
Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

author:Yu Xiansen

He is the empty-eyed "Qin Zhongyi" in "Teahouse", the dignified "Feng Leshan" in "Home", the imposing "Hu Han Evil Shan Yu" in "Wang Zhaojun", and the gentle and elegant old father in "Desire".

In the 1990 version of "Fengshen Bang", he played a generation of virtuous "Jiang Ziya", which gave people the feeling of fairy wind and bones, and was known as the unsurpassable Jiang Ziya, becoming the most classic Jiang Ziya on the screen in the minds of countless audiences!

He is a famous performing artist who has brought countless classic works and roles to the audience, dedicated most of his life to his acting career, and a glorious warrior of the party and the country - Lantian Ye.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

However, many people don't know that compared with the identity of an actor, Lan Tianye has a more important identity, that is, a warrior.

During the day, he is a powerful actor who is active on the stage, but at night, he instantly transforms into a secret agent soldier who walks in the dark to contribute to the people and the country, and actively participates in various important revolutionary work!

A year before the founding of the People's Republic of China, he responded to the organization's proposal, incognito, and has been active in front of the public as an actor, until 75 years later, at the age of 94, he won the July 1st Medal, and his legendary life was revealed......

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95


Lantian Ye, formerly known as Wang Runsen, was born on May 4, 1927, on the same day eight years after the May Fourth Movement, in an ordinary family in Changliuzhuang, Raoyang County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province.

Due to the current situation, soon after he was born, Lan Tianye followed his family from Hebei to Beiping, which is now Beijing, and lived in a small courtyard in Xicheng Baozi Hutong.

Because of this, although he is not a native of Beijing, he grew up in Beijing, and his living habits and accent are not much different from those of Beijingers.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

Unlike Lan Tianye, who was devoted to his acting career when he grew up, when he was young, his biggest dream was to become a painter.

In 1944, after graduating from high school, 17-year-old Lan Tianye was admitted to the National Beiping Art College, the predecessor of the current Central Academy of Fine Arts, which was the first art education school in China, and the principal at that time was the famous painting master Xu Beihong.

Lan Tianye was studying oil painting at that time, in order to learn painting well, he got up early every day and practiced painting in the dark, from sketching to sketching, then to watercolor, oil painting, from copying to sketching, etc., he soon laid a solid foundation in painting.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

Also in 1944, not long after entering the National Beiping Art College, Lan Tianye fell in love with drama by chance, and he was always keen on painting, so he was deeply attracted by performing arts and liked acting.

After that, he often followed his classmates to be active on the drama stage, and under the guidance of his classmate Su Min, he participated in many classic dramas, among which the role of "Huang Xingsan" in "Sunrise" was deeply loved by teachers and students in the school.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

It stands to reason that Lan Tianye, whether he liked painting or acting at that time, was art, and had little to do with revolutionary work at all, so he should not have had any chance to embark on the revolutionary road, but in fact it was the opposite.


In 1945, Lan Tianye's third sister, Shi Mei, returned home after a few years away from home, Shi Mei was an underground party member and had been engaged in revolutionary work for many years.

Shi Mei came back with the task of carrying out underground work in Beiping, and the best place was their home, which would not attract too much attention.

At that time, Shi Mei brought back a lot of books, including pamphlets with blank covers such as "On Coalition Government" and "On New Democracy", which Lantian Ye would read when he had nothing to do, and was gradually influenced by these progressive ideas.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

Under the influence of his sister, Lan Tianye was slowly aroused by the enthusiasm of the revolution, and in addition to studying, he often helped his sister share some work, such as when his sister used the shortwave radio to listen to the news of the radio in the liberated area, he recorded on the side.

At the beginning of 1945, under the recommendation of his sister, Lan Tianye became a traffic officer of the Beiping Underground Party and became an agent.

After participating in the revolutionary work, Lantian Ye often rode a bicycle from Xizhimen to Xishan, and was responsible for transporting intelligence documents and materials for the organization.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

On September 23, 1945, due to his outstanding performance, Lantian Ye successfully passed the test of the organization, joined the Communist Party of China, and became a glorious Communist Party member.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Lan Tianye did not have a ceremony or oath when he joined the party, but he always remembered the day he joined the party, in Lan Tianye's words: "Just like people will remember their birthday, I will never forget that day." ”

After becoming a party member, Lan Tianye took part in the revolutionary work more seriously and attentively, and he always warned himself in his heart: "You are a party member, you will hand over all your own to the party, and listen to the party for the rest of your life!"

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

After participating in the revolutionary work, for the needs of work, Lan Tianye, who originally studied painting in school, later gave up the painting major and began to engage in performance work under the requirements and arrangements of the organization.


In November 1946, Lan Tianye joined the second anti-enemy drama team led by Zhou Enlai and Guo Moruo as an actor.

Here, he has participated in classic dramas such as "Peacock Gall" and "Thunderstorm", and has won the love of many audiences with his sunny and handsome appearance, Yushu's temperament in the wind, and commendable acting skills.

Later, in order to meet the needs of work, he joined the Second Art Troupe of North China University and rehearsed classic plays such as "March of Democratic Youth".

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

At that time, Lan Tianye was active on the stage, during the day he was a good actor who performed hard for the audience, enjoying the applause and cheers of the audience, and at night, he turned from an actor to a nightingale in the night, making dedication to revolutionary work, wandering in the dark and circling with the enemy.

He kept his identity as an agent very well, never exposed himself to outsiders, and completed the tasks assigned to him by the organization again and again, and was a very good fighter.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

In 1948, a year before the founding of New China, Lantian Ye received a task to leave Beiping and go to the liberated area.

After retreating to the liberated area, considering that he had many relatives and friends he knew in the liberated area at that time, and the relationship was complicated, he was worried that he would be exposed, and he was afraid of implicating them, under the suggestion of the organization, Lan Tianye decided to change his name to a new one.

Because of the urgency of time and the lack of a dictionary for him to look up, Lan Tianye thought about it for a while, and the name Lan Tianye popped up in his mind, so this name became his new name, and he has been following him ever since.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

After the evacuation of Beiping, the incognito Lantian Ye was active in front of and behind the scenes, as always, with professional actors on stage and soldiers silently dedicated to the people and the motherland behind the scenes.


In 1952, the third year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Beijing People's Art Theater was established, which is commonly known as Beijing Renyi.

Not long after entering Beijing Renyi, with his superb acting skills, he has participated in many classic dramas, such as "Teahouse", "Pekingese", "Cai Wenji", "Wang Zhaojun" and so on.

While working in Beijing Renyi, Lan Tianye also gained his love and met his wife Di Xin.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

In 1952, the year that Lantian Ye entered Beijing Renyi, his wife Di Xin also joined the theater, and as colleagues, the two of them often cooperated on stage, and they soon became the golden boy and girl in the eyes of the audience.

In life, the two help and encourage each other, both especially appreciate each other's talents, and under the continuous contact and getting along, both of them have a love for each other, and then the two naturally come together.

In 1954, as the relationship continued to heat up, Lan Tianye and Di Xin entered the palace of marriage in a low-key manner and formed a happy small family.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

Although he has a family, Lan Tianye has not delayed his acting career, and he is still developing his career with his heart after marriage.

In 1962, in his spare time, he aspired to become a painter when he was young, and he fell under the disciples of Li Kuchan and Xu Linlu, and began to learn painting with them.

In line with the method and creative idea of "being diligent in pen and ink and finding a unique way", he has created many excellent paintings, and has also held solo or joint calligraphy and painting exhibitions in Beijing, Xuzhou and other Chinese New Year regions, as well as overseas regions such as Japan.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

Of course, although he spent a lot of time studying painting in private, he did not forget the task assigned to him by the organization, and his focus was always on performance.


In the first few years of marriage, Lantian Ye was still active on the drama stage every day, participating in various drama works, and was deeply supported by the audience every time.

In 1963, he began to transform into a director, and successively directed many classic dramas such as "Newcomer in the Mountain Village", "Home", "Wu Wang Jin Ge Yue Wang Jian", "The Lady Returns to the Hometown" and so on.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

In the seventies and eighties of the last century, with the rise of the domestic film and television industry, many drama actors have entered the film and television industry, and Lantian Ye is no exception.

In 1978, he participated in the first TV series "Cai Wenji" in his life, playing the role of "Dong Ci".

After that, he successively participated in classic hit dramas such as "Teahouse", "Hunting the King of Thieves", "Wang Zhaojun", "Plainclothes Police", etc., all of which were deeply loved by the audience.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

In November 1987, the 60-year-old Lan Tianye retired from Beijing Renyi, but he did not fade out of the stage of Beijing Renyi, and has been committed to contributing to the cultivation of fresh blood for the theater.

After his retirement, he often taught performance theory and performance skills to young actors in Beijing Renyi, among which the famous actor Pu Cunxin, the sketch queen Song Dandan and others who are familiar to everyone have received his careful teaching.

In addition, he has continued to contribute to the development of Beijing Renyi, and has served as a consultant and artistic director of many classic plays, and participated in the production of classic dramas such as "Home" and "The Noble Lady Returns Home".

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

After retiring, Lan Tianye has also been active in the film and television industry, and is often invited to participate in various film and television works, such as "The Last Emperor", "Desire", "Fengshen Bang", "Human Immortal World", "Pekingese", "The Biography of Yang Guifei" and other classic film and television works.

Among them, the role of "Jiang Ziya" he played in the 1990 version of "Fengshen Bang" has become an eternal classic in the minds of the audience because of his vivid portrayal of the image of the character's fairy wind and bones!

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

After entering the new century, Lantian Ye rarely participated in film and television works, and rarely appeared on the drama stage again, and devoted himself to behind-the-scenes development.


In 2011, in order to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Lantian Ye, who had been away from the stage for 19 years, returned to the stage again and participated in the classic play "Home", which aroused enthusiastic responses.

The following year, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Beijing People's Art Institute, he served as the artistic director and devoted himself to the creation of "Jiaziyuan", a masterpiece of realistic themes.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

In 2018, 90-year-old Lan Tianye met Tsinghua students face-to-face at the Beijing Renyi Famous Artists Forum, talked about his decades of drama experience and life experience, and shared the characteristics and styles of artistic creation, which benefited the students a lot.

In the same year, his wife Di Xin, who had been with him for 64 years, unfortunately passed away, and he experienced the pain of losing his wife.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

On June 29, 2021, Lantian Ye, who had been incognito for 75 years after changing his name, was awarded the "July 1st Medal".

It was only at this time that the public knew that this performing artist, who has brought countless classic works to the audience on stage, screen and screen, portrayed countless classic roles, and cultivated many performing talents for me, turned out to be a glorious warrior who silently dedicates and does not ask for anything in return!

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

It is a pity that Lan Tianye suffered from pancreatic cancer in his later years and suffered from the pain, so much so that he had to sigh in the interview: "Pancreatic cancer makes me more tired......

At 13:14 on June 8, 2022, in the second year of receiving the July 1st Medal, as a public-loved performing artist and a glorious soldier of the party and the country, Lan Tianye passed away in Beijing due to illness at the age of 95.

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

For Lan Tianye's death, countless people felt sad and sad, and well-known actors such as Sun Qian, Fu Yiwei, Lan Yingying, and Zhang Kaili all posted articles to commemorate him.

And countless audiences and fans who like this performing artist have also mourned his death in various ways.

I have to say that the death of the old man Lantian Ye is a huge loss for both the audience and the entire entertainment industry!

Lan Tianye: An actor during the day and an agent at night, he was awarded the July 1st Medal at the age of 94 and died of illness at the age of 95

In 2024, 2 years have passed since Lan Tianye, a performing artist, passed away, and there are still countless people who miss him and support him.

As an actor, he has superb acting skills and noble artistic virtues, and he can definitely be called an old actor with both virtue and art.

As a soldier of the party and the country, he loves his family and the motherland even more, and he has been incognito for 75 years without asking for anything in return, which is really admirable!

Finally, may Heaven be free from sickness.

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