a teacher at Central South University, have visited many county high schools in nine provinces, including Guangdong, Zhejiang, Henan, and Anhui, and have written a book entitled "Children in Counties and Townships." This book mainly focuses on the plight and future of county and township students, and describes the current situation of county and township education.

Because the content is very down-to-earth, it has also successfully appeared on the hot search, which has aroused widespread discussion among netizens.

The book points out that in recent years, the "double reduction" reform has provided some possibility for the compulsory education ecology in the county, but outside of compulsory education, there has been a certain "collapse" phenomenon.

What exactly does this sentence mean? It refers to the fact that the double reduction policy has indeed played a certain positive role in the compulsory education stage, especially in county towns or townships. However, in the case of high school (outside of compulsory education), the effect may not be obvious, but it will become weaker and weaker.

Teacher Yang Hua and his team investigated a high school in a county in Hubei, which is a provincial model high school and still has a certain reputation. From 2004 to 2008, a total of 16 students were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, which is a symbol of strength for a county high school.

Why is it becoming more and more difficult for county high schools to train Qingbei students?

However, from 2008 to 2021, for so many years, no student was able to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the online rate was only 31%.

Teacher Yang Hua pointed out that there are two main reasons:

First, there is a shortage of high-quality students. Whether a school can get good results in the exam, the source of students is a very important point. If there is no movement of students, and the number of births in the region does not change much, then an average of two or three students will be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University every year. Why can't I get into the exam now? It's not that there are no good students in this area, it's that all the good students are poached.

According to statistics, from 2014 to 2021, more than half of the top 100 students in the local high school entrance examination went to the city's key high schools. Of the top 30 students in the annual high school entrance examination, only 15% can stay in the local area. This is equivalent to the city's focus on the "best of the best" candidates with good scores in the county.

If calculated according to household registration, the number of students admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University every year may not decrease, and may even increase a little, but these students are only admitted through the city's key high schools.

For county high schools, they simply don't have the strength to compete with the city focus. Whether it is the admission rate or teacher resources, they are all there, as the parents of these children, as long as the city key invites, there is a high probability that it will pass, after all, when they get there, the children will be closer to Tsinghua University and Peking University. For parents, they know the importance of the environment.

Second, there is a shortage of excellent teachers. The city will not only suck away the excellent students in the county, but also suck some excellent teachers with high salaries. The high school in the county will definitely not give better conditions, and the teachers naturally want better treatment, after all, they also have families to support, and there is no harm in having a higher income.

It is precisely because the city will go to the county to poach teachers that many county high schools do not dare to praise excellent teachers with great fanfare, for fear of being seen by the outside world and eventually poached.

Under the influence of dual factors, the county high school has collapsed to a certain extent.

You might say that it's a high school in the Midwest, and maybe not in a coastal city, and the education should be a little more balanced. In fact, it is not the case, taking Deqing County, Zhejiang Province as an example, which is one of the top 100 counties in the country, with an annual investment of more than 1 billion yuan in education, Deqing County, which has money and resources, still cannot avoid the occurrence of collapse, and students with good high school entrance examination scores have been sucked away by Hangzhou and Ningbo high schools. No matter how high the level of teachers in the local high school is, with the promotion rate not getting worse year by year, more parents of students send their children to school in other places.

Why is it becoming more and more difficult for county high schools to train Qingbei students?

A research team found that in 2013, only 21.9% of the students in Tsinghua University and Peking University were admitted to county high schools and 78.1% of students in prefecture-level cities, except for students from municipalities directly under the central government. Please note that this is still excluding the municipalities directly under the central government, and a large number of local students in Beijing are admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University every year. If you add the children in these municipalities, I personally predict that the proportion of children admitted to county high schools will be about 18%.

This is only the data of 2013, if it is now? The proportion of county high schools admitted to Qingbei may have dropped to less than 10%, after all, the city's key advantage in grabbing students is too obvious.

Regarding this phenomenon, Liu Qiangdong also said this matter very early, after he earned the money himself, he donated a sum of money to the Chinese Congress, specifically to support those children from the countryside who cannot afford to go to school, but many years have passed, this money has not been used up, the reason is that there are very few students in the rural areas who are admitted to the Chinese University, most of them are urban, and they are not bad at this tuition.

Educational problems may seem like policy issues, but they are actually economic problems, which are also common among startups. Taking Huawei as an example, why can Huawei single-handedly compete with the world's technology giants? Because it is mining talents around the world and giving you a high enough salary that its peers can't afford it at all, so they naturally give up. As Huawei accumulates more and more talents, the technological advantages it has built up become more and more obvious. As a result, there is more money to tap outstanding talents, invest more R&D expenses, and finally have been far ahead.

Whether it is a county high school that wants to catch up with the key points of listing, or an ordinary enterprise wants to surpass Huawei, this seems to have become an unsolvable problem!

Why is it becoming more and more difficult for county high schools to train Qingbei students?

This is the best of times, but also the worst of times, with disruptive innovation and new business models integrated, the whole world is your stage!

In the world of new business, there are no eliminated industries, only enterprises that have been subverted, and now all business competition will focus on "subversion and reconstruction".

A company or a boss is doomed to fail early if it lacks the ability to subvert and restructure.

Remember: without innovation, how can there be imagination, without imagination, how can there be competitiveness, if you want to break through, you must subvert the original business model, reconstruct a new business model!