
Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!

author:i Gold Mountain
Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!
Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!

The Caojing Police Station of the Jinshan Public Security Bureau actively practiced the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, explored the establishment of a "three-office linkage" mechanism of judicial offices, police stations, and law firms, and revitalized the "problem-solving ideas......

Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!

The picture shows the "three linkage" mechanism of community propaganda under the police

"I have been renting here for 7 years,

Now the landlord is going to kick me out, and you give me a review......"


Mr. Chow and the landlord, Mr. Nguyen

Due to the rental of the house

Disputes arise

Call the police for help

When the police arrived at the scene

The two sides are arguing fiercely

The police immediately calmed the emotions of both sides

Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!


Since 2016

Mr. Zhou signed with the landlord, Mr. Nguyen

Housing lease agreement

The lease period is 3 years

It has been fulfilled ever since

The current landlord, Mr. Nguyen, wants to increase the rent

The parties did not reach an agreement

The landlord, Mr. Nguyen, then asked Mr. Chow

Move out immediately

A verbal altercation ensued

The conflict escalated for a time

There is a possibility of physical altercation at any time

The civilian police were then activated

"Three institutes linkage" mechanism

Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!
Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!

Civilian police, people's mediators and

Lawyers and both sides of the conflict

Face-to-face communication

Understand the contradictions

Causes, Disputes, and Claims

Patiently persuade the person concerned

From the perspective of emotion, reason, and law

Detailed answers for the two parties

And proposed

Some practical solutions

After 4 hours of mediation

The parties on various issues in dispute


and signed the "Mediation Agreement"

Mr. Zhou promised

Before January 31

Empty all rubbish inside and outside the rental property

Pay the monthly rent at the same time

And settle the outstanding water and electricity bills at check-out

The contradiction was satisfactorily resolved

Continuing to deepen the investigation of contradictions and resolve contradictions and disputes with heart, the Caojing Police Station continues to practice the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, and closely focuses on the work goal of "no accidents, no contradictions, and no lack of services", and strives to solve contradictions at the grassroots level and resolve them in the bud, so as to continuously improve the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Source: Jinshan Police Know-it-all

Edit | Cheng Jiayu

Editor-in-charge | Cheng Jiayu

Housing leasing is contradictory, and the "three linkages" are clever "cooling"!