
Consolidate the responsibilities of the Quartet of Party building and build a strong red party building chain

author:State-owned enterprise magazine

Text/Party Committee of China Railway High-tech Industry Co., Ltd

Consolidate the responsibilities of the Quartet of Party building and build a strong red party building chain

The company's party members carried out theme party day activities, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and strengthened their ideals and beliefs.

On May 10, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction on "promoting the transformation of Chinese manufacturing to Chinese creation, Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and Chinese products to Chinese brands" during the inspection of China Railway Equipment Group. Since 2017, the State Council has established May 10 as "China Brand Day" every year. In recent years, in accelerating the integration of the party building chain and the industrial chain, the Party Committee of China Railway High-tech Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Railway Industry) has deeply practiced the important instructions of the "three transformations", actively created a party building work model that is compatible with the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics and the requirements of high-quality development, and compacted the grassroots party committees, party affairs departments, and party affairs departments by building a characteristic party building brand of "being a pioneer, establishing the main peak, and climbing the peak". The four-party party building responsibility of the party branch and party members promotes the accelerated integration of the party building chain and the industrial chain, helps the construction of a world-class enterprise, realizes the value pursuit of "being a pioneer, establishing the main peak, and climbing the peak", and ensures that the reform and development of the enterprise and the party building work continue to be at the forefront.

Practice concretization and compaction work

The Party Committee of China Railway Industry insists on ensuring that the implementation is not out of shape and the implementation is not discounted, and the important instructions for practicing the "three transformations" are concretized through the compacting work.

Adhere to the "first issue" and be the first to advocate. After General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of "three changes" were put forward for the first time, the Party Committee of China Railway Industry quickly followed up, combined the implementation of the important instructions of "three changes" with the improvement of corporate governance and the practical exploration of "integrated party building", and listed the important instructions of "three changes" and the study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the "first topic" of the Party Committee's theoretical learning center group, the "three meetings and one lesson" of the Party branch and other important meetings, so as to ensure that the work of the enterprise moves forward in the right direction. In the continuous exploration and innovation of actively promoting "integrated party building", the party building and business work have been realized from "two skins" to integration to integration and finally to integrated empowerment and development. The Party Committee of the company has been awarded "Excellent" in the evaluation of China Railway's party building responsibility system for 3 consecutive years, and has been awarded Grade A in China Railway's performance assessment for 5 consecutive years; the production and sales of shield machine/TBM developed by the company have ranked first in the world for 6 consecutive years and the first in China for 11 consecutive years; the market share of bridge steel structure, turnout and bridge erecting machine has exceeded 60%, and its products and services have spread to 78 countries and regions around the world.

Adhere to the top priority and build a demonstration site. Party committees at all levels of the company adhere to the important instructions of the "three transformations" that must be learned for the first time every year, and continue to absorb wisdom and nutrition through reading classes, achievement exchange meetings, development seminars, and research seminars, find ways and measures to overcome difficulties, and improve the path of high-quality development. As the birthplace of "China Brand Day", the China Intelligent Manufacturing Brand Forum has been held for four consecutive years, and has become a powerful platform for state-owned central enterprises to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "three transformations". In the first three quarters of 2023, nearly 20,000 people from all walks of life visited and exchanged with China Railway Equipment Assembly Workshop, China Railway Shanqiao Hongqiao Cultural Square and other positions, playing a demonstration and leading role.

Adhere to the benchmark and build a pioneer position. Through democratic life meetings, organizational life meetings, party member democratic appraisal meetings, etc., the "benchmarking" system is implemented, and through criticism and self-criticism, the ideological and cognitive gaps of leading cadres and ordinary party members are investigated, and a closed-loop working mechanism for party building with "learning, implementation, supervision, accountability, rectification, and mass evaluation" as the main line has been created. Through the mode of unveiling the list of grass-roots party organizations, branch secretaries, party members and cadres taking the lead, and contact point leaders and supervision, we will promote the party building work from the "backstage" to the "front line", so that the integration of the party industry has a carrier, effectiveness, output and value. At present, it has built a national patriotism education demonstration base - China Railway Equipment, a national civilized unit "five coherent" enterprise - China Railway Baoqiao, China Industrial Cultural Heritage - China Railway Shanqiao Steel Beam Plant and other pioneer positions.

Responsibilities are clarified and work priorities are compacted

In view of the feedback from the grassroots party organizations, the Party Committee of China Railway Industry has solved the key and difficult problems such as how to find the integration point and focus point of the integration of the party industry at the grassroots level, and solved it by clarifying the responsibilities and responsibilities and compacting the work.

Grasp the key points and clarify the key points. The implementation of the "three changes" important instructions and the party building work together, with innovation, quality, brand three "small incisions" to pry the party building "big changes", grasp the "key in the party, the key in the people", in the promotion of the construction of a strong country and strong enterprise to find out the role of the enterprise party committee to play the positioning, to create a up and down, strong implementation of the three peaks party building responsibility system, with chain thinking to build a world-class enterprise goals to match the party building "connotation, objectives, responsibility, platform, grasp, assessment" six platforms, clear the content of the party building chain.

Grasp the responsibilities of the Quartet. In the implementation, the party committee focuses on the responsibility of checking the orientation, decomposing tasks, allocating resources, and creating an atmosphere, the party affairs department focuses on the responsibility of communication and coordination, refining measures, helping the grassroots, and organizing activities, and the party branch focuses on the responsibility of education and guidance, implementation and implementation, innovation carriers, and selection of typical trees, and party members focus on the responsibility of demonstrating and taking the lead, creating results in posts, contacting the masses, and promoting righteousness, and clarifies the responsibilities of each link of the party building chain.

Grasp the role of penetration. By grasping the leading role of the party committee in "setting the direction, managing the overall situation, and ensuring the implementation", the party affairs department implements the intention of the party committee and ensures the implementation of the party committee's decision-making, the party branch plays a good role as a fighting fortress, and the party members embody the vanguard and exemplary role, forming a strong chain mechanism that performs its own duties, assumes its own responsibilities, is unified and coordinated, works in the same direction, and has an obvious role. The case of the company's "Four Voyages" Project: Enhancing the Vitality of Ideological and Political Work of State-owned Enterprises" was selected as an excellent case of grassroots ideological and political work by the China Political Research Association in 2023.

Consolidate the responsibilities of the Quartet of Party building and build a strong red party building chain

The company developed the first large-diameter TBM applied to the plateau alpine railway in China - "Snow Pioneer".

The system is institutionalized and the work content is compacted

The Party Committee of China Railway Industry pays attention to upgrading the "local methods" formed by the grass-roots party organizations in practice to the "golden ideas" to solve problems, and continuously promotes them through the reinforcement of the institutional system.

Define the rules. Adhere to the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's entrustment in promoting high-quality development of the answer sheet work ideas, focus on production and operation, focus on the same goal, the same desire, the same frequency, and the same thought, and dynamically improve the system of the party secretary's work report and evaluation of the grassroots party building, the performance appraisal of the headquarters, the standardization and standardization of the party branch, and the democratic evaluation of party members, revise the company's articles of association, and standardize the pre-research and discussion mechanism.

Set the line of thought and clarify the pattern. Adhere to the integration of the party's leadership into all aspects of corporate governance, through link dredging, horizontal connectivity, vertical connectivity, internal and external connectivity, the party building work into the overall work deployment of the enterprise, extend the "tentacles" of grassroots party building work, give full play to the role of the party committee, party affairs department, party branch, party members, build a "above rate" responsibility chain, and form a new pattern of party building "one game of chess" work of party committee co-ordination, resource integration, upper and lower linkage, and sharing and co-construction.

Define the role of the mechanism. Give full play to the party's core role of leadership in controlling the overall situation and coordinating all parties, make overall plans for the quantity of leading cadres to go deep into the grassroots research mechanism and the quality of solving problems, and make overall plans for leading cadres to implement the grassroots party building work contact mechanism and the "completion rate" of practical matters for the people. The main leaders of the company's party committee lead a team to the grassroots units at least twice a year to carry out special integration research and hold integration research feedback meetings, continuously improve the ability and level of leadership development and service development, and implement the party building work and achieve practical results.

Standardization of item points and quality of compaction work

The Party Committee of China Railway Industry draws on the IPD management thinking of scientific research, and introduces the quality standardization management model in the party building work to promote the standardization of work.

Standardization of the system. Clarify the list of responsibilities of the Party committee, the work list of the Party affairs department, the work list of the Party branch, and the list of Party members' fulfillment, and make every effort to promote the knowledge and responsibility of all levels; There are four sets of systems for the party member standard management system, promote the accountability and accountability at all levels, and ensure that the grassroots party committees, party affairs departments, party branches, and party members know their responsibilities and have a starting point.

Work standardization. Focusing on the feedback of grass-roots party workers on "what to do, how to do it, who will do it, and to what extent", the design and production of the party committee theoretical learning center group study, the party branch "three meetings and one lesson", party members talk and other daily work records, party building knowledge should know should know manuals, folding, posters, work requirements, inspection items, knowledge points into it, convenient for the use of grass-roots party organizations, twice a year in the form of a list of key work to guide the grass-roots party building work, to ensure that the grass-roots party building work direction is accurate, the path is clear, Improved efficiency and stable quality.

Standardize processes. It has improved the work processes such as the use of party funds, cadre inspection, organizational formation, re-election (re-election), democratic evaluation, disclosure of party affairs, development of party members, and transfer of organizational relations, and printed and distributed for grassroots use in the form of party affairs knowledge flow charts, mind maps, fishbone diagrams, and work manuals. "China Railway Industry's Innovative Practice of Practicing General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Instructions of "Three Changes"" and "Improving the Level of Party Building Work of State-owned Enterprises with Standardization as the Starting Point" were selected as the sub-projects of the major project of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, "Exploration and Innovation Research on Party Building Work of State-owned Enterprises in the New Era" and published.

Visualization of the effect and compaction of work tasks

By doing a good job in platform docking, the Party Committee of China Railway Industry has promoted the visible, tangible and effective results of party building work, and realized "visible image, sensible behavior, visible role and verifiable performance".

Polishing the brand of party building. By creating a unified China Railway Industry Sanfeng party building brand, standardizing the visual identity system of the party building brand, and coordinating and promoting the promotion of Sanfeng party building and party building + series of activities, the party building brand image is visualized. By deeply cultivating the grassroots and laying a solid foundation, we will firmly establish the concept of party building in thought, gather the strength of party building in action, continuously deepen the brand building and promotion of party building work, and promote the deep integration of party building and business.

Strengthen the sense of pioneers. By encouraging party organizations at all levels to lead all cadres and workers to be pioneers, establish the main peak, and climb the peak, focus on the implementation of the important instructions of the "three transformations", focus on the operation and development, scientific and technological innovation and other major and difficult issues to organize "integrated party building" activities, so as to realize the behavior of party organizations and party members;

Focus on party building empowerment. Grasp the "steering wheel" of party building, so that party building and key work resonate at the same frequency and develop in a coordinated manner. By promoting the integration of the five dimensions of party leadership and corporate governance, party building goals and development strategies, party building leadership and central work, party building empowerment and strengthening the foundation, integrity and innovation and "six integrity" to develop enterprises, the enabling role of party building is further highlighted in the realization of "integrated party building".

Adhere to synchronous assessment. Through the synchronous design, collaborative development, integrated feedback and comprehensive application of the "Party Building Work Responsibility Assessment System" and the "Enterprise Business Performance Assessment System", an integrated assessment mechanism for party building and enterprise development has been formed, and the performance of "integrated party building" can be verified. In the first three quarters of 2023, the proportion of new contracts signed for its high-gross margin business, tunnel construction equipment and related services and turnouts increased by 0.71 percentage points and 0.85 percentage points year-on-year, respectively.

Evaluate performance and consolidate work responsibilities

The Party Committee of China Railway Industry takes "finding the right method and doing a good job in implementation" as the content, and through the assessment of the role of the "baton", the "integrated party building" is implemented in detail.

Establish a hierarchical quantitative assessment index system. Adopt the methods of reporting and evaluating the work of the secretary of the grass-roots party committee, the performance evaluation of the party affairs department, the promotion and upgrading of the party branch, the democratic evaluation of party members, and the performance appraisal of employees, etc., to build an important instruction and evaluation system for the implementation of the "three changes", and promote the connection of party building and business work with performance appraisal, salary management, commendation and reward, appointment and promotion, etc.

Strengthen the integration awareness of leading cadres and the implementation of responsibilities. Give full play to the leading role and demonstration effect of the heads of organizations at all levels in the deep integration of the party industry, give full play to the role of the members of the party committees and branches of each unit in the role of "one post and two responsibilities", dynamically revise the assessment and evaluation of the responsibility system for party building work, the comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the leadership team and team members of the affiliated enterprises, and the daily performance inspection and management system, and promote the party building work and the business work in charge of leading cadres to deploy, promote, and ask for results.

Improve the working mechanism of party building to lead production and operation. Through the decomposition and quantification of macro tasks into micro sequential indicators of centralized supervision and supervision at different levels, etc., it is clear in the annual party building performance task list at different levels, and through monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and other nodes, regular analysis, comments, supervision, summary, interviews, and reminders are forced to force the relevant personnel of grassroots party committees, party affairs departments, and party branches to deeply integrate the party industry and implement the three-peak party building, and imperceptibly develop "integrated party building" The habit of thinking makes the integration of party building and business the normal state of personal work, and promotes the coordinated development of production and operation with high-level integration.

Highlight branding, compaction work innovation

The Party Committee of China Railway Industry regards building a bright brand as a breakthrough to improve the level of grassroots party building work and promote the integration of the party industry.

Build the brand of Sanfeng party building. Focusing on the general requirements of party building in the new era, grasping and promoting the functional role of the party's cause, we have created a three-peak party building brand and work system with "being a pioneer, establishing the main peak, and climbing the peak" as the main content, and made a big article of "value party building".

Improve the brand matrix of the party building work method. By encouraging all units and departments to be honest and innovative, and exploring ways to achieve the deep integration of the party industry, we have cultivated party building work methods such as Red Bridge, Rainbow, Honeycomb, Tieliu, Red Shield Concentric Circle, Ingenuity, and "Six Integrity" Studios, and used flexible and diverse carrier methods to make the party building work full of vitality and vitality.

Cultivating a platform for pioneering achievements. From the establishment of party member demonstration posts and demonstration areas, to the creation of a red science and technology research team, the signing of red military orders and letters of responsibility, to the construction of Sanfeng party building + carrier, and the cultivation of pioneer performance platform, the emergence of national outstanding Communist Party member Wang Zhongmei and other character brands and Li Gang master studio and other team brands, for the practice of the "three transformations" important instructions injected surging power, with Chinese equipment, Chinese methods, to solve the world's construction problems to provide a Chinese solution.

"There will be times when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail into the sea. "State-owned enterprises are an important subject and an important force in promoting Chinese-style modernization. The Party Committee of China Railway Industry will thoroughly implement the important instructions of the "Three Transformations", anchor the goal of building a world-class enterprise, improve and consolidate the responsibilities of the four parties of party building, build a strong red party building chain system, establish a new model of party building work that is dynamically adapted to the requirements of high-quality development of the enterprise, and constantly create a new situation of high-quality development of the enterprise.

Source: "State-owned Enterprises" magazine, January 2024 issue (second half of the month)