
I'm convinced!

author:Spit on the cinema
I'm convinced!

The two armies prostrate in the trenches, listening to each other's movements, and pressing the trigger falsely, ready to deliver the fatal blow.

The moment the spark jumps on his face......

On the radio, a voice of peace was heard: the Korean armistice agreement and its temporary supplementary agreement will be officially signed.

This passage opened the banner of peace for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which lasted for nearly three years, and also drew a perfect end to my time chasing dramas.

"Scout Heroes" is the first drama that made me catch up at the beginning of the year, and it really tells the stories of the scout heroes in the war vividly and deeply.

I'm convinced!

There is drama, the whole process is advanced with a strong story, there are especially many actual combat scenes, and the style of play has tactics and strategies, I can't wait to look at the military notes while reading.

There are real emotions, and the characters, no matter how big or small, have their own character arcs and empathy points.

The solid and moving look and feel lasts until the last moment, bringing lasting shock.

I'm convinced!

China's art of war is invincible!

As everyone knows, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a miracle of war in which the few won more and the weak defeated the strong.

But few people know how miracles happen.

"Scout Heroes" gives the answer, delves into the battle line from the perspective of the special class of scouts, and tells us why the volunteers can win and how they rely on wisdom to win.

The scouts were single-handed, hexagonal warriors per capita—

Liang Chen (played by Luo Jin), the head of the strongest brain reconnaissance section, is not intimidated by confrontation with the enemy, but is better at infiltrating and interspersing, dividing, encircling and even destroying enemy troops many times.

There is also a talent for language, using dialects to conduct "plain calls", which directly confuse the enemy.

I'm convinced!

"Humanoid GPS" Qi Lu (played by Huang Chengcheng) can always find the best route of action quickly and accurately, and became the new squad leader of the reconnaissance squad with his strength.

Deminer Bi Lei Pole (played by Wu Zhiqiang), every time he rushes to the front, with a pair of trembling hands, he clears the way to victory for his comrades.

Language experts Shu Min (played by Shangbai) and Kim Chul (played by Jiang Xinqi), one will use English to confuse the US military, the other will use Korean to blend in with the enemy army, and the actor's acting skills are blessed, which is so stable that it can't be done.

I'm convinced!

At the same time as the skills are full, the IQ of all employees is online, they can learn anything, they can go anywhere, and they can always flexibly use the bad environment to make strange moves-

When their firepower was insufficient, they lured the enemy into gathering in the shadows in Korean.

The enemy was still confused about who gave the order, and they immediately raised their guns and struck them all, so that a good move came out of nothing;

I'm convinced!

After seizing the U.S. military's anti-air liaison board, the scouts deployed it to the target location.

Sure enough, it attracted enemy planes to bomb, and the straw boats borrowed arrows could not summarize this divine operation;

While sending false information to the enemy, they set up false positions.

All the members cooperated in the play to confuse the enemy, and shot down the enemy plane in a hidden place, and the empty city plan was really wonderful.

After watching "Scout Heroes", I realized that my ancestors didn't lie to me, and Sun Tzu's Art of War is all true!

I'm convinced!

The above "magic calculation" is not to open up the face, but to make us fall into an unaware shock.

On the contrary, "Scout Hero" analyzes the battle situation with the thinking of "science students", and explains how to arrange troops on the battlefield from shallow to deep, and cooperate with the exquisite Chinese art of war.

For example, the mission of the Surprise Attack on the Black Panthers refers to the real history of the "Surprise Attack on the White Tiger Regiment", and reproduces this high-burning battle with strict logic-

Ahead, Liang Chen led the first echelon and attacked the enemy's command post in disguise.

Liang Chen withstood the false identity of "US military liaison officer" and relied on the confidence of "when he went out, his identity was given by himself", he successfully won the trust of the enemy, and the other party even took the initiative to help open the way.

I'm convinced!

In the middle, the second and third teams opened the bow left and right to solve the trouble.

In the middle of the battle, he did not forget to encrypt the call, and used secret words such as "canteen, eat meat, and clean leftovers" to communicate and cooperate, and combine them to form a net that makes the enemy have nowhere to escape.

The down-to-earth and vivid words truly restore the historical scene and the wisdom of the volunteer army at that time.

I'm convinced!

The rear is ready to support the front line at any time.

After breaking through the enemy's first line of defense, the infantry was blocked by artillery fire.

The division commander immediately ordered the artillery units to deploy quickly, covering the advance of the infantry, and then let the interspersed troops report the progress of the operation in a timely manner.

I'm convinced!

It seems that the chemical attack team opened and infiltrated the inside of the Black Panther Regiment unknowingly, but in fact, it was the high degree of cooperation of all the volunteers to escort their actions.

More wonderful "conference meals" are yet to come-

The enemy's internal defense was impregnable, and Liang Chen came up with a clever plan to use the enemy's tanks as a cover for our army.

Open your mind and do what you say!

The chemical attack team has a total of 11 people, divided into four groups, and launches attacks on the core locations such as the combat command room, communication room, and generator, leaving the enemy in a state of isolation and helplessness.

I'm convinced!

The second and third teams that arrived later were fully equipped with munitions, and the volunteers who were in ambush advanced into the interior one after another, and for a time the flames were full of fire, and the guns and cannons rang out in unison, and finally succeeded in blowing up the first group of black panthers.

From the formulation of the plan to the successful execution, every second is advancing the battle situation, and the battle is fought in one go, heartily!

Although it was a bit brain-wrenching to keep up with Liang Chen's command, after sorting out his thoughts, he would find that the battle situation became surprisingly clear-

The battlefield is no longer a simple large-scale bombardment, but can be deconstructed from a subtle perspective, bringing a refreshing excitement that moves the whole body and breaks through layer by layer.

I'm convinced!

This kind of drama chasing experience is also unprecedented, and it subverts my thinking again and again-

At first, seeing the god-level operation of the scouts with their own miraculous skills and killing all directions, many people couldn't help but exclaim: This can all work, is it really a "divine drama"?

Gradually, you will find that everything is traceable:

From rescuing the art troupe, blowing up the Yujiang Bridge, capturing the fox detachment, and then occupying the Condor Ridge, "Scout Heroes" dismantled one difficult task after another in detail, and filmed how the volunteers relied on wise and brave people to fight a beautiful counterattack under such a huge disparity in arms and numbers.

I'm convinced!

In the end, when I was curious to learn about history, I realized that we were still thinking too conservatively......

I'm convinced!
I'm convinced!

In reality, the abilities of the volunteer soldiers are more energetic and strong than those presented in the play.

Sharpshooter Zhang Taofang killed 214 enemy soldiers with 442 bullets, setting a record for the highest number of enemy snipers killed on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

The legendary scout Li Zizhong is also familiar with the English language, and often lurks in the forward positions to obtain the deployment and movements of the enemy.

These unimaginable "miracles" are unequivocal facts.

And the miracles are always real people.

I'm convinced!

Scout heroes, flesh and blood!

In addition to the hardcore scientific thinking, the series also reveals sincere friendship everywhere, filling in the details of life. It has achieved both arts and sciences, and has touched everyone from the outside to the inside.

Scouts are not invulnerable combat tools, they all have vivid personalities and emotions, and they form an unforgettable group portrait -

The best squad leader Li Wanfu (played by Han Pengyi) didn't have time to go back to see the newborn child, but he had already regarded the whole class as his own child;

I can't understand whether the relationship between Bi Lei Needle and Liu Heiniu (played by Wang Huacheng) is good, and while hurting each other is a pig, he said "My mother is your mother", and they are happy and unhappy......

I'm convinced!

This group of people with very different personalities get together, and they can fight side by side and have more joy in suffering, which naturally breeds a brotherhood whose blood is thicker than water-

As small as distributing the enemy's food supplies, they are worried about what each other likes to eat.

I'm convinced!

At the critical moment of life and death, when the enemy threw a grenade, Da Niu did not hesitate to press it with his body, just to let Bi Lei Pole be rescued.

Bi Lei Needle shouted the names of his comrades heartbreakingly, desperately trying to move the corpse of Da Niu together.

I'm convinced!

The comradeship of relying on each other and sacrificing for each other broke through my psychological defense again and again, until the last episode, when the tear ducts completely exploded.

Liang Chen finally held a wedding with Wen Jie (played by Ma Sichun), who has always been calm and rational, and for the first time, he revealed his "irrational" fragile side:

In front of his eyes, a deceased comrade-in-arms appeared, raising his glass to congratulate him.

I'm convinced!

The people around him were reluctant to break his illusions, watching Liang Chen's tears wet his eyes, and I in front of the screen were also hazy with tears, thinking of every heroic comrade-in-arms who generously went to justice with flesh and blood and sacrificed in exchange for precious victories-

At the moment of dying, Yu Xiaoshan gritted his teeth and activated the bomb mechanism, and he had to bring the enemy soldiers to the funeral on the Huangquan Road!

Qi Lu advanced again with tears in his tears amid the cry of "avenge the mountain";

I'm convinced!

In order to rescue Liang Chen, the guerrilla captain Yushu (played by Lu Xiaolin) lured the enemy alone, and confirmed that the boat carrying Liang Chen sailed to the opposite bank, so she relieved herself and kept the last bullet for herself.

There are no grandiose words in the last words, only sincere family affection;

I'm convinced!

There are also many unsung heroes, which also make me remember.

For example, a volunteer deliberately changed his pants just to hide his leg injury so that he could keep up with the large army to rush to the final battle......

Every volunteer has faith in their hearts, firmly believing that the dawn will come and that all sacrifices will be meaningful.

This spirit not only instills respect in my heart, but also makes the enemy fearful—

In the battle for Condor Ridge, a company of the Volunteer Army faced a regiment of the enemy.

The deputy division commander of the other party did not listen to the advice of the combat elite Baek Chang-ho (played by Yang Fan), and felt that he could completely annihilate the volunteer army in one fell swoop.

Arrogance is exchanged for embarrassment, they are beaten back one by one, sometimes even a turn, and the teammates around them disappear.

The deputy division commander had to change his attitude, recognize the strength of the volunteer army, and become cautious.

I'm convinced!
I'm convinced!

Ridiculously, his caution was to bring in more than a dozen elite soldiers, first ensure his own safety, and then push the mess to Baek Chang-ho.

Without strategic coordination, arms are nothing more than lumps of iron, and without the will to believe, soldiers are nothing more than paper tigers.

Baek Chang-ho recognized his cannon fodder fate early, and he was not entrusted with important tasks because of his outstanding achievements, but also had to think about how to deal with his superiors all day long, which was the epitome of the enemy's self-destruction.

I'm convinced!

While the enemy's morale was shattered, a blood-stained and bright red flag fluttered in the wind on the battlefield.

Liang Chen used a passionate mobilization declaration to once again tighten the will of his comrades-

"Blood forges peace, people are in the position!"

"For the sake of relatives, comrades-in-arms, for the homeland, for the world, return peace to everyone!"

Looking at every volunteer with tears in their eyes and blood in their hearts, I finally understood that our tenacious revolutionary spirit and unyielding faith are our most precious magic weapon for victory.

I'm convinced!

This backbone and blood, which are rooted in our national spirit, are still flowing in our bodies today.

What touches me very much is that the pattern and beliefs of Chinese sons and daughters can be seen everywhere in "Scout Heroes".

Not limited to the perspective of identity, it sincerely depicts the desire of all individuals for peace, writes the theme of anti-war emotionally, and exudes the brilliance of idealism.

As soon as the peace radio sounded, the soldiers on both sides cheered and hugged their comrades-in-arms;

I'm convinced!

In the prisoner of war camp, the prisoners of war reunited with their relatives, and sighed with wet eyes that the war was finally over;

Liang Chen and Wen Jie agreed to marry after peace, and they tacitly felt that only happiness after peace was the most down-to-earth.

Some volunteers waited for the dawn to shine on the earth, but more revolutionary martyrs fell on the way forward. Together, they exchanged their blood and tears for our ordinary and extraordinary life today.

As juniors, all we can do is not to forget, and to be worthy of it.

Remember these nameless revolutionary martyrs, base ourselves on the present, and move forward firmly.