
Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

author:Interesting talk

It has been a long time since Shi Hang, a cultural person, was involved in a sexual harassment scandal.

On January 30, Shi Hang once again spoke out through his personal account, emphasizing that he was falsely accused.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and filed a lawsuit against the incident this time.

This time, he came with screenshot evidence of the chat between the two parties, and released a long post for the first time in response to the sexual harassment storm again.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous
Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

Shi Hang emphasized that he was actually unwilling to fall into a "war of words", and on June 12, 2023, he had already filed a lawsuit with the court, and learned the identity of some of the people who accused him of sexual harassment through legal channels.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

Shi Hang's response mentioned a few key small details.

First of all, to make it clear, Shi Hang knew two girls, and he said that the two girls he complained about were actually boyfriend and girlfriend. In order to prove this, Shi Hang posted the chat record for verification.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

The second point is that Shi Hang said that the two of them interacted and cooperated and falsified the facts.

The third point is Shi Hang's statement, "The lawsuit is still ongoing, and I will not stop recourse and disclose the truth." ”

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

This time, Shi Hang is prepared, what will be the reaction of everyone after reading the large amount of evidence he brought?

The relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, in the end, why did the two girls cooperate with each other and point the sharp knife at Shi Hang?

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

Let's take a look at the private chat conversation between Shi Hang and the girl.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous!

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

The woman said "I like you" good night. Shi Hang responded: Me too, I like myself too, good night.

The woman chatted: Bad guy, can you do me a favor? I miss you very much today, you coax me, I'm angry, I can only be coquettish with you after coaxing, but I've been missing you for a long time.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

Shi Hang: I think you look good when you're angry, and I'm reluctant to coax you not to be angry.

Well, at this point, everyone seems to know what is going on.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

From Shi Hang's point of view, he described the relationship between men and women, which eventually evolved into a frame. They interact and cooperate, falsifying facts.

His attitude is that the lawsuit is still ongoing, and he will not stop seeking and revealing the truth.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

And why did the two girls point the "knife" at Shi Hang, the details in between, I believe there are still some processes that everyone doesn't know.

Shi Hang responded to the sexual harassment storm again and released screenshots of the woman's private chat, and the content of the conversation was ambiguous

In addition, the woman did not respond too much to this matter for the time being, whether Shi Hang really constituted harassment of the girl, whether there was evidence of harassment, and how the two sides would compete in the future.