
Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

author:Loton Pets

Friends who raise Teddy, do you know that feeding Teddy is particular, and if you don't pay attention, it will do a lot of damage to Teddy's body. Here are 6 misunderstandings about raising Teddy, don't feed Teddy like this, it is equivalent to a chronic harmful dog, but there are still many people who do it!

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

Indiscriminate feeding of human food

Many people think that it doesn't hurt to give their dogs a taste of what they eat. There are a lot of spices and additives in human food, which is a big burden on Teddy's stomach. Long-term feeding in this way will not only make the dog prone to diarrhea, but may also cause more serious health problems.

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!


Some people think that the more the dog eats, the better, so that it can grow strong. In fact, a small dog like Teddy really doesn't have a lot of food. Feeding too much is not only easy to gain weight, but also may lead to indigestion, vomiting and other problems. So, be sure to control the amount of feeding!

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

Irregular feeding

Some owners forget to feed their dogs when they are busy, or give them a handful when they remember. Such irregular feeding habits can cause great damage to Teddy's stomach and intestines! In the long run, the dog's digestive system will have problems. Remember, regular feeding is king!

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

Neglect of water sources

Water is the source of life, and it is just as important for dogs. Some owners feel that as long as the dog is not thirsty, there is no need to prepare water for it. Teddy needs to have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Insufficient water can lead to problems such as dehydration, constipation, and in severe cases, kidney health.

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

Eat low-quality dog food

I won't say much about this, the nutrients in poor quality dog food are pitifully few, and they may also contain harmful substances. After eating this dog food for a long time, Teddy's health can be imagined. So, when choosing dog food, you must keep your eyes open, and it is best to choose a high-quality and nutritious dog food!

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

Snacks should be controlled

Teddy dogs love to eat snacks, but eating too many snacks is not a good thing. First, it is easy to gain weight, and secondly, it may affect the appetite of the main meal. Therefore, snacks must be in moderation, not by Teddy's temperament, can be used as a reward for interaction, training, and choose a healthy freeze-dried snack.

Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

Conclusion: Do you have any of these feeding misconceptions?

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Raise Teddy, don't feed it like this, it will "hurt" its body a lot!

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