
The second study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee in January 2024 was held

author:Xiao County Media
The second study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee in January 2024 was held
The second study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee in January 2024 was held

From January 28th to 29th, Zhu Xinhua, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the second study meeting of the county party committee's theoretical learning center group in January 2024 to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, fully implement the spirit of the Central Rural Work Conference and the Central Document No. 1, and effectively unify thoughts and actions to the central decision-making and deployment and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and strive to create a new situation in the county's "three rural" work on the new journey. Zhu Yongliang, Yang Hongjun, Chen Jin and other members of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee attended the meeting.

The second study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee in January 2024 was held

The meeting was divided into two periods, individual self-study on the 28th and collective study and discussion on the 29th.

At the meeting, the members of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee conveyed the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "three rural" and the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of recent important speeches, and carried out study and discussion around the learning content.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the importance of doing a good job in the "three rural" work, adhere to the bottom-line thinking, and keep the bottom-line task. The whole county should comprehensively, profoundly and accurately study and comprehend the series of important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the "three rural" work and the first document of the Central Committee and the spirit of the Central Rural Work Conference, further unify thinking, deepen understanding, and strive to improve the "political judgment, political comprehension and political execution" of the "three rural" work, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of the "three rural" work.

The meeting required that we should accurately grasp the practical path of comprehensive rural revitalization and adhere to the systematic policy to promote the "Ten Million Project". It is necessary to learn to use the concepts and methods contained in the "Ten Million Project" to accelerate the construction of harmonious villages with innovative ideas and measures. It is necessary to adhere to the people-oriented, joint construction and sharing, and run the people-centered development idea throughout, so that farmers can really benefit from the construction of Hemei villages. It is necessary to persist in adapting measures to local conditions, do our best, earnestly follow the law of rural development itself, and reasonably determine goals and tasks. It is necessary to adhere to the demonstration and guidance, implement it steadily, connect the dots into a line, and expand the area from the line to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. It is necessary to adhere to the combination of soft and hard, shape and forge the soul, and make overall plans to promote the coordinated development of rural material civilization and spiritual civilization.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to tighten and consolidate responsibilities at all levels, adhere to cohesion, and strengthen support and guarantees. Strengthen organizational leadership, improve the organizational system, institutional system, and work system of the party's leadership of rural work, consolidate the political and organizational guarantees for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and promote the implementation of various tasks with strong implementation. Accelerate key reforms, continue to deepen key reforms in the "three rural" areas, deepen the reform of the rural land system, and carry out the work of extending rural land contracts in accordance with laws and regulations in light of actual conditions. Strengthen the guarantee of factors, adhere to agriculture and rural areas as a priority area of financial expenditure, increase the integration of policies, projects, funds, planning and other resources, based on local reality, in-depth research and thinking, so that there is a plan in mind, and strive to promote the "three rural" work to break out of a new way and show new achievements with excellent ability and pragmatic style.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to maintain the efficient operation of the command system at all times, and that leading cadres should grasp the front line, work forces should sink to the scene, and preventive measures should be implemented on the ground, so as to form a strong joint force of coordinated operations, close cooperation, and seamless docking. It is necessary to tighten the chain of responsibility in an all-round way, tighten the responsibilities of units, streets, townships, enterprises and other parties, and ensure rapid response, effective response, and proper handling of major emergencies. It is necessary to do a good job in the key work before, during and after the holiday, implement the closed-loop mechanism of problem discovery, disposal and summary, and continuously improve the level of emergency response capabilities. It is necessary to highlight key points and allocate forces from all sides, strengthen analysis and judgment, and improve the speed of response. It is necessary to make every effort to promote the implementation of work tasks, and maintain social stability, urban tranquility, and the well-being of the masses with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured". (Hu Zhen)

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