
To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

author:Tsukino Yulo

In 1989, the United States conducted an experiment that shocked the world to verify the existence of time. They placed a woman in a closed underground cave and observed her for 210 days. However, in the third month of the experiment, the scientists were forced to abort the experiment.

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

To explore this mysterious idea, scientists have carefully selected a natural cave in New Mexico as the site for experimentation. The cave is spacious and secluded enough to be completely cut off from the outside world once the entrance is closed.

Researchers provide experimental subjects

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

Sufficient supplies and entertainment items are provided to ensure that they can enjoy life in an environment where there is no concept of time. The room is equipped with 24-hour surveillance equipment to ensure the safety of the test subjects and to facilitate the observation of their behavior. In addition, telephones were installed, and subjects were given the opportunity to communicate with the outside world once a week. However, outside of this call time, the subject was unable to actively communicate with the outside world.

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

After a rigorous screening, a 27-year-old woman named Stephanie became the subject of the experiment. She has excellent mental qualities and is full of self-confidence. When she first entered the cave, Stephanie was so excited that she was freed from the constraints of her daily routine and did what she wanted.

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

She lived according to her own plan, eating, sleeping, exercising, reading, and thinking. Despite not having a clock, her strong biological clock and lifestyle habits keep her up to a regular schedule. She usually sleeps eight to ten hours and eats two to three meals a day.

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

However, after only ten days, Stephanie's sleep patterns began to change. Her sleep intervals became longer and longer, sometimes even once every 20 hours. When asked about her sleep habits, she went so far as to claim that she slept every 10 hours, suggesting that Stephanie's perception of time was becoming blurred. Thankfully, she is still in good spirits and is showing no signs of exhaustion or discomfort in her body.

60 days later, Stephanie was born

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

The rhythm of life is even more chaotic. She slept almost every day more than 20 hours apart, and slept for more than 10 hours each time. Her mental state also became depressed, and she often fell into long contemplations. Despite this, she is still convinced that she maintains a good routine and sleeps seven or eight hours a day. However, this is not the case. Through monitoring, the researchers observed severe irregularities in Stephanie's sleep schedule. Sometimes she sleeps for just two hours without feeling sleepy, and sometimes she sleeps two days in a row!

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

As the experiment progressed, Stephanie's menstrual cycle began to deteriorate. Her menstrual period (YJ) became irregular, sometimes without menstruation for weeks on end. By the 130th day of the experiment, the researchers had to terminate the experiment. They forced the door open and found Stephanie extremely weak and depressed. Her gaze was glazed and she sat in the corner in a daze for a long time. Even when communicating with researchers, she behaved indifferently. Sometimes she suddenly becomes extremely excited, has violent mood swings, and even has hysterical symptoms.

To prove the existence of time, what will happen if the girl lives underground for 130 days?

At the end of the experiment, Stephanie was severely injured. She developed depression and autistic tendencies and needed long periods of recuperation and treatment. It took a two-year recovery period before she gradually returned to her previous form. The results of this shocking experiment remind us that time is an integral part of human life

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