
Party Newspaper Daily Reading: 2024-01-29 Learning Times Golden Sentences (Issue 4166)

Party Newspaper Daily Reading: 2024-01-29 Learning Times Golden Sentences (Issue 4166)

Solid progress has been made in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

  General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the "three rural" work, emphasizing "learning and using the experience of the 'Ten Million Project', adapting measures to local conditions, classifying policies, step-by-step, long-term success, and concentrating on doing a good job of a number of practical things that the masses can feel", which provides a fundamental basis for the current and future period of the "three rural" work. To do a good job in the "three rural" work in 2024, it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, take the experience of learning and using the "Ten Million Project" as the guide, ensure national food security and ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty as the bottom line, and focus on improving the level of rural industry development, rural construction and rural governance, strengthen the two-wheel drive of science and technology and reform, strengthen measures to increase farmers' income, and fight a good battle for the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

  To ensure national food security and not to return to poverty on a large scale as the bottom line, we will consolidate the basic foundation of agriculture and rural areas

  We should do a good job in stabilizing the production and supply of grain and other important agricultural products. Ensuring a stable and safe supply of grain and important agricultural products has always been the top priority in building a strong agricultural country. In 2023, the country's total grain output will reach 1,390.82 billion catties, stable at more than 1.3 trillion catties for 9 consecutive years, the soybean sowing area will be stable at more than 150 million mu, the oil output will be significantly improved, and the production of meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables and tea will be generally stable, providing solid support for the overall economic and social development. In 2024, the economy will be in a critical period of recovery, and there can be no mistakes in ensuring national food security. It is necessary to ensure that the grain output is maintained at more than 1.3 trillion catties, fully implement the same responsibility of the party and government for food security, adhere to the dual efforts of stabilizing the area and increasing the yield, put the focus of increasing grain production on a large area to increase the yield, promote the integrated application of good land, good seeds, good opportunities and good methods, and promote the grain production capacity to a new level. We should pay close attention to improving the mechanism for guaranteeing the income of peasants who grow grain and the mechanism for compensating the interests of the main grain-producing areas, so as to better mobilize the enthusiasm of peasants for growing grain and for local governments to grasp grain. In the past two years, the results of soybean expansion have been generally good, but there have also been problems such as difficulty in selling soybeans in some areas. In 2024, it is necessary to consolidate the results of planting expansion, adhere to seeking truth from facts, respect the law, and strive to promote the increase of yield and promote the virtuous cycle of soybean production and sales on the basis of stabilizing the existing area. "Doing the road is said to be food, stopping and eating", and the connotation of "food" is richer. Establish the concept of big agriculture and big food, and coordinate the relationship between grain and non-staple food. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the supply of "vegetable basket" products and the regulation and control of pig production capacity, stabilize the production of beef and mutton, and promote the balance between supply and demand in the dairy industry; on the other hand, it is necessary to face the entire land and resources, support deep-sea aquaculture, develop forest food, and develop agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery simultaneously, continuously expand the breadth and depth of agricultural development, develop food resources in all directions and channels, and build a diversified food supply system.

  Adhere to the "three-in-one" protection of cultivated land quantity, quality, and ecology. The per capita quantity of cultivated land on the mainland is small, the overall quality is not high, the reserve resources are insufficient, the areas suitable for grain production and the economic construction zones overlap to a high degree, and the situation of cultivated land protection is very grim, and the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land must not be breached. The protection of cultivated land is a systematic project, and it is necessary to maintain the lifeblood of cultivated land, not only to ensure the quantity, but also to improve the quality, and to manage the use, so as to ensure that the quantity and quality of cultivated land are guaranteed. To ensure the quantity, it is necessary to consolidate the responsibility for cultivated land protection in various localities, implement the tasks of cultivated land protection and permanent basic farmland that are clear in the new round of land spatial planning, and reform and improve the system of balancing cultivated land occupation and compensation. To improve quality, it is necessary to promote the construction of high-standard farmland, give priority to the construction of high-standard farmland in the black soil areas of Northeast China, plain areas, and areas with water conservancy and irrigation conditions, appropriately increase the level of investment subsidies, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of high-standard farmland construction, and ensure that one piece is built into one piece and one piece is permanently protected. At the same time, we should vigorously strengthen the management and comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land. In order to manage the use, it is necessary to resolutely rectify the illegal acts of indiscriminate occupation and destruction of cultivated land, and continue to rectify the "big sheds". All localities should combine the actual situation, seek truth from facts, refine and clarify the scope of rectification and reform of cultivated land, rationally arrange the restoration sequence, and not engage in "one-size-fits-all" work in isolation from objective reality, so as to make localities "chickens fly and dogs jump".

  Build a multi-level modern agricultural production and management and factor support system. At present, there are new situations in agricultural production on the mainland, such as the decline in the total labor force, the aging of the rural population, and the concentration of land in the form of circulation or trusteeship to new-type agricultural operators and socialized service organizations. On the premise of adhering to the basic system of agricultural household contract management, it is necessary to grasp well the objective reality that ordinary peasant households still rely mainly on the strength of agricultural production on the mainland, properly handle the relationship between the rights and interests of various subjects after the "separation of powers", focus on solving the problem of "who will farm the land", and build a multi-level modern agricultural production and operation and factor support system. On the one hand, it is necessary to give prominence to the development of farmers' cooperatives and family farms, and enhance the ability of services to drive small farmers. On the other hand, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the building of a socialized service system. Socialized services such as agricultural production trusteeship are the support of the modern agricultural management system and are welcomed by the peasant masses, so it is necessary to strengthen the construction of agricultural socialized service platforms and standard systems, focus on the key weak links of agricultural production and small farmers, and expand service areas and models.

  Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. Consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation is the bottom-line task of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and it is necessary to tighten and consolidate the responsibility for preventing the return to poverty, and resolutely prevent the phenomenon of the entire village and the whole township from returning to poverty. In 2024, it is necessary to continue to implement the monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent the return to poverty, and continue to consolidate and improve the achievements of the "three guarantees" and drinking water safety guarantees. It is necessary to increase the income of the people who have been lifted out of poverty as the main direction of attack, pay more attention to stimulating the ambition and confidence of the people who have been lifted out of poverty to develop by relying on their own strength, and complete the transformation from blood transfusion to hematopoiesis. It is necessary to find more ways to promote the accelerated development of poverty alleviation areas, increase assistance and support for key areas, and support the sustainable development of ex-situ poverty alleviation and resettlement areas. We should pay close attention to studying and promoting the establishment of a normalized assistance mechanism for low-income people in rural areas and underdeveloped areas.

  Closely follow the improvement of rural industry development, rural construction, and rural governance, and draw a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful villages

  Improve the level of rural industry development. Industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization, and it is necessary to adhere to the principle of rejuvenating agriculture by industry, quality, and green, improve the mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, and promote industrial development to promote farmers' income. To do rural industry, we must not lose the "root" of agriculture, but should closely focus on strengthening the central link of agriculture, extend the industrial chain, embed new elements, create new advantages, and create new vitality. On this basis, based on the multiple functions of agriculture and the multiple values of rural areas, agriculture will become a "treasure box" that integrates various elements such as resources, ecology, technology, and culture. At this stage, the focus of rural industry development is to promote the optimization and upgrading of agricultural product processing industry and the high-quality development of rural circulation. The ratio of the mainland's agricultural product processing industry to the total agricultural output value is 2.52:1, far lower than the level of 3.5:1 in developed countries. Promote the coordinated development of agricultural product production, primary processing, and intensive processing, and expand the space for value-added and efficiency improvement of agricultural development. Rural circulation is an important part of the modern circulation system and a prominent shortcoming in the development of rural industries. We will further promote the construction of the county-level commercial system, optimize the construction of the cold chain logistics system for agricultural products, and promote the integration of rural circulation facilities and services into the modern circulation system.

  Improve the level of rural construction. Rural modernization is an intrinsic requirement and necessary condition for building an agricultural power, and building a livable, workable and beautiful countryside is the proper meaning of an agricultural power. The CPC Central Committee has made it clear that aiming at the goal of "basically providing modern living conditions in rural areas," we should organize and implement rural construction actions so that peasants can live a modern and civilized life on the spot. Rural construction should follow the laws and internal requirements of the village's own development, carry out scientific planning based on the existing foundation of the village, adapt to the trend of rural population change, optimize the layout of the village, the industrial structure, and the allocation of public services, and cannot blindly demolish the old village and build a new village. We must persist in doing our best and doing what we can, and do not go beyond the development stage to engage in large-scale financing, large-scale development, and large-scale construction, so as to avoid ineffective investment and waste. It is necessary to fully embody the characteristics of the countryside, retain the rural style, be able to retain the green mountains and clear waters, and remember the nostalgia. After years of continuous construction, although the production and living conditions in rural areas have improved significantly, the rural infrastructure and public service system are not perfect, and there are still obvious weak links in the coverage of villages and the extension of households. With the county as the basic unit, we will promote the extension of urban infrastructure to rural areas and the coverage of public services to rural areas, and continue to improve the balance and accessibility of basic public services in counties. Proceeding from the actual situation of various localities and the needs of farmers, we will strive to promote the shortcomings of rural infrastructure and strive to do one thing at a time. In particular, we should improve the long-term management and protection mechanism of rural infrastructure as soon as possible, and we must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local farmers to participate in the management and protection of rural infrastructure. Establish and improve the policy system of employment, pension, education, medical care, social assistance and other policies that integrate urban and rural areas within the county, and promote the transformation of the supply of basic public services from focusing on the coverage of institutional administrative areas to focusing on the coverage of services for the permanent population.

Improve the level of rural governance. Rural governance is related to the foundation of the party's governance in rural areas and the stability of rural society, and is an important content and basic guarantee for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. It is necessary to unswervingly give full play to the leading role of rural grassroots party organizations, improve and strengthen the functions of the three-level governance system in counties and villages, innovate the carrier of rural governance, and accelerate the modernization of rural governance. At present, the pattern of urban and rural interests on the mainland has been profoundly adjusted, the rural social structure has undergone profound changes, and the peasants' ideological concepts have undergone profound changes, and rural governance is facing new situations and new challenges. It is necessary to focus on solving grassroots governance problems such as "small horses and carts", strengthen the management responsibilities of townships and towns for the institutions and personnel stationed in county-level departments, increase the intensity of compiling resources to favor rural areas, and improve the list of grassroots responsibilities and affairs. Promote the organic combination of agricultural civilization and modern civilization elements, combine the construction of rural spiritual civilization with the inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and combine it with the common values that the peasant masses use every day without realizing it, promote the extension of civilization practice in the new era to villages, bazaars and other ends, and further promote the change of customs in rural areas. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and resolve contradictions and disputes at the grassroots level and in the bud in a timely manner, so that the countryside is both full of vitality and stable and orderly.

  Strengthen the two-wheel drive of science and technology, reform and measures to increase farmers' income, and continuously improve the level of agricultural and rural modernization

  Continuously strengthen the construction of agricultural science and technology support system. The way out for agriculture lies in modernization, and the key to agricultural modernization lies in scientific and technological progress and innovation. After long-term efforts, the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress in the mainland has reached 62.4% in 2022, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of cultivation and harvesting of major crops has exceeded 70%, but there is still a big gap compared with developed countries. Science and technology are an important support for the mainland's agriculture to stand out from the encirclement, and we must pay more attention to and rely on the progress of agricultural science and technology than ever before to resolve the outstanding contradictions such as insufficient cultivated land resources, water resource constraints, environmental pressure, the impact of climate change, and the aging of the agricultural labor force. It is necessary to take the key core technology of agriculture as the guide, take the urgent needs of the industry as the guide, focus on the chassis technology, core provenance, key agricultural machinery and equipment and other fields, give full play to the advantages of the new national system, integrate all kinds of advantageous scientific research resources at all levels, strengthen the main position of enterprise scientific and technological innovation, and build an agricultural science and technology innovation system with clear echelons, division of labor and cooperation, and moderate competition. Strengthen the integration of agriculture and science and technology, adhere to the sinking of talents, science and technology to the countryside, and serve the "three rural", and further grasp the science and technology commissioner system as an important work for scientific and technological innovation talents to serve rural revitalization.

  Continue to promote rural reform and innovation. Rural reform and innovation is a very policy-oriented work, and it is necessary to have a very clear bottom-line thinking. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "No matter how it is reformed, we cannot reform the collective ownership of rural land, we cannot change the cultivated land, we cannot change the grain output, and we cannot damage the interests of farmers." "Therefore, on the premise of sticking to the bottom line, we must encourage all localities to carry out practical exploration and institutional innovation, strengthen the integration and efficiency of reform measures, and stimulate the vitality of rural revitalization. The CPC Central Committee has promulgated the "Implementation Plan for Deepening Rural Reform," which has made systematic arrangements for deepening rural reform at present and for a period of time to come. In the next step, the second round of land contracts in various localities will expire one after another, and it is necessary to adhere to the principle of extending the contract to ensure that the original contracted land of the vast majority of rural households will continue to remain stable. Steadily and prudently promote the reform of the rural homestead system, and allow the transfer of lawfully acquired homestead land to eligible rural collective economic organization member families in the county area in the pilot areas. What needs to be emphasized is that people in the cities cannot go to the countryside to buy homesteads, and it is strictly forbidden to go to the countryside and use rural homesteads to build villas, compounds, and private clubs. The second draft of the Law on Rural Collective Economic Organizations has been deliberated at the Seventh Session of the Standing Committee of the 14 th National People's Congress, and it is necessary to deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system on the basis of this law, promote the healthy development of the new type of rural collective economy, and strictly control the risks of rural collective operations.

  Do everything possible to increase peasants' incomes. Increasing peasants' incomes is the central task of the "three rural" work, and how to do everything possible to broaden the channels for peasants to increase their incomes and get rich, so that peasants' pockets will become more and more bulging, and how the peasants' pockets will become more and more prosperous, is an issue of great concern to the broad masses of peasants. In recent years, the income of rural residents on the mainland has continued to grow rapidly, and the income ratio between urban and rural residents has been narrowing, but the absolute income gap between urban and rural residents is still widening, and the income gap between regions and between peasants is also obvious, and the situation of increasing peasants' incomes has become more severe and complicated. It is necessary to take multiple measures to maintain the good momentum of rapid growth in peasants' incomes, continue to expand the rural industries for enriching the people, and support peasant households in developing family-run projects such as planting and breeding with special characteristics, handicraft workshops, and understory economy. Strengthen industrial development and link agriculture with agriculture, actively promote cash-for-work in key engineering projects and agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, and continue to expand the scale of labor remuneration. Promote multi-channel employment of rural labor, cultivate and expand labor service brands, and carry out special actions to ensure the service of migrant workers.

Completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and pay close attention to implementation and promote rural revitalization

Take the study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work as a compulsory course for performing duties and responsibilities. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work is very comprehensive and systematic, the requirements are very clear and specific, not only teach us what to do, but also teach us how to do, but also point out to us what can not be done, is to understand and grasp the "three rural" development law of the encyclopedia, is to do a good job in the "three rural" work of the fundamental follow and important magic weapon. It is necessary to promote party and government leading cadres at all levels to learn and understand the positions, views and methods that run through them, deeply understand the spiritual essence and core essence, and further improve the work skills and policy level of the "three rural". At the same time, it is necessary to implement the "four grassroots" system, vigorously investigate and study, make the "three rural" situation clearer and more accurate, take seriously the reasonable demands of the peasant masses, and make the "three rural" policies and measures more realistic.

  Strictly implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization. Rural revitalization is a historic task and systematic work, with the typical characteristics of "combination of sections and blocks", and it is necessary to reform and improve the system and mechanism of the "three rural" work, gather wisdom from all sides, and mobilize forces from all sides. Implement the responsibility of the fifth-level secretary to grasp the rural revitalization. It is a clear requirement of the Party Central Committee for the fifth-level secretaries to grasp rural revitalization, and it is necessary to promote the fifth-level secretaries to truly grasp the revitalization of the countryside, especially to give full play to the role of the county party secretary as the "front-line commander-in-chief". It is necessary to implement the responsibility of the department to promote rural revitalization. Rural revitalization is a major strategy of the whole party, not a matter of which department or line, and all agriculture-related departments have the responsibility to promote rural revitalization. Based on the responsibilities of the department to serve the "three rural", "each fry a dish, and hold a table together" to form a joint work force. Give full play to the role of the "baton" of supervision and assessment. Through supervision and assessment to promote the implementation of responsibility, find and solve problems, the assessment work is not only to find problems, but more importantly, to solve problems, promote work, and correct various deviations in the work in a timely manner. It is necessary to optimize all kinds of agriculture-related inspections, inspections and assessments, highlight the actual performance and effectiveness, integrate the integration, simplify the simplification, and effectively reduce the burden of the grassroots inspection and examination.

  Continuously improve the way we work. To implement the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment on the "three rural" work, we must have correct work strategies and methods. Highlight the main points. Rural revitalization points are multifaceted and have a long front, and it is necessary to grasp the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions, take into account the sustainability of financial resources and the affordability of farmers, concentrate resources and forces to tackle tough problems, and promote the overall improvement of work with key breakthroughs. Categorical policy. The mainland has a vast territory, the situation in the eastern, central, and western regions, the main grain-producing areas and the non-main producing areas, and the development stage in which they are located, and the needs of rural areas in various places are also very different. It is necessary to put forward policy guidance and work requirements by category, conform to the laws of nature, economy, and social development, and cannot simply copy the practices of others. Grasp the effectiveness of work. Based on the actual situation of various localities, we should make use of the site conditions, development foundation, and work foundation according to local conditions, effectively solve the problem of shortcomings and weaknesses, and continuously achieve results that can be known, felt, and tangible by the peasant masses.

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