
Falling into the nest of beautiful women is inversely contrasted

author:Sunset old gun

The book picks up.

In yesterday's short article, the author told the story of an old squad leader of this company who no longer directly promoted cadres from the soldiers after the reform of the army, and must have military school study experience to be able to do it, so he pretended to be an officer to cheat on marriage and was sentenced.

There are no coincidences in the world. A few days after I went to the company headquarters as a clerk, I received an order from a high school in Zhengzhou to study the People's Liberation Army with practical actions, and to carry out military training, six people needed to be instructors. The soldier brother who was accustomed to seeing all the big men in the barracks turned around to fall into the nest of beautiful women with so many girls, and they were also foreign girls in the big city, the real swans, saying that they were not excited, not curious, not looking forward to it was completely false, and they were waiting to see who had the blessing to lead the order to take over the task into the school gate.

After leaving the company for a month, eating and living in the school, from teachers to students, many of them are warblers and swallows, and the instructors must not only have excellent military quality, but also have higher requirements for whether they can eliminate interference. In addition to agreeing to be led by a cadre who had married and became a family member, the company commander also selected five veterans, including me, because we all had objects in our hometown (this was just introduced as long as we agreed to communicate and understand, we had to report to the company), the possibility of being distracted was smaller, this was the first of the measures that could be taken organizationally, what self-strict requirements, mutual supervision of one person does not leave the room, at the end of the school to have a back-to-back written appraisal to keep the file for a lifetime, are the second and third of the measures, Repeatedly stressed, asking everyone to write a pledge to show determination, as if facing a great enemy, is indeed funny in retrospect.

There is no problem in military training, the six instructors have four coaching certificates, the problem is that we are tightly bound by invisible ropes, we can't let go of the stiff psychology and hands and feet on the playground, one move and one style are like robots, six black faces are stretched like a creditor all day long, not only see the female students' language is simple, see the female teachers are also try to avoid, can talk less and talk as little as possible. In the canteen six people sit at a table, engage in training six people at a time, during the break six people live in a room, the toilet alone is not allowed to go, at night the leader of the team also have to get up several times to see the "everyone sleeping posture", afraid of accidents.

Everyone also feels unfree and uncomfortable, and also feels that the inability to open their hands and feet in training will affect the results and effects of practical training, but they cannot but do so, not deliberately pretending to be a righteous gentleman, it is the limitation of that era, it is a kind of conscious consciousness carved into the bones, and it is also an instinct to prevent others from talking nonsense and flying short and long to protect themselves. At that time, people regarded honor and reputation as more important than life!

A month of time has passed in the blink of an eye, everyone does not have the pleasant feeling of close contact with women, but feels that the time is long and tired, in the company training to correct the action should hold hands, should pat the hips, should straighten the chest, should close the abdomen, in the school girls do not dare to offside, just repeatedly explain the demonstration, that dare to correct? Low efficiency and slow speed, but also to ensure quality, tired of heart, and finally survived to the end of the end of the lianli cadres to hold a party, ask teachers and student representatives to give advice, my God, what is high and difficult to approach yo, what serious and difficult to communicate yo, put forward a lot, of course, all verbal criticism, written appraisal leverage. But after all, these city beauties have literally damaged us soldiers. Even the commanders of the company also said with a smile that they should go back to strengthen education, establish everyone's awareness of the water conditions of the military and the people and the family, and the next time they have the opportunity to come, they will definitely improve their working methods and redouble their efforts to put unity first.

Packing up our backpacks, packing up, we lined up in a neat line to walk out of the school gate, the teachers and students sent out a long way to cling to each other, several girls had tears in their red eyes, we didn't dare to stay, didn't dare to talk, didn't even dare to turn our heads, striding faster and faster, I was afraid that I couldn't control myself and let the leaders grab the handle, back to the company, can there be a time to settle down!

This is what happened in May 1980. It was the scene of young men and women in the late spring and early summer of the 1980s, and how many young friends would believe it compared to today? But it is true, and it happens in a provincial capital.

(To be continued)