
The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan

author:Knowledge is priceless, life is valuable

#Universal Life Guide#In the fiery years of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan, countless heroic and fearless national heroes who sacrificed their lives and forgot to die emerged. Among them, General Zhang Zizhong, with his noble personality charm and outstanding military ability, has left a strong mark in the long river of history. As the highest-ranking general killed in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on the mainland and even by the Allied forces, his sacrifice was not only a tragic page in the history of the Chinese nation's resistance to foreign aggression, but also a spiritual beacon that inspired future generations to persevere and defend the country.

Iron and blood career

Zhang Zizhong, whose name is Xunchen, was born in 1891 in a scholarly family in Linqing County, Shandong Province. When the country was in danger, he resolutely joined the army and began his career as a horse in 1914. Starting from an ordinary soldier under Feng Yuxiang, with his strict management of the army and brave fighting, he gradually grew into the commander-in-chief of the Right Wing Group Army of the Fifth Theater and the 33rd Group Army, wearing the honor of Kuomintang general lieutenant general, until he was posthumously awarded the rank of second-class general.

The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan

Bloody battle

General Zhang Zizhong repeatedly performed miraculous feats on the battlefield of resistance against Japan, and the troops under his leadership were strictly disciplined and had high morale, and they repeatedly thwarted the arrogance of the Japanese invaders. Especially in major battles such as the Battle of Zaoyi, General Zhang Zizhong took the lead and practiced the heroic ambition of "donating his life to the country and seeing death as if he were going home" with practical actions. However, in the Battle of Northern Hubei in 1940, in the face of the enemy's heavy encirclement, General Zhang Zizhong chose to break off the rear and block the attack, and finally died heroically, interpreting his infinite loyalty to the motherland with his life.

The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan
The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan
The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan

The name lives on

On May 16, 1940, General Zhang Zizhong died in battle near the pumpkin shop in Hubei, becoming the highest-ranking general of the Chinese army to die during the entire War of Resistance Against Japan. His sacrifice shook China and the rest of the world, and even the Japanese invaders, who had always admired the spirit of bushido, were moved by it and paid tribute to his heroic performance. In order to commemorate this great national hero, the national government held a grand state funeral for him and set up memorial facilities throughout the country to let his deeds be passed on through the ages.

The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan
The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan

The significance and influence of the times

The heroic sacrifice of General Zhang Zizhong not only boosted the anti-Japanese fighting spirit of the whole nation, but also deeply imprinted in China's modern history, becoming a glorious symbol of the Chinese people's resistance to foreign aggression and their struggle for national independence. His deeds have educated generation after generation of Chinese sons and daughters, reminding us to remember history and cherish peace, and at the same time, we must always be ready to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and inherit and carry forward the heroic and unswerving patriotic spirit.

The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan
The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan
The backbone of the nation - Zhang Zizhong: The supreme general who died bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japan


Looking back on those war-torn years, General Zhang Zizhong's heroic righteousness and heroic deeds are like a banner, leading those who come after him to stick to their beliefs and forge ahead. He was a monument in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and a national hero forever remembered by the Chinese people. Let us remember this history and inherit the heroic spirit, so as to inspire more firm patriotic feelings and determination to defend the homeland, and jointly build the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.