
These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

author:Great love for teddy control

Now that raising a dog is also a science, many wrong practices should be corrected. To tell you the truth, the following practices are actually hurting dogs, and many people have been tricked!

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Method 1:

"Bathe the dog every other day"

Although the dog's body odor is relatively heavy, it cannot be bathed every day, or bathe it every other day, which will damage the dog's skin environment, causing it to suffer from skin diseases, and the hair will also lose its luster, which is not conducive to the health of the dog.

Correct Approach:

It is recommended to bathe the dog once in 1~2 weeks, and after bathing the dog, it is necessary to dry its body and blow dry its hair to avoid the dog catching a cold.

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Method 2:

"Dog walks are short or long"

If the dog walking time is too short or too hurried, it will not be able to meet the dog's exercise needs, which will cause a psychological burden to the dog, and is not conducive to the healthy growth of the dog. If you walk your dog for too long, it will make your dog too tired and even cause damage to its joints and bones.

Correct Approach:

Different types of dogs have different needs for dog walking time, and the excrement shovel officer should decide the dog walking time according to the exercise needs of his dog. Generally, small dogs can walk for half an hour every day, and medium and large dogs need one and a half to two hours.

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Method 3:

"Keeping the dog at home for a long time"

The dog needs to be socialized normally and go out to meet its exercise needs. If the dog is kept at home for a long time, it will affect the dog's physical development, and it will also lead to depression, poor resistance, psychological shadows, etc.

Correct Approach:

It is necessary to insist on taking the dog out for a walk every day, so that the dog can defecate and socialize outside, but when walking the dog, you need to wear a leash, and clean up the dog's feces, so as to raise a dog in a civilized manner.

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Method 4:

"Don't deworm dogs"

If you never deworm your dog, it is easy to infect your dog with internal and external parasites, which is very harmful to your dog's health. It is easy to cause serious skin diseases in dogs, malnutrition, etc., and even some parasites can be transmitted to humans.

Correct Approach:

It is recommended to carry out in vitro deworming once a month and internal deworming once every three months, and do a good job of hygiene and cleaning at home and disinfecting regularly. If there is a habit of giving the dog raw flesh and bones, then deworming is even more necessary.

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Method 5:

"Don't grind your dog's teeth"

Never grinding the dog's teeth will cause the dog's teeth to hide dirt and dirt, and there are many food residues, resulting in bad breath in the dog, and can not meet the needs of the dog's teeth grinding, and it is easy to cause the dog to suffer from gingivitis, dental calculus, stomatitis, etc.

Correct Approach:

Brush your dog's teeth regularly, and prepare some teething sticks and teething treats for your dog to meet your dog's teething needs.

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Method 6:

"Feeding dogs leftovers for a long time"

Most of the leftovers of human beings are heavy oil and salt, and long-term feeding to dogs will cause a great burden on the dog's liver and kidneys, and will lead to rough hair and malnutrition in dogs.

Correct Approach:

A healthy dog diet is very important, you should pay attention to a balanced nutrition, you can make your own dog meal, but few people achieve balanced nutrition, so it is best to choose a nutritious dog food for the dog as a staple food.

These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

Conclusion: Have you been tricked by these practices?

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These practices are actually "harming" dogs, and many people have been tricked!

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