
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real

author:Persistent elf khM
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real
Whether husband and wife are happy or not, just look at their respective figures and appearances, you can know that it is too real

"Wife, let's go hiking this weekend and exercise. I suggested with a smile.

She rolled her eyes: "It's climbing again?" I climbed last time and my legs were weak, so I might as well go shopping or something." ”

I touched my chin: "But you've been buried in work lately, and you haven't exercised much, and your health will slowly deteriorate." ”

She pouted: "I'm not like you, I have to go to the gym every day, look at your figure, if I work out like that every day, who would dare to approach me." ”

I laughed: "That's right, I just work so hard every day to keep in shape." ”

She raised her eyebrows and glared: "Are you implying that I'm not in good shape?"

I hurriedly waved my hand: "No, I'm just concerned about your health." ”

She muttered, "Okay, okay, just climb the mountain, there's nothing else to do anyway." ”

When the weekend came, we took our backpacks and set out on the mountain trail together. Along the way, she kept complaining: "I'm really tired, let's go shopping next time." ”

I laughed and accosted: "Actually, you can also try fitness, which is good for your body and can become more beautiful." ”

She rolled her eyes: "What's wrong with being pretty, isn't it good to be like this now?"

I smiled and hugged her shoulder: "Of course it's good, just more exercise, it will be more energetic and healthier." ”

She pouted: "Don't nag there, I'm like this, no one wants to change." ”

We continued up the hill and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, she stopped and pointed to a low hillside in front of her: "Let's climb that hill, it looks like it's fun." ”

I looked at the hillside in confusion and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, why didn't you say that we were going to climb Mount Everest?"

She smiled and said, "If you have that strength, I'll go with you." ”

We walked up the hill together, laughing and chatting as we climbed. At the top of the hill, she playfully said, "Hey, it's actually quite fun to climb the mountain." ”

I smiled and put my arms around her shoulders: "Look, you can also enjoy climbing mountains." ”

She squinted and smiled, "I'm not going to be a fitness freak like you." ”

I smiled at the corner of my mouth: "How do you know I'm a fitness freak?"

She looked at me: "I can see that I must be a fitness freak with such a good figure." ”

I was overjoyed and secretly smug: "Well, you're right, I'm indeed a fitness freak." ”

As time passed, we gradually walked out of the hillside and returned to the bottom of the mountain. She gasped, but a satisfied smile on her face.

"It's really a bit tiring. She sat on the grass and rubbed her calves.

I handed her a bottle of water: "Drink some water and take a break." ”

She took the water bottle and looked at me with a smile: "Although I am tired today, I am quite happy." ”

I put my arm around her shoulder: "Well, happiness depends on our little bit of hard work to create. ”

She took a bite of the biscuit and said with a smile, "It makes sense, it seems that you are not only a fitness freak, but also a preacher." ”

I gently pinched her nose: "I just hope you can understand what a happy thing it is to be healthy." ”

She looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, as if she was lost in thought. I silently thought that maybe this mountain climb was not only a workout, but also a moment of happiness for her.

In each other's company, we walked together in the direction of home. Perhaps, the happiness between husband and wife does not only depend on their external figure and appearance, but also on their understanding and sharing with each other.