
Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31

author:Geek Yuduoer

Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31

With the Chinese New Year approaching, many people are planning to visit friends and family, but fluctuations in oil prices often change people's budgets. According to the latest news, a new round of oil price adjustment will be launched on January 31, and many experts predict that oil prices are expected to rise before the Spring Festival. So, what are the factors that are causing the rise in oil prices, and how can consumers respond to this challenge?

Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31

The global supply of crude oil has decreased, triggering a rise in oil prices

The global oil market has been volatile since the beginning of this year, and the recent situation in Iran has added uncertainty to the oil market. Due to the sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran, Iran's oil exports have been significantly reduced, which has directly led to a reduction in global crude oil supply. According to experts' forecasts, the rise in oil prices will become one of the main trends during the Spring Festival this year.

Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31

Increased demand during the holidays drove oil prices higher

In addition to the decrease in supply, consumer demand during the Chinese New Year period is also one of the factors driving oil prices higher. The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in the country, which not only means that people have a reunion dinner, but also brings a lot of tourism and family visits. These activities will undoubtedly drive an increase in the use of automobiles, which will lead to a significant increase in the demand for gasoline. According to statistics, during the Spring Festival every year, the sales of gasoline will increase significantly across the country, which has also become one of the important reasons for the rise in oil prices.

Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31

How to deal with the rise in oil prices, mastering fuel-saving skills is key

For consumers, it is important to master some fuel-saving skills in the face of rising oil prices. First of all, vehicle maintenance should be in place, and regular oil and air filter changes can effectively improve the fuel efficiency of the car. Secondly, reasonable route planning to avoid traffic jams and detours can reduce the mileage and thus save fuel consumption. In addition, pay attention to vehicle speed control, maintain a stable driving speed, avoid frequent acceleration and deceleration, and effectively reduce fuel consumption.

Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31

The rise in oil prices ahead of the Chinese New Year seems to be a foregone conclusion, with reduced crude oil supply and increased demand during the holidays being the main reasons. In the face of the challenge of rising oil prices, we can take some measures to deal with it, such as mastering fuel-saving skills and paying attention to the rational use of cars. I hope that everyone can enjoy a pleasant trip during the Spring Festival, and at the same time, they can budget their expenses reasonably. Finally, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!

Oil prices may rise before the Spring Festival, and a new round of price adjustment will start on January 31