
Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

author:Yufa Sunshine

A role model around you

Q4 2023

丨Hard work丨Forge ahead丨Carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future丨

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

The great era calls for a great spirit, and the noble cause needs to be led by example.

In the Xinyang Court, there is such a group of people,

They perform their duties loyally and fulfill their solemn promises with responsibility;

They work hard and dedicate themselves to the original mission of struggle.

A number of advanced models with firm political positions, courage to take responsibility, loyal performance and outstanding work performance have emerged in Xinyang Intermediate People's Court.

Let us witness the demeanor of role models and listen to their pragmatic deeds and justice for the people.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Huang Tao

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Pacesetter in handling cases

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Achievements represent the past, and the future has a long way to go. In 2024, it is necessary to firmly establish the work concept of "paying equal attention to efficiency and quality, quality first", continue to carry out learning, continuously improve professional ability and ability to do mass work, and continuously improve the quality of handling and case handling results. Feel the emotion around you, send your own weak light and heat, and convey the power and temperature of the rule of law.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Zhu Yongchao

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Pacesetter in handling cases

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Attitude determines height, details determine success or failure, and action achieves the future. As a judge in the Second Division of Case Filing, he has to handle petitions as well as civil retrial applications and criminal appeal cases, and the cases he faces are more complex, the contradictions are more acute, and the responsibility for handling and resolving contradictions is heavier. Under pressure, face it calmly.

Although it is hard to find thousands of waters, the sand is blown away and the gold is reached. I will, as always, maintain enthusiasm and rigor in my work, persist in handling every case with high quality and efficiency, continuously improve my ability to perform my duties, and continue to make greater contributions to the cause of adjudication.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Fang Xiaopeng

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Pacesetter in handling cases

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

As a criminal judge, you must have a kind heart, a normal heart, and always handle every case with a rigorous, meticulous, conscientious and responsible attitude. To handle criminal cases well, it is necessary to establish the concept of judicial impartiality. Impartiality is the lifeblood of the rule of law and the highest and ultimate value pursuit of law enforcement and justice. We must always use a fair ruler to measure whether the cases we handle have achieved fairness and justice, whether they have made the masses feel fairness and justice, and we must take into account natural principles, national law, and human feelings, and strive to achieve the unity of political, legal, and social effects.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Han Yang

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Pacesetter in handling cases

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

"From a political point of view, from the rule of law. "Among the three major trials, administrative adjudication can best reflect the relationship between the government and the masses, the credibility of the government, and the foundation of the party's governance. It is necessary to firmly establish the judicial concept of win-win, multi-win, and win-win, and substantively resolve administrative disputes as much as possible at one time, so as to strengthen the foundation of the party's long-term governance.

"Grasp the front end and cure the disease. "Active justice, in the future, we will take the initiative to integrate into social governance, actively act, take the initiative to help and promote the government to solve problems, and do a good job in the management of litigation sources.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Wang Youyang

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Excellent judge's assistant

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Down-to-earth, looking up at the starry sky, doing work must not only have lofty goals, but also be pragmatic, step by step. I remember the first conversation when the president said to me: "The second court for case filing is a window unit, facing the front line, there are hardships, but there are also challenges, you have to do a line, love a line, drill a line, and work hard", I always keep in mind in my work that I will continue to maintain enthusiasm, actively study and work hard in my future work.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Wu Chunlin

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Excellent judge's assistant

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

In the more than one year since I came to the Criminal Court, I have always reminded myself that our judgment may affect the life of the parties, and we must be cautious and meticulous, and always maintain reverence for the law. The light of dust can also replenish the mountains and seas, and the light of the candle can also increase the brightness of the sun and the moon. As a young court police officer, I will not forget my original intention, keep my mission in mind, forge ahead, dare to do good deeds, and ensure that every case I handle can be worthy of my heart and the people.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Jing Wei

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Excellent judge's assistant

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

"The fireworks in the world are the thickest in the courtroom" Every court trial is staged in the courtroom like a real-life script...... As a judge's assistant, we must not only stick to our dreams but also be down-to-earth, we must have the consciousness of not being a bystander, striving to be a good person, and we must have the consciousness of doing a good job and doing the work at hand, so that we can have a warm heart, a strong spirit, a dare to take responsibility, and a courage to shoulder heavy burdens! Give full play to the unique vigor, sharpness and vitality of court people, and make due responsibility for the development of the cause of the rule of law with a more humble attitude, a more pioneering spirit, and a more dedicated action!

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Song Guangjie

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Excellent judge's assistant

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Judges' assistants should do a good job of being a "propeller" for efficiency, "reducing the burden" on post judges, from reading the case file, to assisting in court hearings, and then to drafting documents, not only to temper themselves, but also to help post judges to travel lightly and devote their main energy to the trial of cases and the mediation of conflicts.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Chen Luokun

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Advanced individual in comprehensive work

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

"Be brave as a pioneer in forensics, focus on strengthening trials and promoting enforcement", not be a setter, be brave as an assistant, do a good job as the "backbone" of technical evidence review, build a "firewall" between trials, and provide strong professional support for trial and enforcement work! With a sincere heart of loyalty to the party and serving the people, full of enthusiasm and dedication to the cause of judicial assistance, conscientious and active, write the loyalty and responsibility of a judicial technician.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

Wang Yuwen

Xinyang Intermediate Court

Advanced individual in comprehensive work

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

The people's courts' adjudication inspectors are of great significance in the courts' comprehensive and strict management of the party, the practice of justice for the people, the impartiality of justice, and the enhancement of judicial image, judicial credibility, and judicial authority. "Born in a prosperous era, shouldering heavy responsibilities", as an inspector, I will continue to write the best youth years with practical actions, and always insist on enriching myself with a fighting spirit and a fiery heart, boosting spirits, inspiring new responsibilities, and forging new achievements, and writing the most beautiful beauty of the great era with positive energy of youth.

Role models around them丨They are on the list in the fourth quarter (1)

The high mountains are safe and up, and they are in vain.

The deeds of role models can be learned and done, and the spirit of role models can be traced.

The people of Xinyang Court will definitely take the typical examples around them as an example,

Conscientiously practice the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the

Keep in mind the original mission, perform duties loyally and conscientiously,

Immerse yourself in hard work, move forward bravely,

We will continue to create glorious achievements worthy of the times, the party and the people.

I hope that every person in Xinyang Court can make extraordinary achievements in an ordinary position!