
The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

author:Zigong observes

Zigong Net reporter Zhou Shu Li Pengcheng text/picture

On the evening of January 30, the first Shunan Children's (Interschool) Spring Festival Gala was presented in the Tanmulin Gymnasium in Zigong City. More than 500 children from Chengdu, Zigong, Luzhou, Neijiang and Yibin used immature children's voices and cheerful dances to show the high-spirited spirit of children in southern Sichuan and the achievements of aesthetic education in various places, bringing the praise of sunrise and hope, and the joy of festivals and blessings to the audience. Zhou Yun, deputy mayor of Zigong City, attended the event.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

With the theme of "Aesthetic Education Blossoms and Dreams Set Sail", the Children's Spring Festival Gala was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Ziliujing District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Ziliujing District Customs Working Committee, and co-sponsored by the Education and Sports Bureau of Ziliujing District, Longmatan District Education and Sports Bureau of Luzhou City, Longchang Education and Sports Bureau, Weiyuan County Education and Sports Bureau, Gao County Education and Sports Bureau, and Jingxian Education and Sports Bureau, and specially invited Chengdu Chenghua District Education Bureau.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

The performance kicked off with the joyful melody of the opening dance "Dragon Teng Shengshi", the young actors took a cheerful step on the stage, the red stage design, and the vivid dragon dance performance ignited the atmosphere of the scene at once.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!
The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

Subsequently, the four chapters of "Flowers Blooming Hot Land", "Flowers Blooming Childlike", "Flowers Blooming Rhyme" and "Flowers Opening Sail" were opened in turn, integrating the elements that children love, and presenting dance, poetry, melodrama, salt capital, intangible cultural heritage, and folk customs from all over southern Sichuan. The performances and singing of "Yandu Zigong Beautiful Homeland", martial arts "Chinese Youth Talk", children's drama "Yanwa Lantern Sister Welcomes the Year of the Dragon", psychological drama "Let Love Live in My Home Every Day" and other programs fully demonstrated the self-confident, brave and versatile style of Shunan children in the new era.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

"Teacher, I have finally become you, have you seen it......" In the sitcom "Dream Sailing", the students of Dashan realize their dreams and respond affectionately to the teacher. Then, Jiang Lan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of Beijing Institute of Technology, shared his insights on learning and growing up in Guangdajie Primary School in Ziliujing District, and sent a New Year's message to the majority of children.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

There are also rich interactive games in the performance, so that children can enhance understanding through interaction, promote communication in games, and feel joy in harvest.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

The inside of the museum is colorful and splendid, and the outside of the museum is festive and lively, and the New Year's flavor is strong. As one of the series of activities, the Spring Festival Garden Party set up a number of workshops to bring children special delicacies such as handmade cakes and biscuits, intangible cultural heritage such as paper-cutting, tie-dyeing, face painting, and shadow puppetry, as well as wonderful interactions such as lion dance and Spring Festival couplets.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

The collision of tradition and fashion, the integration of inheritance and innovation, so that the children's Spring Festival Gala program is diversified in form, and it has become a party with deep ideas, high artistic standards, strong regional characteristics, and a wide range of participation. It is reported that the total number of views of the live broadcast of this party reached 805,100.

The total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 800,000!

It is understood that in recent years, Shunan educators have adhered to the principle of "educating people with aesthetics, beautifying people, and cultivating people with beauty", fully implementing the school's aesthetic education infiltration action, improving the aesthetic and humanistic qualities of teachers and students, and the art education atmosphere of "sunshine, health, beauty, and joy of learning" has been formed, and the educational function of aesthetic education has been continuously enhanced, and the results of education need to be shared urgently.

Editor: Zheng Haoyun

Editor: Wu Shanguan