
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

author:Sichuan Department of Culture and Tourism
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

瓦屋山景区 拍摄 | 罗海涛

Sometimes it's a misty forest of ice

From time to time, it will freeze the falling waterfall into blue ice

From time to time, the mountains are decorated with heavy snowfall

It is the "Noah's Ark" in the clouds

- Wawu Mountain

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Source: @房琪kiki

Su Shi said, "The tile house is cold and snows after spring, and Emeicui sweeps the rain for more than a day"

Lu You said, "The mountains and tiled houses come out of the clouds, and the water comes from the cracked ground"

What exactly does Wawu Mountain look like?

Sichuan people will tell you the answer

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Rhododendron in spring, waterfalls in summer, and autumn leaves in autumn

It has become a remnant of a distant season

Wawu Mountain at this time

It is the cradle of snow and the home of clouds

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

The cascading Lanxi Waterfall solidifies into blue ice

Mountains of forests are covered with rime and snow

Sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha light, "three suns"

What kind of view of the tiled house will you see?

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

The name of the tiled house is related to its unique appearance

It rises from the ground with a flat top like a desktop

No matter what angle you look at

The whole mountain is like a "tile house" and gets its name

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

The beauty of Wawu Mountain lies in the unique geological and landform landscape

Mountains create a knife-sharp skyline

And it is surrounded by cliffs

A ridge-like summit with a slight slope to the east and west sides is formed

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | He Ye

The top of the mountain is flat

It is 3,375 meters long from north to south and 3,475 meters wide from east to west

The average altitude is 2830 meters

The platform covers an area of about 11 square kilometers

It is second only to Mount Roraima

The second largest mountaintop platform in the world

Majestic and magnificent are synonymous with it

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

The beauty of Wawu Mountain is the diverse landscape of the summit platform

11 square kilometers of platform

Distribution of wetland lakes, springs, and streams

The forests are lush and infested with wildlife

From low mountainous areas, middle mountainous areas, to high mountainous areas

Travel through mountain mist and snowy forests

Meet the different faces of tiled houses

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

It is about 2,678 meters above sea level

On the left, you can see Gongga Snow Mountain, and on the right, you can see the golden top of Emei

Overlooking the foot, the mountains are winding, and the white clouds are filled

At sunrise

Stand on the viewing platform of the Rhododendron Garden

Overlooking the mountains, the light shines onto the mountains

Witness the "Noah's Ark" on the sea of clouds

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | Luo Jian

Mandarin Duck Pond at an altitude of about 2,704 meters

Known as the "Pearl of the Green Sea"

It is formed by the convergence of many springs

The Qing Dynasty poet He Shaoji once wrote a poem and sighed:

"The mandarin ducks in the law realm fly to the sky, and the long bridge sleeps forever;

The plateau is open and uninhabited, and there are many fields in the smoke and rain. ”

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

If you come in winter

One of the most unmissable landscapes

It is the 100-meter icefall promenade here

Wawu Mountain is a waterfall museum

There are 72 waterfalls formed by 108 springs at the top of the mountain

Flying in the mountains, the posture is different

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

It has a drop of about 400 meters

Falling from the top of the mountain, hanging from the cliff, the mist is misty

The third-level Lanxi Waterfall has a drop of about 1040m

Spectacular giant icefalls form in winter

And Lanxikou

It is the best position to watch the panoramic view of the ice curtain, ice waterfall and Yangxi waterfall

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | A stamen

One of the must-see landscapes in winter

And rime

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

The scenery of rime is mostly concentrated in the high mountainous areas on the top of the mountain

Two sections of ropeway (Jinhua Bridge and Gufoping Cableway) are required.

to arrive

When you arrive in the high mountains

View 15,000亩雪国森林

Icefalls, ice curtains, rime, and snow are surrounded by layers

This is the romantic side of "The Most Beautiful Table Mountain".

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | Shi Tianquan, Zhang Ping

A heavy snowfall in Wawu Mountain often covers both winter and spring

The snow was covered for half a year

Southern friends who love heavy snow

This is your snow treasure~

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Source: @房琪kiki

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Wawu Mountain is located in the "West China Rain Screen" area

It is an integral part of key areas for biodiversity

It is one of the important ecological function zones in the country

It is a priority area for biodiversity conservation in the province

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the products are abundant

Flora and fauna find natural wildlife here

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | Zhan Yue

There are more than 3,500 species of plants in Wawu Mountain

Among them, there are 7 species of national first-class protected plants

There are 25 species of national second-class protected plants

There are 34 species of endemic genera in China, such as dove tree and incense tree

There are 12 species of plants named after Wawu Mountain

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | Zheng Jie

Wawu Mountain is home to 890 species of wild animals

Among them, giant pandas, takin, and leopards

and 50 species of national key protected wild animals

There are 8 species of national first-class key protected species and 309 species of birds

It is an internationally important bird-watching base

It is also the habitat of giant pandas

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography |

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | Tang Kaicheng, Shi Tianquan

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Excellent ecology has also been bred

A unique taste of tiled houses

Old bacon, rattan pepper bowl chicken

Cold bamboo shoots, rock honey, elegant fish and other characteristic products

It constitutes the fireworks in the world here

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

If you have plenty of time to play

You can also walk into Wawushan Town

An ancient village with cultural and historical allusions and legends of immortality

- Fuxing Village

This is an intangible cultural heritage protection village in Sichuan Province

It has the first one in Sichuan

China National Geographic National Tea Geography "China's Most Beautiful Tea Mountain"

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing
There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | Zhan Yue

Sing an idyllic song on the hillside

The beautiful mountains and fireworks will dissipate all worries

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

Photography | @粒夏

"The world of water, the world of holes

The kingdom of flowers, the cradle of snow

The hometown of clouds, a museum of flora and fauna"

What day are you coming?

Which side of Wawu Mountain will you see?

This answer is waiting for you to write

There are many immortal mountains in Shu, and it is this that is ever-changing

The mode of transportation in the scenic area

Jinhuaqiao Cableway + Gufoping Cableway:

From the foot of the mountain, take the Jinhuaqiao Ropeway (about 15 minutes to the half-level Gufoping Cableway) - then take the Gufoping Ropeway (about 10 minutes to the summit)

Hiking Route 1 (Peak)

Table Mountain Cloud Road Entrance - Rhododendron Garden - Dead Wood Trail - Xiaoyao Bridge - Xianger Villa (about 3.5 kilometers, about 1.5 hours of hiking one way)

Hiking Route 2 (Peak)

Entrance of Table Mountain Cloud Road - Phantom of Cloud Cliff - Lantern Corridor of Tile House on the Cloud - Mandarin Duck Pond - Xiaoyao Bridge - Xianger Mountain Villa - Xiaoyao Bridge - Dead Wood Trail - Rhododendron Garden - Entrance of Table Mountain Cloud Road (about 7.5 kilometers, about 3 hours of one-way hiking)

Hiking Route 3 (Peak)

Entrance of Table Mountain Cloud Road - Phantom of Cloud Cliff - Lantern Corridor of Tile House on the Cloud - Mandarin Duck Pond - Xiaoyao Bridge - Xianger Mountain Villa - Lanxi Ice Waterfall - Ladder Trail - Rhododendron Garden - Entrance of Table Mountain Cloud Road (about 6.5 km, about 4 hours of one-way hiking)

Self-drive routes

Recommended route 1: Chengdu - Beijing-Kunming Expressway - Chengle Expressway - Guanghong Expressway - Guanghong Expressway Hongya North Exit - Hongya County - Daemei International Tourism West Ring Road - Wawushan Expressway - Hongwa Road - Wawushan Scenic Area (about 2 hours)

Recommended route 2: Chengdu - Jingkun Expressway - Chengle Expressway - Guanghong Expressway - Chengdu-Chongqing Ring Expressway Dongyue Exit - Daemei International Tourism West Ring Road - Wawushan Expressway - Hongwa Road - Wawushan Scenic Area (about 2 hours)

Shuttle bus lines

1. Chengdu-Hongya (New South Gate, Shiyangchang) passenger shuttle bus (every 50 minutes, 08:10-16:10);

2. Hongya-Wawushan (06:00-16:30, every 40 minutes) The whole journey takes about 180 minutes;

3. From Chengdu, Chongqing, Leshan, Ya'an, Emei, etc., there are shuttle buses directly to Hongya.

Hongya Passenger Station Tel: 028-37403336

Through train line

Chengdu-Wawu Mountain Scenic Area through train

1. Depart from Chengdu New South Gate Bus Station at about 07:10;

2. Closing time: 17:00 will return from the Jinhuaqiao sightseeing car parking lot in Wawu Mountain Scenic Area.


1. Wawu Mountain, also known as leaky sky, has a large temperature difference between day and night, and travels in rainy days, please bring protective rain gear and prepare for the cold, and it is recommended to wear rainproof shoes;

2. Weather research and itinerary planning are necessary conditions for enjoying the beautiful scenery of Wawu Mountain;

3. Wawu Mountain is high and steep, so you should prepare flat shoes, non-slip shoes, etc.;

4. Take good care of your belongings;

5. Old, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant and other tourists, please choose a reasonable way to visit to avoid accidents;

6. The scenic spot provides free wifi, and the connection is fast to upload pictures on the Internet;

7. When booking tickets, please be sure to fill in your real name, ID number, mobile phone number and other information;

8. The scenic spot implements a real-name ticket system, the ticket is valid for 2 days, and you can enter the park by swiping your ID card on site.

9. November 1 - April 30 of the following year, the ancient Buddha Ping - Zhengjue Temple trail (2,300 meters long, more than 3,600 steps, the relative height difference of nearly 700 meters, quite high and steep, individual road slopes of nearly 90 °) for the ice and snow cover period, the road surface ice is slippery, the risk factor is high, during the period, for the safety of tourists, this section of the trail is closed, prohibiting tourists from entering on foot.

At present, the scenic spot is open

1. Winter ice and snow period [unopened area]: the whole area of low mountainous areas: Jinhuaqiao - Shuangdongxi - Qianwozi

2. Winter Ice and Snow Period [Open Area]

(1) Zhongshan District: Gufoping area;

(2) High mountainous area: Wawu Sendai (Gufoping Cableway Station (Zhengjue Temple) - Rhododendron Garden - Yuanxi Waterfall - Xianger Mountain Villa - Duck Waterfall - Lanxi Waterfall - Xiaoyao Bridge - Mandarin Duck Pond - West View Gongga Viewing Platform - Gufoping Cableway Station).

(Note: Due to the danger of icy roads in some scenic spots in winter, and some scenic spots are under construction, the relevant areas are not open, please do not go.) )

Operating hours of the scenic spot

Admission time: 08:00-14:00;

Jinhuaqiao Cableway running time: 08:20-17:30;

Gufoping Cableway operating time: 08:40-17:00;

Admission time on statutory holidays: 07:00-15:00 (the number of people who have not reached the limit)

Statutory holiday Jinhua Bridge cableway operating hours: 07:20-17:30;

Operating hours of Gufoping Cableway on statutory holidays: 07:40-17:00.

(The Jinhuaqiao Cableway and the Gufoping Cableway in the scenic spot are routinely overhauled every Wednesday, the ropeway is suspended at 16:00, and the ticket sales and entry ban time in the scenic spot are 13:00, so please be prepared to enter the park early.) )

Part of the material source | Wawu Mountain Scenic Area, comfortable Sichuan publicity and promotion platform