
Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

author:Little U chats overseas

The BBC has invited 62 well-known film critics from around the world to select the "100 greatest American films of all time".

For example, "Gone with the Wind" is only 97, "Schindler's List" is 78, "Forrest Gump" is 74, "Modern Times" is 67, "One Flew Over the Asylum" is 59...

What are the top 10 movies?

No. 10: "The Godfather 2" (1974)

"The Godfather 2" is a gangster film produced by Paramount Pictures, which was released in the United States on December 12, 1974. The film mainly tells the story of the second generation of godfather, Mike Brown. Corleone's struggles, and the film also recalls the first generation of godfathers, Victor Brown. The hardships of Corleone's entrepreneurship. In 1975, the film received 11 nominations at the 47th Academy Awards, and eventually won six awards including Best Picture and Best Director, becoming the first sequel film to win the Oscar for Best Picture.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

9th place: Casablanca (1942)

is a romance movie produced by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film tells the story of the arrival of the anti-Nazi Victor and his wife Ilsa during World War II, when businessman Rick held a precious pass, which rekindled the old relationship between Rick and Ilsa, and the two faced emotional and political contradictions. In 1944, the film won three awards at the 16th Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Screenplay.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 8: "Psycho" (1960)

is a thriller produced by Universal Universe, which tells the story of Marilyn being killed by a schizophrenic madman in the bathroom, and then Marilyn's sister and boyfriend join the police investigation, and finally reveal the truth about the madman's murder under the gradual investigation.

"Psycho" is not only Alfred · One of Hitchcock's most skillful works, and at the same time the pioneering work of psychological horror thrillers, the value of this film lies first in the fact that it opened up a film genre in which criminal behavior caused by mental problems became the subject of the film, and compared to the horror film that hides behind the door and scares the audience, "Psycho" has become a classic with its analysis of the human psyche and the spiritual level; The value also lies in the fact that it has been widely praised by the audience while it has artistic value, and it has become more and more extraordinary value with the passage of time.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 7: Lady in the Rain (1952)

It is a musical and dance film produced by MGM Pictures, which is set in Hollywood's transition from the silent film era to the sound film era, and tells the love story between Hollywood actor Don and the chorus girl Casey. On March 27, 1952, the film was released in the United States, in 1989, the film was collected by the National Film Registry in the Library of Congress, in 2006, the film was selected by the American Film Institute as the first of the "25 Greatest Musical Films", and in 2007, the American Film Institute selected the "100 Greatest Pictures", and the film ranked fifth.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 6: Sunrise (1927)

is a love crime film produced by Fox Films, which tells the story of a young farmer who falls in love with a city woman, and decides to drown his wife under her bewilderment, and then sells the farm and moves to the city to live with her. The film is the first work of the famous German director Murnau to shoot in the United States, and won the first Academy Award for Best Actress, Best Cinematography and the Artistic Quality Award. This film marks the highest artistic level of the silent film era, and it still has a strong emotional appeal even when viewed today.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 5: The Searcher (1956)

is an American Western, the film tells the story of Ethan, a soldier who returns home after the Civil War and finds that his family has died tragically under the knife and gun of the Indians, and Ethan begins to take revenge. Hailed as one of the best westerns in history, the film has created the most complex, critical and profound sketches of the West and its heroes, and it has an irreplaceable influence in the minds of Hollywood filmmakers.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 4: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

According to science fiction writer Arthur A. Clarke's novel adaptation of the American science fiction film, released in 1968, hailed as "a milestone in modern science fiction film technology", the film mainly tells the story of astronauts who go to Jupiter to investigate the existence of mysterious boulders on Earth and go through a series of fantasy processes. The film was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Art Director, Best Director, and Best Screenplay, and won the Best Visual Effects Award, and won the 1968 British Film Academy Best Cinematography, Best Sound, and Best Art Awards.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 3: "Ecstasy" (1958)

is a suspense film that was released in the United States on May 9, 1958. The film tells the story of private investigator Scotty under the influence of Gavin Esther tasked with tracking down Mullen, which leads to the story of a murder. In 2007, the film was selected as one of the "Top 100 Films of the Century" by the American Film Institute, and in 2012, the British magazine "Sight and Sound" selected the "Top Ten Films in Film History", and the film ranked first.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

No. 2: The Godfather (1972)

It was written by Francis Ford · A gangster film directed by Coppola, released in the United States on March 24, 1972. The film is based on Mario A. Puzo's novel of the same name tells the story of Evto Don · The development of the gang family led by Corleone, and the story of how Corleone's youngest son, Mike, succeeded his father as the leader of the gang. In 1973, the film won the 45th Academy Awards for Best Film, Best Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay, and in 2007, it was selected by the American Film Association as the second place in the "Top 100 Films of the Century".

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

1st place: "Citizen Kane" (1941)

It was written by Orson · A biographical film made by Wells in 1940. The film begins with a newspaper tycoon dying alone in his mansion, and recounts the extraordinary experiences of his life around the word "rosebud" that he uttered before his death. The film was released in the United States on May 1, 1941, and was nominated for seven awards at the 14th Academy Awards, and finally won the Best Original Screenplay Award.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

In addition to the above ten classic films, the editor also wants to recommend three more movies that are worth watching, which are:


It was written by Frank An American drama film written and directed by Delabant, based on Stephen Brown. Edwin · King's 1982 novella, "The Shawshank Redemption," tells the story of Andy, a banker who is imprisoned for being wrongfully convicted of shooting his wife and her lover, and who quietly and step by step plots to save himself from the camp and finally escapes from prison and regains his freedom.

The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 10, 1994, and was released in parts of the United States on September 23 of the same year, and in 1995 it received seven nominations at the 67th Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

Braveheart (1995)

Produced by Paramount Pictures, under the auspices of Mel Brown. A war film directed by Gibson. The film is set in the court politics of England in the 13th and 14th centuries, with war as the core, and tells the story of William Brown, the leader of the Scottish revolt. The story of Wallace's unrelenting struggle with the rulers of England. The film was released in the United States in May 1995, and in 1996, the film won five awards at the 68th Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

Roman Holiday (1953)

It is a romantic film shot by Paramount in the United States in 1953, which tells the romantic story of a princess of a European principality and an American journalist in Rome, Italy, in one day. The film is directed by Gregory Parker and Audrey · Hepburn co-starred in a huge success and became a classic of Hollywood black and white films. The plot of "Roman Holiday" is simple, but it has become a world classic with the success of the male and female protagonists and the street scenery of Rome, especially Hepburn, whose charm has captivated countless fans, and the cute Hepburn hairstyle has also been worn for centuries.

Produced by BBC: A list of the 10 greatest films of American history

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