
Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

author:China Gansu Net

Original title: Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

Black stork

Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home


Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

Migratory birds

Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

Magpie duck

Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

Cormorant (photo by Bian Zhongjian)

Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

It is the time for migratory birds to watch (Photo by Zhang Jianping)

Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home


Flying is poetic, people and birds share a home

whooper swan

Migratory birds are a kind of magical creatures in nature. They travel thousands of kilometers every year, from the cold north to the warm south, and from the south back to the north, and so on......

The migration of migratory birds is a miracle of life. They are not afraid of hardships and dangers, they are not afraid of wind and rain, and they fly towards their destination. This kind of perseverance makes people can't help but be moved.

The migration of migratory birds is also a kind of wisdom of life. During their long flights, they constantly adjust their direction, looking for food and a place to rest. This wisdom allows them to survive and thrive in complex environments.

In recent years, remarkable results have been achieved in the protection of migratory birds in Lanzhou, the phenomenon of destroying birds such as poaching has decreased significantly, the bad habit of indiscriminate eating of birds and other wild animals has been effectively curbed, and the safety of migratory birds has been maintained in general. The bird population showed an increasing trend on the whole, and the ecological quality of migratory bird resting places was effectively improved. At present, there are about 68 species of wetland birds resting and inhabiting in the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River, including 3 species of national Class I key protected birds (black-billed gull, black stork, white-tailed sea eagle), and 5 species of national Class II protected birds (whooper swan, mandarin duck, ibis-billed sandpiper, white-rumped curlew, osprey).

Today, the Lanzhou section of the Yellow River is a paradise for migratory birds and a beautiful symbol of the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Let us enjoy these beautiful pictures of migratory birds, feel their vitality and wisdom, and work together to protect these messengers of nature, so that they can soar freely in the nourishment of the Yellow River and add more color to our lives.

Lanzhou Daily all-media reporter Lu Shengjun text/photo


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