
Mobile phone Jianghu: the legend of the sales hegemon

author:Love the cool

In today's society, mobile phones have penetrated into all aspects of our lives and become an indispensable part of people's daily lives, with more than 7.1 billion mobile phone users worldwide, accounting for about 90% of the global population. Looking back on the development of mobile phones, do you know which are the best-selling mobile phones of all time? Today, let's talk about those famous "sales overlords" in the mobile phone industry, they were once all the rage, and even now when they are mentioned, people can't help but feel nostalgic.

Mobile phone Jianghu: the legend of the sales hegemon

Nokia: The Big Brother saga

Nokia 1100 & 1110

First of all, let's pay tribute to that era when there were no smartphones. The best-selling models of all time are largely dominated by Nokia and Apple's iPhones. Among them, the Nokia 1100 is the Nokia 1100, which sold more than 250 million units in six years before it was discontinued in 2009, making it the highest-selling phone of all time. Nokia's second model, the Nokia 1110, sold 248 million units. Firmly sit first and second in the sales list. The secret of their success was the high quality, the price was close to the people, and there were not many options in the mobile phone market at that time, and Nokia's name was so loud that it was not surprising.

Other standouts of Nokia

Nokia has several other phones that also make the list, such as the Nokia 105, Nokia 3210, Nokia 6600, and Nokia 1200. These phones are all low-priced and entry-level, and the Nokia 5230 is the only smartphone on the list, with a Symbian system and a touchscreen mid-range phone. Although it was not able to save Nokia's fate, most of the users who chose it at that time were attracted by Nokia's brand trust and appearance.

Apple: The counterattack of the high-cold flagship

Mobile phone Jianghu: the legend of the sales hegemon

iPhone 6/6Plus

The third place may come as a surprise to everyone, and that is Apple's iPhone 6/6Plus series, which has sold a terrifying 222 million units, which is really jaw-dropping for a flagship phone with a hefty price tag.

Other sales kings of iPhones

Apple's iPhone 5S, iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max, and iPhone Xs/XR/Xs Max also make the list. The iPhone 5S, in particular, single-handedly sold 165 million units. These are high-priced flagship models, and it's terrible to have such sales.

Samsung: The persistence of feature phones

Mobile phone Jianghu: the legend of the sales hegemon

Samsung E1100

In this list, dominated by Nokia and Apple, the Samsung E1100 ranks eleventh with 150 million units sold. The high sales of this feature phone are mainly due to its low price point, as well as the lack of mobile phone options of the era.

The absence of domestic mobile phones

Mobile phone Jianghu: the legend of the sales hegemon

In this list, the domestic brands we are familiar with, such as Xiaomi, Huawei, OPPO, vivo and Honor, do not have a single device on the list. And, as you may have noticed, there isn't a single 5G device on the list, not even an Android phone.


Mobile phone Jianghu: the legend of the sales hegemon

Although the iPhone has been complained about squeezing toothpaste and storage pricing is outrageous, it is still the undisputed king of the global smartphone market. In the profit rankings, the annual profit of the iPhone is even much higher than the annual profit of all the new products of all other smartphone brands combined.

Memoirs on your phone

So, in this list, which are the mobile phones you have used?

Vocabulary analysis

  • Feature phones: Traditional phones that do not have a smartphone operating system, and the main functions include making calls and texting.
  • Symbian System: An early smartphone operating system used by companies such as Nokia.
  • Flagship mobile phone: refers to the highest-end and most powerful mobile phone products launched by mobile phone brands.
  • 5G devices: Smartphones that support fifth-generation mobile communication technology can provide faster network speeds and lower latency.
  • Android: Developed by Google, the smartphone operating system is currently one of the most popular smartphone operating systems in the world.

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