
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

author:Kimiko Hirahara

Recently, Yemen's Houthis have gained prominence.

Because they do what they say, if they say they will blockade the Red Sea, and if they say that they will not let the US and Israeli merchant ships and troops pass, they will really not be able to get through, and they will really dare to fight and can really achieve results.

In addition to a large number of drones, the Houthis also have a lot of high-tech anti-ship missiles and ballistic missiles.

On January 24, Yemen's Houthi spokesperson Yahya Sarrea issued a statement saying that on that day, Yemen's Houthi forces clashed with several U.S. warships protecting two U.S. merchant ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and Yemen's Houthi armed forces directly hit a U.S. warship and forced the two U.S. merchant ships to evacuate and return home. In addition, some of the Houthi ballistic missiles hit the target, despite attempts by US warships to intercept them.

The Houthis, why are they so fierce?
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

Some people ask, why are the Houthis so "fierce"?

Because the United States and its lackeys are particularly good at forcing the "moderates" into mortal enemies with them.

The Houthis started out as a group of young Yemeni intellectuals, very moderate and naïve, just as the "Taliban" actually means "university students", just as Hamas is actually a "charity" composed of a group of academics......

History is ridiculous, and the current state of an organization has little to do with its origins.

The Houthis have a long history and belong to the Shiite sect of Islam in Yemen, which was originally established to revive the Zayd sect, a branch of Shiism. In 1990, when North and South Yemen were reunified, 35% of Yemenis were Shiites, and most of these Shiites were Zaidists, who opposed the interference of the United States and the West in Yemen's internal affairs, and opposed making Yemen a colony of the United States. In 1992, in the northern province of Saada in Yemen, Hussein al-Houthi of the Zay'd faction founded the Young Believers, the predecessor of the Houthis.

The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

After the outbreak of the Iraq war in 2003, the Yemeni government followed the United States, and the "young faith" protested on a large scale against the pro-American policies of the then Yemeni government, which was suppressed by the government. The following year, Yemeni government leaders invited the Houthis to the capital for talks, but he declined the invitation. He was then arrested by the Yemeni government, and in September of that year, the Houthis were killed by government forces, and the "Young Believers" were subsequently renamed the Houthis, now known as the Houthis.

To tell the truth, Houthis himself is actually a very "democratic" intellectual, and he really hopes to change Yemen by participating in the elections as a member of parliament. He also wrote a very sincere letter to the Yemeni president that year: "I am not against you, I appreciate your great achievements, but it is our enemies who are driven by my sacred sense of national responsibility...... United States and Israel. ”

But the pro-American Yemeni government killed him directly, and posted photos of him killed...... Then, the "Houthis" were directly sanctified in the flesh, and countless Yemeni youths regarded him as a role model and spiritual leader, fighting the pro-American faction to the end, and never stopped.

At that time, Yemeni President Saleh suppressed the revolution at home, followed the United States externally, and thoughtlessly followed the United States on the issues of Iraq and Afghanistan. Although he was corrupt and brutal, he had strong control over the military and government, and the Houthis were forced to fight guerrilla warfare in the ravines. Later, the United States felt that Saleh was too strong to control, so it ousted him in 2012 and gave up his position to Vice President Hadi. After Hardy came to power, he was unable to balance the interests of all parties, his foundation was shallow, taxes could not be collected, and the army owed wages. All sides saw an opportunity, with the Houthis breaking out of the ravine in early 2013 and capturing the Yemeni capital in 2015, taking control of much of Yemen.

Later, the Houthis continued to grow in strength in the anti-American struggle and became the largest armed force in Yemen, and the United States and its ally Saudi Arabia bombed them many times, but the Houthis not only were not destroyed, but they also became stronger and stronger, and the more they fought, the richer they became, and the territory became bigger and bigger..... It was fought until Saudi Arabia sued for reparations, signed an agreement to recognize their existence.

Later, the Houthis began to crisscross in international diplomacy, unite the forces that can be united, and the Shiite boss Iran has become the strongest fighting force in the "Resistance Front", since its establishment, the Houthis have fought with the Yemeni government and Saudi Arabia for a long time, and have been fully trained in actual combat in the face of US air strikes for a long time. At the same time, the Houthis are focusing on developing their military arsenal, especially in two areas: missile range and naval capabilities, and they now have the ability to reach Israeli-occupied areas with missiles or suicide drones. In addition, it has the ability to target any ship passing through Yemen in the Red Sea, and is known as "the most modernly equipped guerrilla force".

The Houthis, why are they so fierce?
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

The leadership of the Houthis has maintained a very "hard and simple" style, and after the generals have made anti-American speeches, they often wear slippers and ride home on ordinary people's motorcycles, and they have to rush to pay for their cars...... Spiritually and physically, the Houthis are already the most modern army in the entire Middle East.

The Houthis, why are they so fierce?
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

In 2022, the Houthis held a shocking military parade, in which one of the teams was composed entirely of disabled soldiers with limbs, and the Internet compared that army to the "Immortal Army".

The Houthis, why are they so fierce?
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?
The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

Let's think about it, what kind of organization, cohesion, morale, and popular will can give birth to such an army?

Many people look at the Houthis with the old ideology and think that they are just a religious force, but in fact, they even have a "Politburo", and on this basis, they have surpassed 90% of the world's regimes.

Do not underestimate their organizational form, strategy and tactics, they have even developed their own "Ten Principles of Military Struggle", they know how to use the power of Iran's "resistance front", they know how to "ensure the safety of Chinese ships" in the Red Sea crisis, they have learned a lot, such as "making more friends and less enemies".

The Houthis, why are they so fierce?

It is very telling that a regime can rise in the face of adversity, survive the strangulation of internal and external enemies until now, and can defeat imperialism and its lackeys, and can not only uphold justice for the Palestinian people, but also play the "united front value" for its own country and nation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that today the Houthis are able to cut off the Red Sea and fight exclusively against American and Israeli merchant ships and warships, without taking into account the most powerful imperialism in fact.