
Isn't it cool to pick out your ears? Will it deaf your ears?

author:Dr. Shen, University of Chinese Medicine

"Ah, that's such a cool feeling!" This may be the casual exclamation you make after comfortably plucking your ears. Picking out our ears seems to be a common and enjoyable habit in our daily lives. Whether using a cotton swab, ear spoon, or a professional ear cleaning tool, many people enjoy this simple and satisfying process. But have you ever pondered the question: Is this seemingly innocuous habit really safe?

Picking out our ears, an action we do almost every day, hides unknown risks. You may not believe it, but excessive or incorrect ear picking can actually lead to ear canal injury, infection, and even hearing damage. It may sound a little surprising, but it's just the way it is. Our ears are a delicate and complex organ that not only undertakes the important task of capturing sound, but also directly affects our sense of balance and spatial orientation.

So, how should we properly care for our ears to avoid these potential risks? What is cerumen impaction, and what do we do when cerumen impaction occurs? In this article, we will explore the answers to these questions and provide scientific, practical advice to help you maintain your ear health and enjoy the world of clear hearing.

Isn't it cool to pick out your ears? Will it deaf your ears?

Picking out your ears: the delicate line between right and wrong

Picking out ears is a common habit in many people's daily lives, but few people know the right thing to do and the common mistakes. This section will delve into how to clean your ears safely, while revealing some common myths.

Safe ear cleaning

Use appropriate tools: Avoid using sharp or hard objects such as cotton swabs that penetrate deep into the ear canal. It is recommended to use a soft, clean cloth to gently clean the outside of the auricle.

Follow the self-cleaning mechanism of the ear: The ear has the ability to clean itself. Earwax usually falls off naturally without frequent intervention.

Keep your ear canal dry: After bathing or swimming, dry your ears gently to avoid water retention that can lead to infection.

Professional cleaning advice: If you feel discomfort or cerumen build-up, you should seek the help of your doctor for professional cleaning.

Isn't it cool to pick out your ears? Will it deaf your ears?

Common ear picking mistakes

Cotton swabs are not ideal: many people are used to using cotton swabs to clean their ear canals, but this can actually push the cerumen deeper, increasing the risk of ear canal damage and cerumen impaction.

Dangers of over-cleaning: Frequent plucking of the ears can disrupt the natural environment within the ear canal, leading to dry, itchy and even infected skin.

Mistrust family recipes: Avoid unproven home remedies, such as ear irrigation or homemade ear drops, which can lead to more serious problems.

Ignoring professional advice: When you have ear problems, you should seek immediate help from a medical professional rather than dealing with them yourself.

By providing these practical tips and revealing common misconceptions, this article aims to help readers develop proper ear care habits to protect their ears and avoid unnecessary injuries. Remember, the ears are sensitive and important organs in our body, and they should be treated with care.

Isn't it cool to pick out your ears? Will it deaf your ears?

Earplug First Aid: The correct way to deal with cerumen embolism

In the process of ear plucking, the wrong method can lead to cerumen impaction, which is a common ear problem, especially in middle-aged and elderly people. Cerumen can not only cause discomfort but can also cause hearing loss. Proper understanding and management of cerumen plugging is key to maintaining ear health.

1. Identification of cerumen plugging

Cerumen plugging usually presents with an earplug sensation, hearing loss, or tinnitus. In some cases, it may be accompanied by a mild earache. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step, and if they occur, you should avoid picking your ears to prevent more damage.

2. Limits of self-processing

Minor cerumen impaction can be resolved with some safe self-treatment. For example, mild ear canal rinses can be used, which can usually be purchased at pharmacies. To use, follow the instructions in the instructions and carefully instill into the ear canal to soften the wax. However, if the condition does not improve, or if symptoms such as pain and discharge occur, you should stop self-treatment immediately.

3. The importance of professional medical care

When self-treatment is ineffective or symptoms worsen, prompt medical attention is crucial. An ear doctor uses specialized tools and techniques, such as a microscope or otoscope, to examine the ear and take a safe approach to removing earwax. Your doctor may use a small suction device or a specialized ear spoon to remove cerumen, which is both safe and effective.

4. Prevention is better than cure

The best way to prevent cerumen impaction is with proper ear care. Avoid using cotton swabs, hairpins, or other sharp objects to pluck your ears. The proper way to clean your ears should be gentle, such as rinsing your ear canal with warm water. At the same time, regular ear exams can also help identify and treat potential ear problems in a timely manner.

5. The correct concept of plucking your ears

Reshaping the perception of ear plucking is key to preventing cerumen impaction. The ear is a self-cleaning organ, and earwax can be naturally shed to a certain extent. Avoiding frequent and excessive ear picking is not only a way to protect your ears, but also a healthy lifestyle.

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