
Low back pain is not all lumbar protrusion, lumbar muscle strain is the main cause!

author:Yoimori ya

The health of the lower back is an important indicator of quality of life. In clinical practice, patients with low back pain often self-diagnose with herniated discs, but they do not know that lumbar muscle strain hidden in daily habits is often the real culprit of pain. This kind of misunderstanding is like looking at the mountains as mountains and the water as water, but without delving into the truth behind them.

Lumbar muscle strain, a lesser-mentioned cause, occurs quietly in everyday life. Prolonged poor sitting, lack of proper physical activity, and even overexertion can be the catalyst for lumbar muscle strain.

Low back pain is not all lumbar protrusion, lumbar muscle strain is the main cause!

Common misconceptions about low back pain

When discussing low back discomfort, there is a common misconception: many people think that low back pain is almost always due to a herniated disc. In fact, lumbar muscle strain is the common cause of many cases of low back pain. Lumbar muscle strain is a type of pain and discomfort caused by long-term improper use or overuse of the lower back muscles. It is not as easily diagnosed as a herniated disc and is often overlooked.

The waist is one of the most complex and active areas of the human body, playing an important role in supporting the body and coordinating movements. Therefore, poor posture in daily life, such as bending over for a long time to work, incorrect weight lifting methods, improper sitting posture for long periods of time, etc., can lead to excessive tension and fatigue of the psoas muscles, which in turn can lead to pain. This pain is often misunderstood as a disc problem, leading to the wrong way of handling.

In order to better understand the true causes of low back pain, it is necessary to start with daily habits and work environment, and deeply observe and analyze the factors that may lead to lumbar muscle strain. It also means that instead of seeking complex medical interventions, it is better to prevent and alleviate low back pain by improving lifestyle habits and strengthening the lower back muscles.

Low back pain is not all lumbar protrusion, lumbar muscle strain is the main cause!

Causes of lumbar muscle strain

The causes of lumbar muscle strain are varied, but they can be summarized as insufficient daily habits and physical activity. Maintaining a fixed posture for long periods of time, such as sitting or standing, especially if the posture is incorrect, can put constant pressure on the lower back muscles. If this stress persists for a long time, it can cause muscle tension and obstruction of blood circulation, which can lead to pain.

In addition, lack of proper physical activity is another important factor that contributes to lumbar muscle strain. Regular moderate exercise not only strengthens your muscles, but also improves their flexibility and endurance, reducing the risk of injury. Conversely, lack of exercise can lead to weakening and stiffening of the lower back muscles, increasing the likelihood of strain.

Common habits in life, such as the wrong way to lift weight, driving for long periods of time, or using electronic devices, are also factors that can trigger lumbar muscle strain. These activities tend to put the lower back muscles in a constant state of tension, which can cause discomfort and pain.

Therefore, understanding and identifying these causes is the first step in preventing and treating lumbar muscle strain. Changing bad habits, increasing moderate exercise, and adopting correct body posture are all effective ways to avoid lumbar muscle strain.

Low back pain is not all lumbar protrusion, lumbar muscle strain is the main cause!

Ways to prevent lumbar muscle strain

The key to preventing lumbar muscle strain is to improve daily habits and increase physical activity. First and foremost, it's crucial to maintain a correct sitting and standing posture. Staying in the same position for long periods of time should be avoided, especially when working or driving, and regular posture adjustments should be made with brief breaks and activities.

Secondly, strengthening the training of the lower back and core muscles is an effective means to prevent lumbar muscle strain. By doing regular exercises such as yoga, Pilates, or other core strengthening exercises, you can strengthen and flexibility your lower back muscles and reduce the risk of injury.

In addition, improving sleep quality and sleeping position is also essential to prevent lumbar muscle strain. A support

Low back pain is not all lumbar protrusion, lumbar muscle strain is the main cause!

A good mattress and a correct sleeping position can reduce pressure on your lower back at night.

Finally, a balanced diet and moderate exercise are important for maintaining overall health. A healthy diet can help maintain an appropriate weight and reduce the burden on your lower back. Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, not only boosts your heart and lungs, but also your body's overall endurance and stability.

Four effective actions to improve low back pain

For people who want to improve their low back pain, the following four simple yet effective movements are very important:

Cat-Cow Pose: This yoga pose increases the flexibility of the spine and relieves tension in the lower back muscles. In a four-legged kneeling position, alternating back arching and sinking helps to relax the lumbar muscles.

Bridge Pose: Lie on your back with your feet flat and your knees bent. Slowly lift your hips until your body forms a straight line. This movement strengthens the muscles of the lower back and buttocks and reduces the pressure on the lower back.

Abdominal rotation: Lie on your back with your legs bent, then slowly tilt your legs to one side, keeping your shoulders close to the ground. This movement improves the flexibility of the spine and relaxes the lower back muscles.

Downward Facing Dog Pose: This is another yoga pose that can relieve lower back pain by stretching the back and leg muscles. Start in a four-legged kneeling position, press your palms to the ground, and lift your hips upwards to form an inverted V-shape. This pose is effective in stretching and relaxing the lower back muscles.

Low back pain is not all lumbar protrusion, lumbar muscle strain is the main cause!

These movements not only help relieve existing low back pain, but also prevent future lower back problems by strengthening the muscles. However, before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have chronic pain or health problems, you should consult with a doctor or physical therapist.