
Lyrical prose "Lamezan"

author:Noi original

In the wax moon, Lamei has always been the object of the world's greatest praise, because it is proud of frost and snow, not afraid of severe cold, and it has placed our yearning for lofty quality. There are a few plum trees on the lawn downstairs of my house, and its spirit is always infecting me. Plum blossom, it is not like other flowers that bloom in the breezy spring, nor is it harvested in the fruity autumn, it blooms in the loneliest and cold wax moon, bringing hope and warmth to our lives.

Lyrical prose "Lamezan"

You look at the plum, its jade face, the fragrant aroma, everything makes us feel full of infinite vitality and vitality, she grows in this season of dead grass and dead trees, let the wind and frost blow, always adhere to its faith, to welcome the arrival of spring, "plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold", sowing the seeds of hope for a better life in the world, this seems to be its vocation. It is not like the flowers in the greenhouse, it is the embroidered pillow of "gold and jade, and it is ruined", it is always strong and unyielding, never bows its head in the face of wind and snow and frost, and it firmly believes in its own quality.

Lyrical prose "Lamezan"

Lamei, it is the most powerful, but its appearance makes people feel petite and weak. How can there be such a wonderful life in this world? From a distance, it seems to be one with the snow, so delicate, as if it will disappear without a trace at the touch of it. Although it blends in with the snow, it can distinguish it from the snow, because a rich aroma sneaks into your nose, and that fragrance makes people feel indescribably comfortable. It's really a remote knowledge that it's not snow, only dark incense.

Lyrical prose "Lamezan"

I have infinite love for Lamei, and I praise it for blooming in the snow and frost of the wax moon, and using my own beauty to warm people, not afraid of the cold, through the frost and snow, and welcome spring with a smile!

Lyrical prose "Lamezan"