
How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to increase the download speed of international server

author:Xunyou online game accelerator International Server is the international version of the service on the platform, which is mainly aimed at players at home and abroad, providing them with a better game experience and social functions. Recently, some friends have reported that they have encountered slow download speeds when downloading games, and here are several useful solutions to share with you.

How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to increase the download speed of international server

How to solve the slow download speed of international server How to improve the download speed of international server:

Solution 1: Improve the network

At present, due to the network difference between domestic and foreign servers, everyone is prone to slow speed when downloading games. Here you can use [Xun-Game] to help solve the problem, which can effectively improve the download network latency and ensure that the game is downloaded smoothly.

How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to increase the download speed of international server

Follow the method below to get extra time!

How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to increase the download speed of international server

Solution 2: Disable the background of other tasks

When you download a game, if there are other software in the background of the system that are occupied after downloading, it is easy to download slowly and download slowly. Here you need to open the task manager, force close some high-occupancy software, and then download the game again.

How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to increase the download speed of international server

Solution 3: Expand the disk memory

If your system is running out of disk memory, it will be slow when downloading games. It is recommended to clear the disk memory in advance, such as deleting some infrequently used software or adding memory peripherals to expand the memory, so that the download speed can be restored.

How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to increase the download speed of international server

The above is all the content of this issue of "How to solve the problem of slow download of international server How to improve the download speed of international server".