
Heel pain, aggravated after rest, relieved after activity, a set of classic rehabilitation training programs for reference

author:Come on

Heel pain, which worsens with rest and lessens with activity, is often a typical symptom of plantar fasciitis. If you have pain near your heel, you can find a significant pain point when you press it with your fingers, and the pain will worsen when you wake up in the morning or walk again after resting, and the pain will be relieved after a short period of walking...... Then nine times out of ten it is plantar fasciitis.

Heel pain, aggravated after rest, relieved after activity, a set of classic rehabilitation training programs for reference

Plantar fasciitis is a "self-limiting disease", meaning that the disease is self-healing. However, in reality, it is very difficult to heal on the own of plantar fasciitis, because it may recur due to excessive exercise (e.g., couriers who walk all day, and elderly people who are obsessed with walking 10,000 steps a day), overweight, flat feet, etc., which will not only cause severe pain, but also may cause ankle, knee, lumbar spine and even psychological complications, which can be far-reaching.

Therefore, there are three main causes of plantar fasciitis: one is excessive exercise, the second is overweight, and the third is the disorder of foot skeletal muscle arrangement and wrong movement posture. If you want to recover and prevent relapse, don't exercise too much at first, try arch pads if you have to walk a lot (but not for long periods of time), and if you're obese, consider weight loss and use comfortable, elastic sneakers. From another point of view, it can also improve foot function through rehabilitation training, making it more endurance and "stress resistant".

Heel pain, aggravated after rest, relieved after activity, a set of classic rehabilitation training programs for reference

The following is a set of rehabilitation training programs for plantar fasciitis, with a total of three steps, and it is recommended to implement them sequentially, 1 time a day. FYI.

Step 1: Release of plantar fascia

Take a tennis ball or a ball of similar size, stand barefoot, step on the tennis ball under the ball of the foot, apply appropriate pressure and roll the tennis ball, from the toes to the heel, the movement should be slow, roll to the painful place can be properly stopped and pressed emphatically, for 2 minutes, switch to the other foot. This is shown in the figure below.

Heel pain, aggravated after rest, relieved after activity, a set of classic rehabilitation training programs for reference

Step 2: Stretching of the plantar fascia

Sit up straight, place a towel or yoga strap over the front of your feet, hold the ends of the strap with both hands, and gently pull towards your body until you feel a comfortable stretch in the plantar fascia. Hold for a few seconds, then relax slowly, repeating several times for 1 set, preferably 3 sets. This is shown in the figure below.

Heel pain, aggravated after rest, relieved after activity, a set of classic rehabilitation training programs for reference

Step 3: Improve calf strength with calf raises

Stand on the ground or on the edge of the steps with your feet on your toes slowly, hold for 2 seconds, and then slowly lower them again, about 10 reps for 1 set, preferably 3 sets. Note that the movements must be slow, especially when you put them down. Later, the difficulty can be increased by putting weights on both hands (e.g., holding dumbbells). This is shown in the figure below.

Heel pain, aggravated after rest, relieved after activity, a set of classic rehabilitation training programs for reference


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