
The Interstellar Glory three-hand rocket is here, the hyperbola-2 reusable verification rocket. [Like] has completed two launch missions, after pulling back to the plant, wiped the remaining carbon deposits on the arrow body, and


The Interstellar Glory three-hand rocket is here, the hyperbola-2 reusable verification rocket. [Like]

Two launch missions have been completed, and after pulling back to the plant, I wiped the carbon deposits left in the arrow body and began to prepare for the next launch mission.

This rocket is the hyperbola-2 reusable liquid oxygen methane verification rocket that underwent a second flight test on the 10th of last month.

In the last test, Jirong successfully solved the problems and key technologies derived from the complex aerodynamic, force, and thermal interference in the "last mile" mission profile of vertical recovery, and the new requirements such as high-precision landing and low-overload landing, filling the gap in this field in China.

It is worth mentioning that the medium and large hyperbola-3 reusable liquid oxygen methane rocket will make its first flight next year.

According to Ji Haibo, chief designer of the Interstellar Glory Hyperbolic Liquid Rocket, the hyperbola-2 reusable rocket can be launched again within 3 days after recovery if the launch site allows.

Of course, the same is true for hyperbola 3. Come on, interstellar glory.

Is the R&D team of Interstellar Glory the strongest among private enterprises?

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The Interstellar Glory three-hand rocket is here, the hyperbola-2 reusable verification rocket. [Like] has completed two launch missions, after pulling back to the plant, wiped the remaining carbon deposits on the arrow body, and
The Interstellar Glory three-hand rocket is here, the hyperbola-2 reusable verification rocket. [Like] has completed two launch missions, after pulling back to the plant, wiped the remaining carbon deposits on the arrow body, and
The Interstellar Glory three-hand rocket is here, the hyperbola-2 reusable verification rocket. [Like] has completed two launch missions, after pulling back to the plant, wiped the remaining carbon deposits on the arrow body, and

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