
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

author:Stone Forest Fusion Media
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

In order to further purify the road traffic environment in the jurisdiction, ensure the safety and smoothness of the roads in the jurisdiction, and the effectiveness of accident prevention and control, on January 25, the traffic police brigade of the Shilin County Public Security Bureau combined with the characteristics of winter traffic operation and the current accident prevention and control situation, and took multiple measures to carefully organize the seventeenth round of centralized and unified action of the "Changfeng Action", comprehensively strengthen the control of the road surface and highlight the rectification of traffic violations, effectively improve the police rate on the road, and actively create a safe, orderly, smooth and harmonious traffic environment.

Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".


Scientific analysis and judgment, careful organization and deployment

Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

First, Zhao Zhiming, deputy director of the county bureau, combined with the actual road traffic in the jurisdiction, in line with the principle of "strict and strict, detailed and detailed, practical and practical", the rectification of the stuck points, police deployment, rectification content, rectification requirements and other work on January 25 were refined, and the work tasks such as electric bicycles, two-wheeled and three-wheeled motorcycles, outstanding traffic violation rectification in rural areas, and joint law enforcement were decomposed into specific links, specific posts and specific police to ensure the orderly progress of this action and ensure that the police force is in place and the measures are in place. Execution in place. Second, all people's police and auxiliary police are required to fully understand the importance and urgency of this work, unify their thinking and action with the decision-making and deployment of the higher-level public security organs, and make every effort to promote the smooth development of the 17th round of centralized and unified action of the "Changfeng Operation" with a high sense of responsibility and mission.


Strengthen road control and strictly investigate traffic violations

Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

In order to coordinate and promote the seventeenth round of centralized and unified action of the "Changfeng Operation", the brigade first ensures that the rectification police force is in place, and the capable police force of each squadron is grouped, and the team leader and squadron leader lead the team to each card point to carry out rectification work, and strictly investigate and punish electric bicycles for driving in the wrong direction, running red lights, not driving in non-motorized lanes, illegal rides, not registering in accordance with regulations, driving on the road without hanging license plates, and "three supers and one fatigue", illegal transportation, drunk driving, Prominent traffic violations such as driving without a license, strengthen the pertinence and crackdown on different illegal acts, and resolutely find them together, correct them together, and punish them together, so as to effectively form a situation of strict management and severe punishment. The second is to ensure that the rectification efforts are in place, the brigade adopts the method of "fixed-point card + patrol control", according to the law and characteristics of the occurrence of traffic violations in the jurisdiction, in the county Triumph City roundabout road section, conference center overpass section, sandy roundabout road section, Beidacun overpass section set up rectification card points, in each card point is equipped with reflective cones, warning lights, parking signs and other investigation equipment, to carry out a "filtering" inventory of passing vehicles, suspicious persons, and suspicious items. At the same time, on the basis of strengthening the card investigation mode, we will further strengthen the control of road patrols, and in accordance with the principle of "police force follows the flow, police force follows the police situation", the police force and prevention measures are extended to the road sections where illegal acts and accidents occur frequently, and traffic violations such as "three supers and one fatigue", illegal transportation, drunk driving, and driving without a license are strictly investigated and punished, so as to ensure that the rectification work does not leave dead ends, and go all out to carry out the seventeenth round of centralized and unified action of the "Changfeng Operation". The third is to pay close attention to joint logistics linkage, the brigade takes the initiative to contact and dock with police stations, patrol teams and other police departments, and through the integration of the management forces and resources of multiple police departments, it forms a joint logistics linkage and joint management work, so as to effectively control various illegal behaviors and traffic chaos, and maximize the effectiveness of rectification work.


Persist in standardizing law enforcement and strengthening security protections

Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

First, the brigade requires the police on duty to strictly follow the requirements of the "Traffic Police Duty Law Enforcement Norms", earnestly enforce the law strictly, standardly, justly, and civilly, adhere to the principle of combining punishment and education, and resolutely prevent public opinion hype and mass incidents caused by improper law enforcement by the people's police, and establish a good image of the Shilin traffic police. Second, in view of the danger of investigating and dealing with vehicles in rainy days, the brigade requires the people's police auxiliary police to effectively strengthen their own safety protection awareness in their work and put their own safety protection in the first place. In the course of duty, it is necessary to strictly implement the relevant provisions on the safety protection of law enforcement on duty, wear reflective vests, wear individual police equipment, and implement operating procedures such as card point setting, safety protection, and vehicle stop inspection, so as to effectively prevent the occurrence of casualties among police officers and assistant managers on duty.


Strengthen publicity and education and create a good atmosphere

Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

In order to strive for the understanding and support of the masses, the brigade has carried out publicity and education activities in various forms, one is to require the law enforcement police to carry out one-minute face-to-face education for the illegal parties in the process of rectification, focusing on publicizing the harmfulness and legal consequences of their illegal acts, educating the parties to strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, improve their legal awareness and civilized quality, and effectively achieve safe travel and civilized driving. The second is to use the traffic police "double micro", mobile phone text messages, county financial media center and other media to push the brigade to carry out the seventeenth round of centralized and unified action of the "Changfeng Action", timely expose typical cases of traffic violations in the rectification process, strongly deter the illegal parties, dispel the idea of luck in a small number of vehicle drivers, and create a strong atmosphere of strict management. At the same time, the purpose and significance of the "Long Wind Action" will be widely publicized, and the majority of traffic participants will be educated to strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, and effectively achieve civilized and safe travel.

In the "Changfeng Operation" on the same day, a total of 98 police officers and 12 police vehicles were dispatched, more than 2,400 motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles were inspected, and 147 traffic violations were investigated and dealt with. Through the seventeenth round of centralized and unified action of the "Changfeng Action", a situation of strict management and high pressure has been formed, and the expected effect of the gradual reduction of traffic accidents and serious traffic violations in the jurisdiction and the continuous improvement of road traffic order has been initially realized.

Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".
Operation Long Wind | The Shilin police carefully organized and made every effort to carry out the 17th round of centralized and unified actions of the "Changfeng Operation".

Source: Shilin Police

Editor: Zhang Yikun

Editor-in-charge: Plug Shaojuan

Review: Daniel Zhang

Executive Producer: Daniel Zhang

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