
Don't complain, don't talk much, your life can be smooth and smooth

author:Si Yu

The mouth is the gateway of the heart, and the heart is the foundation of man. If a person wants to have a smooth ride, stop complaining and not talk much.

Complaining can drain a person's luck. You see, all the people around them who are not living well, they are always complaining, complaining about hard work, complaining that their husbands can't earn money, complaining that their children don't study hard, complaining that their friends can't do things, and complaining that their relatives don't help them. In their eyes and hearts, they always feel that others owe them something.

Don't complain, don't talk much, your life can be smooth and smooth

But they never want to think about it, the job is chosen by themselves, the husband is chosen by themselves, everything around them, all the people are decided by themselves, since you have chosen, why complain, just accept it! Maybe they will say that there is no way, there is no choice, there is no better. Since it is a choice, it means that your life is like this, only by accepting it positively and sunnyly, everything will go smoothly for all. Otherwise, if you keep complaining, you keep disliking, and all things, all people are twisting each other, then how can things and people go well? How can things go well? Unless you don't choose, don't work, don't get married, don't have friends, even if you don't want any of these, you will still complain, because your thinking and personality are like this. So, if you want everything to go well, stop complaining and face life with a positive and sunny attitude.

Don't complain, don't talk much, your life can be smooth and smooth

Don't talk too much. Many people, many things are bad in one person's mouth.

Li Ming's younger brother Li Jun and his brother-in-law divorced in their hometown, Li Ming's brother and daughter-in-law have already gone to other places, and have lived with others, the two of them have a daughter, a son, the daughter followed Li Jun's daughter-in-law to the south, Li Jun and his son guarded their parents in their hometown to farm. The year before last, Li Jun's daughter-in-law came back and wanted to divorce Li Jun, and divided her own land. Li Jun agreed, he thought that he and his daughter-in-law only had a marriage contract now, and nothing else, besides, the daughter-in-law was determined not to come back. Li Ming heard in the county town that his younger brother Li Ming was going to divorce his daughter-in-law, and his daughter-in-law's land would also be divided. He drove back to his hometown from the county town and told his younger brother that divorce was okay, but he couldn't give land. His reason was that Li Jun's son would have to live in the future, and he would marry a daughter-in-law when he was older. The land was given to her, and after the divorce, she didn't care what her son would do, and what if she was old and wanted to come back to let her son support her old age. Li Jun was right when he heard his brother say this, so he went to divorce his daughter-in-law according to what his brother said. The final result was that the marriage was not divorced, and the daughter-in-law returned to the south.

Now the two are still separated, home is not home, and the two can't find their own happiness if they want to, so it has become a life that the two of them can't go up or down now.

If Li Ming doesn't talk much, Li Jun and his daughter-in-law will be divorced smoothly, and both of them may already have their own families, even if they don't have their own families and no shackles on their bodies, the two of them may live a happier life.

Don't complain, don't talk much, your life can be smooth and smooth

Therefore, people must not talk too much. A lot of mouth can consume a person's blessings. It can also be said that talking too much is a thing that hurts others and is not beneficial to oneself, why do you have to do such a thing, right?

If you want to live a little more blessing, a little more luck, and a smooth life, from now on, stop complaining and talking too much.