
The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

author:Encyclopedia of dog knowledge

In our lives, dogs have become more and more people's companions. We want them to be happy and happy, but how can we tell if a dog is really happy?

The dog is happy, the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is amazing!

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Relaxed sleeping position

The dog sleeps on all fours, exposing its belly and stretching its body, indicating that it is very trusting of its surroundings and has a sense of security. This sleeping position shows that the dog is very happy.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Lively and active

Dogs are particularly excited when they are playing. If a dog can run around while playing, rolling and biting its tail without hesitation, it means that it is really happy.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Smile often

Dogs have the same facial expressions as humans and are able to express their emotions. When dogs feel happy and satisfied, the corners of their mouths go up to show a smiling expression. If your dog smiles at you like this a lot, it means he's happy!

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Lick your face with saliva

Dogs use licking to express their love and affection for their owners. If your dog licks your saliva a lot, it means that he loves you very much and is living happily.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

The butt is following you

Dogs like to follow their owners, and they will follow you wherever you go. This clingy behavior shows that the dog trusts you a lot and that he is living happily.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Feel the belly casually

A dog's belly is a very sensitive part and is generally not touched casually. If the dog is willing to show its belly in front of you and let you touch it casually, it means that he trusts you very much and is living happily.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

How to improve your dog's well-being?

Play with your dog

Dogs are active by nature and love to play. As owners, we can play with the dog more, play ball, chase, hide and other games with it, and when interacting with the dog, we can also use some freeze-dried snacks to train it. This will not only enhance the bond between the owner and the dog, but also make the dog feel happy.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Provide your dog with delicious food

Food is an essential part of a dog's life, and delicious food can make them feel satisfied and happy. We can provide the dog with nutritious and good-tasting dog food, and we can also give it some treats and fruits appropriately.

The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable

Conclusion: Is your dog happy?

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The dog is happy, and the more obvious these 6 characteristics are, accounting for more than half, it is remarkable