
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

author:Gansu Metropolitan FM Broadcasting
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

Hezheng County is located in the south of Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province, with a total population of 240,000 in the county. In recent years, Hezheng County has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "four good rural roads", and insisted on building, managing, protecting and operating rural roads as an important measure to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and implement the rural revitalization strategy, realizing the transformation of rural roads from "walking" to "walking well".

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

Make efforts throughout the whole process and press the "shortcut key" for highway construction

A map planning, based on the requirements of the "new three links" construction, persistently fight the battle of rural roads, and build a new pattern of traffic development based on "five vertical and five horizontal", with smooth internal and external traffic development (among them, 2 provincial roads of 119 kilometers, 11 county roads of 144.2 kilometers, 14 township roads of 171.3 kilometers, 344.5 kilometers of village roads, and a total mileage of 2,911 kilometers of roads and lanes), forming a 30-minute traffic circle in the county towns and towns. With the smooth implementation of the hardened road project, life security project, and dangerous bridge reconstruction project of natural villages (groups), the narrow roads that once connected various villages with potholes and inconvenient access in rain and snow have now been upgraded and transformed into the "aorta" of rural external traffic. In Songming Town, after the completion of the upgrading and reconstruction project of the highway from Zamaliang to Huaishanzi, the village will be connected into a tourist park that is popular with tourists, and it has become a road to prosperity for the development of the tourism industry and a net red road for tourists to check in. In Luojiaji, the completion of the reconstruction project of Xianghuaping Tourism Industry Road in Datan Village not only provides a smooth and comfortable passage environment for the daily travel of the masses, closely links the sense of gain and happiness of the masses, but also activates a pool of spring water in rural tourism. From the county seat to the countryside, from the main trunk road to the rural road, there are hundreds of winding "four good rural roads" such as Sanhao Road, Huangluo Road and Linma Road, which have opened up the two-way passage of lucid waters and lush mountains and Jinshan Yinshan, strung together a beautiful picture of rural revitalization, and become the revitalization road of the people of Hezheng.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

In the past three years, Hezheng County has successfully created a provincial-level demonstration county of "four good rural roads", Lijiaping to Hualin Highway was rated as the most beautiful rural road in Longyuan, raising funds of 1.39 billion yuan, implementing nearly 30 transportation projects, more than 220 kilometers of newly reconstructed highways, 17 bridges, overlooking the land of Hezheng, a vivid picture, a group of jumping data, is the most intuitive answer sheet to show the new achievements of rural road construction in Hezheng County.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

Pay equal attention to management and maintenance to create a durable "quality road"

It is not easy to build rural roads, and it is even more difficult to manage and maintain them well. In order to improve the level of rural road management, Hezheng County has strengthened the reform of the rural road management and maintenance system, implemented the "Rural Highway Construction Management Measures", and strictly controlled the design, bidding, construction, supervision, and acceptance of the "five" passes, and realized the proportion of rural roads in quality improvement and transformation, and the rate of hardened roads in natural villages (groups), the proportion of first, second and third class bridges, and the rate of security projects in place. Through the introduction of the "Hezheng County Rural Highway Chief System Implementation Plan", the implementation of the "county road county maintenance, township road and township maintenance, community road village maintenance" three-level working mechanism, the county's 10 county roads, 14 township roads, 109 village roads, layer by layer implementation of road chief responsibility, county, township, village three-level road chief setting rate of 100%. The rural road maintenance standards have been refined, the "seven openness" system has been strictly implemented, the work has been vigorously implemented, and 625 public welfare posts have been coordinated for the development of road guards at the rural level, and the townships and towns have been guided to carry out road maintenance in the villages, and the maintenance forces have been organized in a timely manner to carry out timely maintenance and maintenance of the hidden road sections in the county. On the basis of carrying out the "comprehensive administrative law enforcement promotion year", we will solidly promote the special rectification in the field of road traffic safety and transportation law enforcement, focus on the hot spots that the people have strong reactions, the blocking points that restrict the standardization of fair and civilized law enforcement, and the urgent and difficult matters where public opinion complaints are concentrated, start from the places where the masses are most dissatisfied, and start from the things that the masses are most looking forward to, strengthen the governance of overloading and overloading, and effectively reduce the occurrence of all kinds of illegal occupation of roads and damage to highways.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

Guide operation and ignite the "new engine" of Huimin development

Vigorously promote the "four good rural roads" + industrial development. Adhere to the principle of "highways are built around industries, and industries revolve around highways", and accelerate the integrated development of rural highways, ecological agriculture and cultural tourism.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

"Four good rural roads" + traffic and tourism integration. The implementation of the S232 line and Zhengxian County Hangtan to Linxia County Manlu Township Highway Reconstruction Project (and Zheng Section), Linxia Prefecture Kangle Lian to Jishishan Dahejia Tourism Poverty Alleviation Channel, Hangman Road to Dahualiang Tourist Highway, further improve the tourism infrastructure, promote the extension of rural roads to scenic spots, and realize the interconnection of more than 10 scenic spots such as Songming Rock, Fatai Mountain, Erzi Dailiang, etc., forming a new pattern of multi-point connection, multi-point layout and integrated development.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads
Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

"Four good rural roads" + postal integration. In order to further promote the integrated development of rural passengers, goods and mail, and constantly explore and implement the new model of "postal cooperation", the successful creation of the county to Chenjiaji Town, the county seat to Liangjiasi Township passenger, freight and mail integration development demonstration line, up to now, 10 express delivery and takeaway enterprise data filing for the record, express safety operation inspection 5 times, rectification and improvement of the receipt and delivery procedures, coordination and resolution of 4 mass express complaints, "one network multi-purpose, function intensive" new model of rural transport service development basically began to build.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

"Four good rural roads" + transportation integration. "Transportation + service", intimate and more comfortable. Up to now, the county has opened 8 bus routes of various types, put 61 buses, including 57 new energy vehicles, 100% of the established villages through the line cars, and opened 112 passenger lines, including 14 inter-county and 91 in the county, realizing the full coverage of passenger transport in counties, towns and villages, with a traffic rate of 100%, more than 1 million passengers per year, and a maximum of 60,000 passengers in a single day during the flower fair.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

At present, Hezheng County's "Four Good Rural Roads" have gradually realized the historic transformation from demonstration and guidance to global standards, from the ingenuity and highlights, to the chain of beads and scenery, and then to the whole region to improve quality and empowerment, standing at a new starting point, Hezheng Transportation will continue to closely focus on the high-quality development strategy of "Four Good Rural Roads", open up the "fast lane" of rural revitalization at a high level, and create beautiful, safe, convenient and smooth rural roads, providing strong support for the development of Hezheng economy.

Hezheng County: "Construction, management, maintenance and transportation" make concerted efforts to open a new bureau for the work of four good rural roads

Source: Hezheng Transportation