
Offline promotion: a new way to play the traditional enrollment method


The wind and waves of the Internet have blown into the education industry, many education and training institutions have begun to expand online education, the online student source market is huge, and there is no regional time and other restrictions, which greatly increases the conversion rate of students, and the institution uses the characteristics of the Internet to open up online enrollment channels, flexible and convenient; So what are the ways of offline promotion?

Offline promotion: a new way to play the traditional enrollment method

Higher vocational single recruitment

Lecture Admissions: Lecture admissions are a common offline enrollment method. Institutions can organize special lectures or open classes to invite potential students to participate. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to some skills, for example, when the candidate is close to the exam, the candidate is more concerned about the revision skills, in the lecture, the teacher can focus on what parents like to hear, what problems are children prone to, and let parents be interested in order to increase the success rate. Institutions can showcase their faculty, course characteristics and teaching achievements, and at the same time provide consultation and audition services for students, which can be live online, offline lectures or group live broadcasts.

Offline promotion: a new way to play the traditional enrollment method

Single-trick question bank

Invitation enrollment: Invitation enrollment is also an effective way to recruit students offline. Institutions can take the initiative to contact potential students by phone, text message, email, etc., and invite them to visit the institution and audition. In the process of invitation, the institution needs to understand the needs and concerns of the students, find out the learning problems of the students in the process of conversation, and provide personalized consulting services for the students, so as to improve the satisfaction and registration rate of the students.

Offline promotion: a new way to play the traditional enrollment method

Campus cooperation: Training institutions can carry out cooperative marketing with schools and enterprises in the enrollment process to expand the enrollment scale, increase market share, and achieve a win-win situation or even a win-win situation. Co-teachers can promote it in the classroom, and students trust their teachers more than unfamiliar education and training institutions, and the teacher's message is more convincing. Institutions can launch groups and bargaining to attract students to sign up.

Education and training institutions need to constantly explore and innovate enrollment methods to adapt to changes in the market and the needs of students. At the same time, institutions need to focus on improving the quality of teaching and service to provide students with a better learning experience and value. In this way, we can better attract and retain trainees and achieve sustainable development of the organization.